Donald Trump

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Should have figured that out when they ran that mohammad drawing contest, those people were atheists. Didn't some muslims try to kill them or something?
Umm, the event was sponsored by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which is an anti-Muslim hate group. One of the founders is Pamela Geller is Jewish, not atheist. Again, bigotry and hatred are equal opportunity weaknesses.

Two armed assailants did fire on the group during the anti-Mohammed cartoon contest, which quite quickly led to their demise. Hatred and bigotry isn't limited to anti-Islamic groups.
Could you cite Christianity based law that is violent? I am not sure Christ preached to kill all unbelievers.
Lord Kanti has been dry humping that 1 for days. While jesus hasnt ordered violence, christianities god certainly has....and regardless of either it certainly hasnt stopped christians from commiting it.

So whats the distinction matter?
Lord Kanti has been dry humping that 1 for days. While jesus hasnt ordered violence, christianities god certainly has....and regardless of either it certainly hasnt stopped christians from commiting it.

So whats the distinction matter?

God didn`t speak to anyone after Christ was born. Jesus is the son. If I wanted a reason for violence, religion is a good claim to make. Fooled you so far.
Umm, the event was sponsored by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which is an anti-Muslim hate group. One of the founders is Pamela Geller is Jewish, not atheist. Again, bigotry and hatred are equal opportunity weaknesses.

Two armed assailants did fire on the group during the anti-Mohammed cartoon contest, which quite quickly led to their demise. Hatred and bigotry isn't limited to anti-Islamic groups.
Pamela Geller is a hateful cunt
Islam - The religion of pieces

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You put the future before the past in your post. Jesus basically said don`t go by the old Testament ,..I live amongst you now, we will do a new Testament.

God changed many things before Christ to please man or punish man, Jesus was a man so no more change is needed when he is here to show you the way.
You put the future before the past in your post. Jesus basically said don`t go by the old Testament ,..I live amongst you now, we will do a new Testament.

God changed many things before Christ to please man or punish man, Jesus was a man so no more change is needed when he is here to show you the way.
ahhh....I hear what your laying down.

Im not sure it makes any difference to my point that regardless of teachings Christians commit violence in its name just like other faiths do.

But I see the distinction your making. Although SamsonsRiddle is making some good points to the contrary of your own.

Either way points on theological perspective (being subjective) in this case haven't seemed to matter when it comes to people being violent for a cause or not. Some people ARE. From all denominations. Period.
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Jesus never said don't go by the old testament.

He said Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets.

Jesus further clarifies: “Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven”

This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men … All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition”
God didn`t speak to anyone after Christ was born. Jesus is the son. If I wanted a reason for violence, religion is a good claim to make. Fooled you so far.
God did speak to jesus with the crowd there when he was baptized saying "This is my son, listen to him" - after he was born

Also at the transfiguration on the mount:

While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” 6 And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their faces and were greatly afraid. 7 But Jesus came and touched them and said, “Arise, and do not be afraid.” 8 When they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.
Read my next post.
So we can steal, adulterate, worship false gods, and still be accepted by god? God's followers still follow the law (the 10 commandments) as they were told to do by jesus. Now, they are to go beyond just the letter of the law and go into the spiritual intent of the law.
ahhh....I hear what your laying down.

Im not sure it makes any difference to my point that regardless of teachings Christians commit violence in its name just like other faiths do.

But I see the distinction your making. Although SamsonsRiddle is making some good points to the contrary of your own.

Either way points on theological perspective (being subjective) in this case haven't seemed to matter when it comes to people being violent for a cause or not. Some people ARE. From all denominations. Period.
God never divided his people into denominations, there was the true church (which was comprised of a small few who were outcast and ridiculed for not following what the other "christians" were doing), and then there was the wordly churches.
Although god used paul to write to all these different cities or peoples, they were always the "church of god" in that place.
God never divided his people into denominations, there was the true church (which was comprised of a small few who were outcast and ridiculed for not following what the other "christians" were doing), and then there was the wordly churches.
Although god used paul to write to all these different cities or peoples, they were always the "church of god" in that place.
Are you referring to martin luther?
God never divided his people into denominations, there was the true church (which was comprised of a small few who were outcast and ridiculed for not following what the other "christians" were doing), and then there was the wordly churches.
Although god used paul to write to all these different cities or peoples, they were always the "church of god" in that place.

But you agree that there are peoples of differing denominations whom live by different ideals, yes?
And that a percentage of the people from all these different spheres are violent; a percentage of those being violent in the name of their given faith, yes?

This is not news to anyone. Nor is it exclusive to any group. I challenge anyone to prove that faith is a bigger proponent to violence then economic, political and social factors.
Are you referring to martin luther?
The guy who said most of the new testament wasn't scripture and wanted to remove it? No way, he was a dumbass just like the group he was breaking from.

I don't know which part you're referencing, but the catholic church was not the true church but rather a church based on the wrong peter (or simon which is a synonym of peter/cephas) - Simon Magus. He was in acts trying to buy the holy spirit from the apostles so he could give it to others. Sound a little catholic to you or not? lol
But you agree that there are peoples of differing denominations whom live by different ideals, yes?
And that a percentage of the people from all these different spheres are violent; a percentage of those being violent in the name of their given faith, yes?
I would never argue against what idiots that follow all these worldly denominations of a false christianity do in the name of their "faith". How many of them do you think study the bible every day, fervently?
Do you agree with me that they are only following a human leader and definitely not the god of the bible?
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