Donald Trump

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But those Ugandans... Now there is a target for our rage.... LOL!!!
I used Uganda as an example of a law that is based in Christianity that causes violence today - exactly what you asked for

Now you're trying to change the subject so you can continue to deny it without admitting you were wrong
So your answer is to go with a guy that gives you an oversimplified answer to your problem that doesn't SOLVE said problem but allows you to continue ignoring the underlining CAUSES of the problem and go back to watching American bandstand (or its current equivalent). Fucking GENIUS!!!

Right....Cause it was our border/immigration policy that was responsible for the twin towers falling......If we had just tightened things up extremism cant hurt us and im sure these folks will get bored and go home.....brilliant

As a soldier people want nothing to do with you regardless of whose side your on. You think the Palestinians living near the fences LIKE the the Hama's goons that kick in thier back door, fire rockets from their homes and INSURE the IDF then bulldozes it the next day? No...he hates them both.

When I was simply a civilian people were very kind and helpful. Especially when I made the effort to speak Farsi and communicate. As soon as I did usually anyone in shot joined the conversation wanting to practice their English. To ask questions. Just like almost every country ive been too.

People aren't people everywhere. Its just that people dont LIVE the same everywhere so they have different choices to make given the options available and reality they live in.

People dont all wear masks...not sure what your referencing....woman wearing a Hijab?

The masks,....

You assured me there are plenty of good Muslim over there, a mask says no there isn`t. You can`t tell me you been there and saw nobody wearing a mask . I haven`t and seen plenty.
I used Uganda as an example of a law that is based in Christianity that causes violence today - exactly what you asked for

Now you're trying to change the subject so you can continue to deny it without admitting you were wrong

I understand you though. They will cut it off if you`re gay.

Why must they be so extreme, Weather it`s right or wrong, they are islanders and want to keep it that way, their neighbors are high and low tide.
here's an analogy. The Bible is like a huge puzzle full of piece after piece that when added together make a full picture. When you have been given a glimpse into the final picture by doing your part in collecting the pieces and uniting them, then you are at a certain point in the puzzle. When you hear other people attempting to describe the puzzle with only a few pieces (and many jammed together even though they don't fit), you can see they don't quite get it.
It's ok not to quite get it, but many mistakenly assume they know the puzzle but only have a couple corners.
Do you get what I mean?
There is so much symbolism in the bible that it takes a lifetime to get very far in it (you'll never figure it all out or it would just be the word of man), and most of the people i have come into contact with don't care about that or want to know that. They just go to church on sunday and they think god accepts that. This is the worldly perspective of god - he is who the church tells you who he is or he is who you want him to be (quarter slot god - i'll pray for a new benteley "damn god let me down again")

Do you consider the U.S.A. to be a modern nation? Do you feel Sharia law belongs in a modern nation as it's set of governing law? Should a Muslim majority rule over an entire populace? I feel that the beliefs of the founder of Islam greatly affect the interpretation of his religious texts by his followers. His tone set at the root of the religion could affect the mindset of those reading the text. If an authority figure one holds dear proclaims something, his followers may be more likely top be open to his suggestion than had a total stranger made them. That could leave one to wonder how many followers are affected by this.

I read your anti Islamic, pro Christian shit and it looks EXACTLY like the anti Christian, pro Islamic shit. You are both peas in the same hate filled pod.
I don`t believe that.
I do agree guns and bullets wont do it all. but they clear the way pretty well.

I also think if you leave just one seed, They can return.
The only way that tactic has work throughout history is to kill a whole peoples and burn their books leaving nothing left. I believe Hitler was the last guy to give that a serious go. ....Maybe Rwanda? Or Burma? sure im forgetting a few....point is it hasn't worked.
The only way that tactic has work throughout history is to kill a whole peoples and burn their books leaving nothing left. I believe Hitler was the last guy to give that a serious go. ....Maybe Rwanda? Or Burma? sure im forgetting a few....point is it hasn't worked.

