Donald Trump

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Do you consider the U.S.A. to be a modern nation? Do you feel Sharia law belongs in a modern nation as it's set of governing law? Should a Muslim majority rule over an entire populace? I feel that the beliefs of the founder of Islam greatly affect the interpretation of his religious texts by his followers. His tone set at the root of the religion could affect the mindset of those reading the text. If an authority figure one holds dear proclaims something, his followers may be more likely top be open to his suggestion than had a total stranger made them. That could leave one to wonder how many followers are affected by this.
That video was chock full on info. I will be researching it's claims for sure.

It actually made me tear up.
Did you actually watch the video?

Radical muslims are the problem. NOT moderate muslims.

Extremist groups that are a small percentage but a large group and a growing influence.
If your talking to me. I agree but Thats Not the point. He's been claiming since this started that this was a literal difference being pointed out with no "opinion or belief behind it" clearly that's not true. Now that he has admitted as much, the burden of proof that Muslim extremism is a result of the quoted teachings as opposed to simply being comparable to the same violence committed in the name of any religious group falls on him.

What he's been doing so far is providing a circular argument from a safe distance to avoid the burden of proof in some futile attempt to be "right"....and I suspect to avoid looking racist
If your talking to me. I agree but Thats Not the point. He's been claiming since this started that this was a literal difference being pointed out with no "opinion or belief behind it" clearly that's not true. Now that he has admitted as much, the burden of proof that Muslim extremism is a result of the quoted teachings as opposed to simply being comparable to the same violence committed in the name of any religious group falls on him.

What he's been doing so far is providing a circular argument from a safe distance to avoid the burden of proof in some futile attempt to be "right"....and I suspect to avoid looking racist

Jumping to conclusions again I see. I wish I could get my dog to jump through hoops, that would be a real treat.
The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan American think tank based in Washington, D.C., that provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends shaping the United States and the world.


The majority of american muslims reject extremism. The majority of extremists are in the middle east.

American Muslims are even more likely than Muslims in other countries to firmly reject violence in the name of Islam. In the U.S., about eight-in-ten Muslims (81%) say that suicide bombing and similar acts targeting civilians arenever justified. Across the globe, a median of roughly seven-in-ten Muslims (72%) agrees.
Christianity didn't exist before christ.

Wow. How can you not know that?
Not everyone knows everything.

Wow. How can you not know that? We live in a sad world where people make fun of people trying to find out new info. The question if you read it correctly was what was Christianity before Christ? Did no one know of God before jesus? I'm asking was there another religon another word for it before jesus came? But don't answer. Just continue to be a douche bag and laugh at people that do not know everything. Because you obviously know everything.
The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan American think tank based in Washington, D.C., that provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends shaping the United States and the world.


The majority of american muslims reject extremism. The majority of extremists are in the middle east.

If only there were a way to block their entry into countries abroad...
The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan American think tank based in Washington, D.C., that provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends shaping the United States and the world.


The majority of american muslims reject extremism. The majority of extremists are in the middle east.
so in your opinion wouldn't that be evidence for the argument that extremism is more of a education, economic and political issue then 1 based on religion? In my experience people are less prone to violence when their basic needs are met.
Not everyone knows everything.

Wow. How can you not know that? We live in a sad world where people make fun of people trying to find out new info. The question if you read it correctly was what was Christianity before Christ? Did no one know of God before jesus? I'm asking was there another religon another word for it before jesus came? But don't answer. Just continue to be a douche bag and laugh at people that do not know everything. Because you obviously know everything.

It's implied in the structure of the word "Christianity". Without Christ there is nothing to base that -anity on.
so in your opinion wouldn't that be evidence for the argument that extremism is more of a education, economic and political issue then 1 based on religion? In my experience people are less prone to violence when their basic needs are met.

I hope there's a safety net between those conclusions of yours.
If only there were a way to block their entry into countries abroad...

So you're not a racist...just a coward then
I hope there's a safety net between those conclusions of yours.
I lived and served in the middle east as an american jew. I know more about needing to be "safe" in this context then you ever will. What's your experience based on? other then passages in text of course?
It's implied in the structure of the word "Christianity". Without Christ there is nothing to base that -anity on.
I understand Christianity came from christ. But I thought God made Adam and eve the very first two people and they had a relationship with god. So at some point jesus came and they just started calling that relationship Christianity?
Not everyone knows everything.

Wow. How can you not know that? We live in a sad world where people make fun of people trying to find out new info. The question if you read it correctly was what was Christianity before Christ? Did no one know of God before jesus? I'm asking was there another religon another word for it before jesus came? But don't answer. Just continue to be a douche bag and laugh at people that do not know everything. Because you obviously know everything.
It is in the definition of Christianity.
I understand Christianity came from christ. But I thought God made Adam and eve the very first two people and they had a relationship with god. So at some point jesus came and they just started calling that relationship Christianity?
As i said before...christianity came about around 300A.D. thats when the first gospels started circulation. Until then the followers of christ were considered a Judaic Cult

The old testiment (adam and eve) is from jewish tradition. While some is included in christianity they rely on the new testiment having to do with jesus specifically

Islam, christianity and monotheistic traditions all stwm from Judaism. Which stems from monolateralism ...which stem from totem worship...its quite fascinating actually
I understand Christianity came from christ. But I thought God made Adam and eve the very first two people and they had a relationship with god. So at some point jesus came and they just started calling that relationship Christianity?
Take some time and look things up.

Islam and Christianity are not something you can just learn about in 2-3 min. Especially in a hostile environment like RIU politics.
so in your opinion wouldn't that be evidence for the argument that extremism is more of a education, economic and political issue then 1 based on religion? In my experience people are less prone to violence when their basic needs are met.
Shariah law is violent.
I understand Christianity came from christ. But I thought God made Adam and eve the very first two people and they had a relationship with god. So at some point jesus came and they just started calling that relationship Christianity?

Christianity is the following of Christ.
Shariah law is violent.
I agree. But can you say that people are attracted to violence through a teaching alone? Or do you think its the life that is led that does so? You think folks with a good education, job, home and family want to strap a bomb to their chest to kill strangers?

That wasnt what i found in the middle east. Anywhere. Given that I served as well as lived through peace times with open borders I would say I jave frame of reference.
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