Donald Trump

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what if hillary or trump have to be sworn in from a jail cell? is that possible? lol. QUAYLE in 2020!

Well, I believe the clinton stuff will happen before the Trump stuff so, who the hell knows right now? I don't think hillary will have a jury trail and Trump can more than likely put it off and put it off until its too late to effect the election like you think it will. imo
Emotional pressure is on the buyer, not the seller/financier. And its all written down and signed by the buyer. If a person doesn't understand every fucking word of a contract, they shouldn't sign it and should seek 3rd party legal advice for clarification. Otherwise, 100% the buyers burden.

Bought many homes over the years. Always went at them with zero emotional influence regardless of "pressure" lol.
Only time I ever bought a house. I went to
they hooked us up with a mortgage broker. The mortgage broker told us with our FICO we could get 5.5%. I said great put it in writing. He told me if we locked in a rate now we would be stuck with it. He will try to get us a better deal. I told him. I want to stay with you but you don't mind if I look at other mortgage brokers do you? He got pissed off. Well I went to a bank and had them underwriting at the same time just in case the mortgage broker fell through or tried to fuck us. I kept in contact with him and asked him if he got a mortgage, he said he was working on it. 2 days before we were supposed to firm everything up with the owner and his bank the mortgage broker told me He secured a 13.5% arm.

I told him I would rather walk then buy the house at that rate. He told me I could refinance in 6 months no problem. I said No. Then he told me I owed him money for the appraisal and the inspection. I told him have the appraiser and inspector send me the bill and I will pay him.

Made another call and got had the bank underwrite the mortgage for 5.25%.

Mortgage brokers and some banks make more money getting you into higher interest loans than they do by getting you the lowest rate. They get their cut and don't care if you get fucked.

Buying a house especially your first one is a very emotional purchase. And if it wasn't for the internet I wouldn't of educated myself on every scam they were trying to pull on me.

Watch The big short. There is a scene in there were 2 mortgage brokers are describing how they get people into bad mortgages easily
What was she charged with? Is it worse than charges for Trump for fraud -- charged under RICO statutes nonetheless.

What if the judge is found to have a boner over the Trump immigration policy? We have a long ways to go and who knows? maybe the Clinton foundation will have a RICO charge before its over. The greatest show on earth is written by the day so hang on for the wild ride. imo
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daily reminder that the majority of trumps employees are in america

That's old shit. This is the new zeitgeist:

You might try reading some facts. They are more healthy for you than junk news.
europe will soon implode because of economic hardship, un-fundable socialistic handouts ( see greece ) and muslim influx applying more pressure upon economic system ......

because, who is paying for the muslims food, healthcare ..... no good job outlook either for them as they do not look at the economic revolution with western ideals is a non-starter for them as it goes against their " gods wishes " .....

and looking back throughout history europe has never been a big happy family. and the derivative boogieman lies hidden on the large german banking balance sheets. 75 trillion in derivatives ( deutsche bank alone ). who's gonna bail them out when the time comes, gulp -

in fact all the bailouts are for funding the banks monthly notes the money goes from the imf, euro central banks into greek banks, then bounces back into germany and france, italy banking complex for previous debt sin's ( construct of euro from day one ) .....
What if the judge is found to have a boner over the Trump immigration policy? We have a long ways to go and who knows? maybe the Clinton foundation will have a RICO charge before its over. The greatest show on earth is written by the day so hang on for the wild ride. imo
Are you degrading your replies into "what if" scenarios? Maybe this and that? I'm not going to debate what if scenarios, that's absurd. The FBI report is due soon and if she is charged, I'll be just a happy as you. But that's not a fact and its ridiculous to speculate like you are.

here are some healthy facts that are better for you than junk news:

Trump IS charged for fraud under RICO. The case against him is strong. He'll have his day in court. Until then, every time he slams that judge, he makes himself look more and more ridiculous. As he did last Tuesday.
There are a number or mortgage scams out there. Let’s look at a few:

Bait-and-switch schemes:

These schemes involve an offer that is presented to the borrower early-on as a means to entice, but later once the borrower has signed, the terms of the deal change. Essentially the borrower jumps on a great deal, and ends up with a terrible one. Negative amortization loans can fall under this category as they present borrowers with a great introductory low rate, but before long the interest rate may become unmanageable for many borrowers.

Loan flipping:

Loan flipping refers to the practice of constantly refinancing a mortgage, often times when it is unnecessary, or offers little to no benefit. A broker, bank, or loan officer may encourage a homeowner to refinance their loan simply to collect the associated fees and commission, saddling the homeowner with more and more unneeded debt.

Loan packing:

Loan packing is the act of adding overages and other unnecessary or high closing costs to your loan. It’s similar to getting your car worked on by a mechanic and getting hit with a ton of random charges that make little sense. Basically a broker or lender will add fees or encourage you to buy into programs that aren’t necessary, and simply make your loan more expensive.

Mortgage Servicing Scams:

After closing your loan you may be told you owe certain fees, or end up with different terms than those you agreed upon. Mortgage servicing scams usually involve the lender who will discourage homeowners to refinance with a different lender, or simply tell them they aren’t able to do so. The borrower will feel trapped with a certain bank or lender thanks to these conniving plans.