No, I think it can be done by the way the teach their children. They need to understand a women is as equal to a man in a Family and in a State.
@Lord Kanti "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34. Waiting to here how you'll "interpret" this into something good. I know the religion I was brought up in.
No, education upgrades is prolly a better description. I would never support Genocide. Like here, their future is their children. Only over there, the Elders have other idea`s they will die in time of new child`s upbringing if not, .... not long after.
Well Id say your on the right track on that one. Couldn't agree more that general education has got to be one of the first steps for the Middle East
Well Id say your on the right track on that one. Couldn't agree more that general education has got to be one of the first steps for the Middle East

The first group was well underway from the Pentagon when this started . Problem was we would leave, then have to came back because the guys with masks came back.

We can`t just leave like we do. PC crowd says we must. This war is set up to lose if you come home with nothing and go out with no plans to keep the Real Estate and hold it. Not occupy it,...hold and govern it. That`s two flags on the capital.
Would you like me to present a list of majority muslim countries where homosexuality is not only illegal but the penalty is death rather than life imprisonment?

Again, why are we trying to make equivalencies here.

People are trying to kill us and I get to hear about the crusades and the nazi's and the bad bad people at the inquisition that are very very very dead now....
Want a list of every country that would consider you stupid?

All of them
Being a Christian is about following the example that Christ made for us when he was here on earth in the flesh.
Being a Christian means you praise God in everything you do and show love and compassion for your neighbors and those in need just as Jesus did when he was here on earth in the flesh.
All these things that people are doing are not Christian, they are people sinning.
Even Christians sin, everyone does, the things Christians do wrong is not because they are Christians, it is because they are human.
@Lord Kanti "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34. Waiting to here how you'll "interpret" this into something good. I know the religion I was brought up in.

Turn the book sideways and read it.

I did and saw that Jesus did not come to send peace on earth like they thought, he came to divide the love for your family and parents. Most people loved them over God, they were real and there, god was not. Jesus is basically saying I`m here to give the fiery red horseman his great big giant sword. He is the one that will destroy you all shall you continue love one another than me.

Jesus was doing all of them a favor by telling them and not just doing it.
Being a Christian is about following the example that Christ made for us when he was here on earth in the flesh.
Being a Christian means you praise God in everything you do and show love and compassion for your neighbors and those in need just as Jesus did when he was here on earth in the flesh.
All these things that people are doing are not Christian, they are people sinning.
Even Christians sin, everyone does, the things Christians do wrong is not because they are Christians, it is because they are human.
in early books, Jesus killed av half dozen people
Jesus was perfect, No man is or can be, and if you love man over perfect, you don`t deserve perfect, which is Jesus,.....the way.
Being a Christian is about following the example that Christ made for us when he was here on earth in the flesh.
Being a Christian means you praise God in everything you do and show love and compassion for your neighbors and those in need just as Jesus did when he was here on earth in the flesh.
All these things that people are doing are not Christian, they are people sinning.
Even Christians sin, everyone does, the things Christians do wrong is not because they are Christians, it is because they are human.
"Being a Muslim is about following the example that Mohammed made for us when he was here on earth in the flesh.
Being a Muslim means you praise Allah in everything you do and show love and compassion for your neighbors and those in need just as Mohammed did when he was here on earth in the flesh.
All these things that people are doing are not Islamic, they are people sinning.
Even Muslims sin, everyone does, the things Muslims do wrong is not because they are Muslim, it is because they are human."
Timothy McVeigh and Anders Breivik both murdered hundreds of people, both were Christian

You asked for a law based in Christianity that causes violence, I gave you a law based in Christianity that exists today as I type this that causes violence. Usually, with anyone else, this would be the part that they would concede and say "yeah, you're right, there's one right there..." instead of denying it or moving the goalposts like you're trying to do now

Bottom line, as has been thoroughly proven in this thread, is that religion in any flavor is dangerous. If you want to have a pissing contest to see which one is more dangerous today, have at it. But you won't change any of the facts that have been presented here.
The debate was over Christian scripture vs Muslim scripture.
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