Donald Trump

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Nitro you never answered as to why you think Hispanic can't live where you live. You have no way of knowing if these good people are citizens or not. Hell the babies that you count in the hospital are all citizens. Why don't you like Hispanic ? How would you feel if blacks decided they love your area. Would you then dislike them too ? Guy dig deep and look hard in that mirror.

London, This is another thing I don't really like about you and you might be just fine but your hung up on the racist shit to much. You have simply just wore it out. You make up all this shit that I didn't say. I live on an island where I am in a less than 8% white neighborhood and the whole neighborhood eats and has a beautiful time together. Its like a love fest. I have a black son in law that is a beautiful person that loves my daughter, and me, and I love them. But you always want to take the liberal racist road at any moment you can and, me and most of america are tired of it. You know I work with Mexicans, heck I hired one to help me build a fence here in Hawaii and if he was my neighbor we would have barbecue together.

I don't know if you looked in the mirror what you would see. Who the hell knows? nitro
We will have to wait and see what happens. I could care less about people making a choice about trying to get rich quick whether it seems to be a scam to them or not. I bet eighty percent of the college kids think they got scammed for way more money than those people spent. imo
It doesn't really matter what you care, nitro. The people he scammed are participating in those lawsuits. They most certainly care.

A real college doesn't make the same claims that Trump U did. Degrees take four years and a lot of hard work. Did anybody flunk out of Trump U? I don't think so. Colleges flunk students and won't let them continue if they fail to maintain an adequate GPA. That's because the degree means something when a real college or university awards one.
Too funny this. Well, they can't write a summary of Trump's lies for 2016 because we are not even half way through it. Just look at the change in attitudes recently regarding Trump. I know you don't care because you only eat junk news, along with an atrociously large but still minority number of people who slaver over every bit of red meat Trump throws their way. They got what they wanted, Trump is GOP presidential nominee. About 60% of voters didn't participate in that. They aren't Trump supporters and his methods won't be quite so effective on them.

Well if thats the case your work is done. Don't forget though that Reagan was in the same position at the same time I believe and what happened there? nitro
London, This is another thing I don't really like about you and you might be just fine but your hung up on the racist shit to much. You have simply just wore it out. You make up all this shit that I didn't say. I live on an island where I am in a less than 8% white neighborhood and the whole neighborhood eats and has a beautiful time together. Its like a love fest. I have a black son in law that is a beautiful person that loves my daughter, and me, and I love them. But you always want to take the liberal racist road at any moment you can and, me and most of america are tired of it. You know I work with Mexicans, heck I hired one to help me build a fence here in Hawaii and if he was my neighbor we would have barbecue together.

I don't know if you looked in the mirror what you would see. Who the hell knows? nitro
so you counted Hispanic babies in the hospital because ??... You sound like the only time you can deal with a Mexican is if he works for you. Don't get mad at me because of your flaws. You have no choice but to get along in Hawaii or you will get cooked in an Imu or canned in Spam.
It doesn't really matter what you care, nitro. The people he scammed are participating in those lawsuits. They most certainly care.

A real college doesn't make the same claims that Trump U did. Degrees take four years and a lot of hard work. Did anybody flunk out of Trump U? I don't think so. Colleges flunk students and won't let them continue if they fail to maintain an adequate GPA. That's because the degree means something when a real college or university awards one.

We can argue about Trump university all day and I would still think it is the only thing the left has to attack Trump with, and it will end up being a non issue. Lets see what happens. I personally don't get into get rich quick seminars, and could care less about people that do. imo
so you counted Hispanic babies in the hospital because ??... You sound like the only time you can deal with a Mexican is if he works for you. Don't get mad at me because of your flaws. You have no choice but to get along in Hawaii or you will get cooked in an Imu or canned in Spam.

Are you mad because I said I don't like you? Its OK with me because I have decided to be nice to you anyway. nitro
A real college doesn't make the same claims that Trump U did. Degrees take four years and a lot of hard work. Did anybody flunk out of Trump U? I don't think so. Colleges flunk students and won't let them continue if they fail to maintain an adequate GPA. That's because the degree means something when a real college or university awards one.

you couldn't even get a federal student loan for Trump U. that's how much of a piece of shit scam it was.
mad ? I'm not mad at all. You are the one angry. Tell me how did you feel when you were counting the Hispanic babies ?

How do you feel about letting your racist ambitions run your life like you do? Enjoy it while you still think it is a popular liberal thing to do. TRUMP!
Emotional pressure is on the buyer, not the seller/financier. And its all written down and signed by the buyer. If a person doesn't understand every fucking word of a contract, they shouldn't sign it and should seek 3rd party legal advice for clarification. Otherwise, 100% the buyers burden.

Bought many homes over the years. Always went at them with zero emotional influence regardless of "pressure" lol.
Only time I ever bought a house. I went to
they hooked us up with a mortgage broker. The mortgage broker told us with our FICO we could get 5.5%. I said great put it in writing. He told me if we locked in a rate now we would be stuck with it. He will try to get us a better deal. I told him. I want to stay with you but you don't mind if I look at other mortgage brokers do you? He got pissed off. Well I went to a bank and had them underwriting at the same time just in case the mortgage broker fell through or tried to fuck us. I kept in contact with him and asked him if he got a mortgage, he said he was working on it. 2 days before we were supposed to firm everything up with the owner and his bank the mortgage broker told me He secured a 13.5% arm.

I told him I would rather walk then buy the house at that rate. He told me I could refinance in 6 months no problem. I said No. Then he told me I owed him money for the appraisal and the inspection. I told him have the appraiser and inspector send me the bill and I will pay him.

Made another call and got had the bank underwrite the mortgage for 5.25%.

Mortgage brokers and some banks make more money getting you into higher interest loans than they do by getting you the lowest rate. They get their cut and don't care if you get fucked.

Buying a house especially your first one is a very emotional purchase. And if it wasn't for the internet I wouldn't of educated myself on every scam they were trying to pull on me.

Watch The big short. There is a scene in there were 2 mortgage brokers are describing how they get people into bad mortgages easily

But again, its all in writing. There is not one single surprise in this game, only bad decisions.

I've watched the big short. It shows how people who dont understand contracts sign their lives away because they want that house so damn bad, and then get fucked. It wasn't interesting, it was just obvious.

First vehicle I bought few decades ago I walked out of 4 or 5 used car lots because they thought they could swindle a 16 year old with a grand in his pocket. They thought wrong.

I'll admit, there is alot of emotion going on inside, but you can't show it or let it allow you to make stupid decisions, like buying shit with ARMS that are unrealistic, or payments you can't make. This is why many, if not most home owners are "house poor." How much can I afford? Oh okay, lets find a house that costs that much and finance it all including the damn furniture, derp derp derp.

Get a lawyer to help you understand, read up on sound finance practices, or get fucked, pretty simple.
London, This is another thing I don't really like about you and you might be just fine but your hung up on the racist shit to much. You have simply just wore it out. You make up all this shit that I didn't say. I live on an island where I am in a less than 8% white neighborhood and the whole neighborhood eats and has a beautiful time together. Its like a love fest. I have a black son in law that is a beautiful person that loves my daughter, and me, and I love them. But you always want to take the liberal racist road at any moment you can and, me and most of america are tired of it. You know I work with Mexicans, heck I hired one to help me build a fence here in Hawaii and if he was my neighbor we would have barbecue together.

I don't know if you looked in the mirror what you would see. Who the hell knows? nitro

would you consider it racist when you told obama to go back to kenya?
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