Donald Trump

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ahhh....I hear what your laying down.

Im not sure it makes any difference to my point that regardless of teachings Christians commit violence in its name just like other faiths do.

But I see the distinction your making. Although SamsonsRiddle is making some good points to the contrary of your own.

Either way points on theological perspective (being subjective) in this case haven't seemed to matter when it comes to people being violent for a cause or not. Some people ARE. From all denominations. Period.

The only sensible thing I see is Christians know they are doing violence and most likely will not say they are Christians because none will back them up.

I use lawyers bringing thugs into court claiming their client didn`t know what they were doing as my grounds.
My overall point is that: People do shitty things and use whatever as an excuse. Islam can teach you to be a very good person, just as Christianity can teach you to be a very good person, just as Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, just as an atheist can be tolerant, but sometimes they aren't at all. There's no point in going down the "which is worst" argument hole, because it's all been fucked and everyone has their own view on what's "right" and what's "wrong." There are extremists on every side, like the one atheist that shot the 3 Muslims executioner style in the Carolinas I think.
The guy who said most of the new testament wasn't scripture and wanted to remove it? No way, he was a dumbass just like the group he was breaking from.

I don't know which part you're referencing, but the catholic church was not the true church but rather a church based on the wrong peter (or simon which is a synonym of peter/cephas) - Simon Magus. He was in acts trying to buy the holy spirit from the apostles so he could give it to others. Sound a little catholic to you or not? lol

Plz dont take this as a criticism (its not)...but Are you refering to your points as dogmatic fact (as in its true by the doctrine of the faith im referencing)? or that it is a universal truth? with the understanding that true for you may not be true for folks of other faith/belief systems you may be talking too? Not trying to stir the pot....just trying to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.

P.S. Im enjoying talking to you
God did speak to jesus with the crowd there when he was baptized saying "This is my son, listen to him" - after he was born

Also at the transfiguration on the mount:

While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” 6 And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their faces and were greatly afraid. 7 But Jesus came and touched them and said, “Arise, and do not be afraid.” 8 When they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.

You and I are anyone, not so for Jesus. I Believe Mary spoke to some young lads though. Jesus did after death, but only to those he told he would.
My overall point is that: People do shitty things and use whatever as an excuse. Islam can teach you to be a very good person, just as Christianity can teach you to be a very good person, just as Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, just as an atheist can be tolerant, but sometimes they aren't at all. There's no point in going down the "which is worst" argument hole, because it's all been fucked and everyone has their own view on what's "right" and what's "wrong." There are extremists on every side, like the one atheist that shot the 3 Muslims executioner style in the Carolinas I think.

I know some fine Muslim people. I still believe Muslims need to fix Muslims and there just aint enough of the righteous one`s over there.
You and I are anyone, not so for Jesus. I Believe Mary spoke to some young lads though. Jesus did after death, but only to those he told he would.

??? i just gave you quotes from the bible where god spoke in the presence of others. At jesus' baptism and at the transfiguration on the mount.

Once again you're wrong - Jesus never told paul he would talk to him but appeared to him on the road to Damascus. You need to study more
Could we have some examples... I know this is stretching it a bit but... with LIVING people? I really dont want to have to be responsible for the Crusades, the Inquision and the Salem Witch Trials along with Slavery and such...

Here is the deal. There are relatively large groups of muslim's that have taken the Koran literally and have declared war on the western world and they are currently killing hundreds if not thousands of people all over the place.

Trying to link that to what people did supposedly in the name of Christianity hundreds if not thousands of years ago detracts from the current discussion and makes you look really silly...
Plz dont take this as a criticism (its not)...but Are you refering to your points as dogmatic fact (as in its true by the doctrine of the faith im referencing)? or that it is a universal truth? with the understanding that true for you may not be true for folks of other faith/belief systems you may be talking too? Not trying to stir the pot....just trying to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.

P.S. Im enjoying talking to you
i can't quite get what you're trying to say here
I know some fine Muslim people. I still believe Muslims need to fix Muslims and there just aint enough of the righteous one`s over there.
What are you relying on to make that claim? have you BEEN "over there"?

I length. Your description was not my experience.
Sure Lords Resistance Army, members of the US military that think it's not their duty to the US to fight in the Middle East but their duty to Christ to kill Muslims. The Russian Orthodox Church saying that Russia's involvement in Syria is a "Crusade," and people being put to death in Latin America or Africa for being gay because it's a sin. Serbs committing genocide on Bosnians because they were Muslim, and over a battle that happened in the Middle Ages between he Kingdom of Serbia and Ottoman Empire. Anders Breivik, the KKK.

Actually it really doesn't. Maybe in your opinion, but no it's a completely valid argument seeing as how Islam came about 600 years after Christianity and if we were to go back 600 years to even the playing field we'd still be calling the world flat and insisting that the sun revolved around Earth because it was Gods will. We'd also be expelling all the Jews from Spain, and the Inquisition and another Crusade would be going full tilt.

So a religion gets a certain number of centuries to be violent bloody and ruthless? Then we can complain if they dont settle down? Are you excusing mass murder based on history? If so then fuck it we should just nuke mecca....
If I lived in a roofless one room mud floor hut with my 15 relatives, drank stagnant water, pooped in a hole, wiped with leaves, and worked 16 hour days for 2 pesos, I would be trying to leave too.
Maybe we should do a poll on people who are concerned about radical Chistianity vs those more concerned about radical Islam
i can't quite get what you're trying to say here
well....really I suppose I was asking if you were able to speak to folks here that clearly dont share your religious beliefs ABOUT your religion in a way that both explained your dogma (which I like to hear about by the way) but wasn't confrontational to the point of leaving no room for the other conversation participants viewpoint.

In other words can you "be right" and still leave others room to not "be wrong" least for the sake of having a conversation on the topic with the exchange of ideas and a chance to learn instead of an argument.
Hateful cunt?
Do you think venereal disease Is loving?
I just said I liked cunts and never knew one that hated. Your experience may be different?

Women, on the other hand, well, I've known several didn't like me but that's a different story.
I am not qualified to judge what others believe.

I can only apply empirical evidence to claims made to me in an attempt to decide whats true for me.
here's an analogy. The Bible is like a huge puzzle full of piece after piece that when added together make a full picture. When you have been given a glimpse into the final picture by doing your part in collecting the pieces and uniting them, then you are at a certain point in the puzzle. When you hear other people attempting to describe the puzzle with only a few pieces (and many jammed together even though they don't fit), you can see they don't quite get it.
It's ok not to quite get it, but many mistakenly assume they know the puzzle but only have a couple corners.
Do you get what I mean?
There is so much symbolism in the bible that it takes a lifetime to get very far in it (you'll never figure it all out or it would just be the word of man), and most of the people i have come into contact with don't care about that or want to know that. They just go to church on sunday and they think god accepts that. This is the worldly perspective of god - he is who the church tells you who he is or he is who you want him to be (quarter slot god - i'll pray for a new benteley "damn god let me down again")
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