Loan Modification Scams:

Ever since loan modification progams became widespread, scammers have surfaced, looking to take advantage of already debt-stricken homeowners. These types of scams usually require that homeowners provide an upfront fee in order to get a loan modification. Many of these may be unnecessary, as homeowners are able to receive comparable assistance free of charge via housing counseling agencies and similar outfits.

Equity stripping:

Equity stripping is another mortgage scam where a bank or lender will encourage a homeowner to take cash-out of their home time after time until most of the equity in their home is stripped away. And once the homeowner is stuck with a huge mortgage they can’t afford, they may foreclose and give their house up to the bank.

These practices can easily fall under the categories of mortgage fraud or mortgage scams. While they may be legal in some cases, they are usually done in bad faith and for the monetary reward only.

The job of any bank, lender, broker, or salesperson is to assist a homeowner or potential homeowner, and do so with honesty and in good faith, as outlined in Real Estate Law. The sad thing is that major corporations are setting a bad example for anyone who sets out to work for or with them.

Mortgage fraud can also hurt banks and lenders, if fraudulent brokers or borrowers, or both work together to slip sketchy deals through the cracks.
Are you degrading your replies into "what if" scenarios? Maybe this and that? I'm not going to debate what if scenarios, that's absurd. The FBI report is due soon and if she is charged, I'll be just a happy as you. But that's not a fact and its ridiculous to speculate like you are.

here are some healthy facts that are better for you than junk news:

Trump IS charged for fraud under RICO. The case against him is strong. He'll have his day in court. Until then, every time he slams that judge, he makes himself look more and more ridiculous. As he did last Tuesday.
But the judge is Mexican
That's old shit. This is the new zeitgeist:

You might try reading some facts. They are more healthy for you than junk news.

Fogdog, What does that tell you? Trump has trashed the media and people just don't care what they write. Do you see the date on that? What does that tell you? It tells me that nobody cared because his numbers have sky rocketed sense then. We have never seen anything like this before and Trumps support so far has only really gone up. I know you will let me know next month how it is working out and I will predict right now it will do nothing like you think it will. imo
London, you can go on and on with the liberal talking racists stuff and I have to tell you it just doesn't work like you want it too anymore. People want legal immigration and our laws enforced . Its that simple.

They are aloud to come to this country as they like but it will have to be legally. Its not rocket science.

The left has blown there load on racist stuff and worn out the word. imo
Nitro you never answered as to why you think Hispanic can't live where you live. You have no way of knowing if these good people are citizens or not. Hell the babies that you count in the hospital are all citizens. Why don't you like Hispanic ? How would you feel if blacks decided they love your area. Would you then dislike them too ? Guy dig deep and look hard in that mirror.
europe will soon implode because of economic hardship, un-fundable socialistic handouts ( see greece ) and muslim influx applying more pressure upon economic system ......

because, who is paying for the muslims food, healthcare ..... no good job outlook either for them as they do not look at the economic revolution with western ideals is a non-starter for them as it goes against their " gods wishes " .....

and looking back throughout history europe has never been a big happy family. and the derivative boogieman lies hidden on the large german banking balance sheets. 75 trillion in derivatives ( deutsche bank alone ). who's gonna bail them out when the time comes, gulp -

in fact all the bailouts are for funding the banks monthly notes the money goes from the imf, euro central banks into greek banks, then bounces back into germany and france, italy banking complex for previous debt sin's ( construct of euro from day one ) .....
More breathy hyperbole from the same people that brought us Donald Trump, GOP presidential candidate for 2016. The European Union has been a great success and with that come greater expectations. What you are seeing now are growing pains but the economy of the union is in no great danger.

I suppose you are a climate science denier too.
Are you degrading your replies into "what if" scenarios? Maybe this and that? I'm not going to debate what if scenarios, that's absurd. The FBI report is due soon and if she is charged, I'll be just a happy as you. But that's not a fact and its ridiculous to speculate like you are.

here are some healthy facts that are better for you than junk news:

Trump IS charged for fraud under RICO. The case against him is strong. He'll have his day in court. Until then, every time he slams that judge, he makes himself look more and more ridiculous. As he did last Tuesday.

We will have to wait and see what happens. I could care less about people making a choice about trying to get rich quick whether it seems to be a scam to them or not. I bet eighty percent of the college kids think they got scammed for way more money than those people spent. imo
Mortgage brokers have no self interest in getting you into the lowest rate they can.

They do when they can refinance you and get a point in the refinance.

I refinanced one of my mortgages from 4% to 3.25% last year. He had no other reason to do other than get a point. I don't even think it was a point, I think I paid like $1250. I start saving in 18 months after closing the refi. So it was worth it for both of us.
Fogdog, What does that tell you? Trump has trashed the media and people just don't care what they write. Do you see the date on that? What does that tell you? It tells me that nobody cared because his numbers have sky rocketed sense then. We have never seen anything like this before and Trumps support so far has only really gone up. I know you will let me know next month how it is working out and I will predict right now it will do nothing like you think it will. imo
Too funny this. Well, they can't write a summary of Trump's lies for 2016 because we are not even half way through it.

Just look at the change in attitudes recently regarding Trump. I know you don't care because you only eat junk news, along with an atrociously large but still minority number of people who slaver over every bit of red meat Trump throws their way. They got what they wanted, Trump is GOP presidential nominee. About 60% of voters didn't participate in that. They aren't Trump supporters and his methods won't be quite so effective on them.
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