nitro harley
Well-Known Member
Nitro you never answered as to why you think Hispanic can't live where you live. You have no way of knowing if these good people are citizens or not. Hell the babies that you count in the hospital are all citizens. Why don't you like Hispanic ? How would you feel if blacks decided they love your area. Would you then dislike them too ? Guy dig deep and look hard in that mirror.
London, This is another thing I don't really like about you and you might be just fine but your hung up on the racist shit to much. You have simply just wore it out. You make up all this shit that I didn't say. I live on an island where I am in a less than 8% white neighborhood and the whole neighborhood eats and has a beautiful time together. Its like a love fest. I have a black son in law that is a beautiful person that loves my daughter, and me, and I love them. But you always want to take the liberal racist road at any moment you can and, me and most of america are tired of it. You know I work with Mexicans, heck I hired one to help me build a fence here in Hawaii and if he was my neighbor we would have barbecue together.
I don't know if you looked in the mirror what you would see. Who the hell knows? nitro