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Reverse image search that on google. Hint: It's from Yemen.

See that flag?


That's Yemen's flag.

Good job there, so you really can't verify anything you post before you post it.
Look at the pot calling the kettle black, except I find my sources from Germany and verify them. Not a right-wing crack pot or extreme right wingers. YMMV when listening to them.
I already told you, left wing covered the story too. I'm not trying to hear the bullshit. Either except it or dont, but stop whining in my ear about it like a bitch over and over again.

You're proving Padawanbater undeniably correct when he said that you'll discard facts and reason to confirm your own bias.
I have liberal views too. So what the ultimate retard are you keep going on and on about? What bias? what facts? Since when has pada masterbater ever been relevant? or right?
I already told you, left wing covered the story too. I'm not trying to hear the bullshit. Either except it or dont, but stop whining in my ear about it like a bitch over and over again.

I have liberal views too. So what the ultimate retard are you keep going on and on about? What bias? what facts? Since when has pada masterbater ever been relevant? or right?

What I'm telling you is that: You're wrong. Either accept it, or look like an idiot. It's your choice really. I've posted up ample information for you that points to the contrary and points out the spurious nature of the source. What's left wing? Daily Mail? Please.

And who's bitching? I think you are, quite clear from your posts trying to refute me lol.
Reverse image search that on google. Hint: It's from Yemen.

See that flag?


That's Yemen's flag.

Good job there, so you really can't verify anything you post before you post it.
You didn't know that Angela Merkel is giving refuge to anybody who can get across the border?
Is this other German government official a conservative that you you know of, then you can automatically discredit them to try and make it look like you actually know? Let me guess, half of the German government is close personal friends with Rush Limbaugh.

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said: 'At this moment Germany is temporarily introducing border controls again along [the EU's] internal borders. The focus will be on the border to Austria at first.

'The aim of these measures is to limit the current inflows to Germany and to return to orderly procedures when people enter the country.

Mr de Maiziere added: 'This step has become necessary. The great readiness to help that Germany has shown in recent weeks... must be overstretched"

Why all of the sudden have border security? Isn't that racist?
You didn't know that Angela Merkel is giving refuge to anybody who can get across the border?
Is this other German government official a conservative that you you know of, then you can automatically discredit them to try and make it look like you actually know? Let me guess, half of the German government is close personal friends with Rush Limbaugh.

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said: 'At this moment Germany is temporarily introducing border controls again along [the EU's] internal borders. The focus will be on the border to Austria at first.

'The aim of these measures is to limit the current inflows to Germany and to return to orderly procedures when people enter the country.

Mr de Maiziere added: 'This step has become necessary. The great readiness to help that Germany has shown in recent weeks... must be overstretched"

Why all of the sudden have border security? Isn't that racist?

Dude, you posted up a picture of a protest in Yemen and tried to pawn it off as if it was in Germany. That's all I have to say about your opinion on the matter.
You tried to pawn something off in Yemen like it happened in Germany. You shot your credibility in the foot. Not my problem. Now you refuse to back down on it, so you're pretty much acting like a fool.
I posted a picture of the people Germany is letting into their country. Just like all of my other posts on that page.I never claimed the photo was taken in Germany, it was the opposite. It's showing an aftermath picture, of what happens when you bring immigrants in with open borders and no vetting. Remember, we are not just bringing in tens of thousands of Syrians, John Kerry promised to bring in many thousands more, from all around the middle east
I posted a picture of the people Germany is letting into their country. Just like all of my other posts on that page.I never claimed the photo was taken in Germany, it was the opposite. It's showing an aftermath picture, of what happens when you bring immigrants in with open borders and no vetting. Remember, we are not just bringing in tens of thousands of Syrians, John Kerry promised to bring in many thousands more, from all around the middle east

And you obviously have no idea what's going on in Yemen either.
And you obviously have no idea what's going on in Yemen either.
...on the brink of civil war. It's a power struggle between shia-ruled Iran, and Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia
What makes friends with Angela Merkel far right conservatives? When a town of 100 people say they can't take in 700 refugees, why won't she listen?
...on the brink of civil war. It's a power struggle between shia-ruled Iran, and Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia
What makes friends with Angela Merkel far right conservatives? When a town of 100 people say they can't take in 700 refugees, why won't she listen?

Yemen is in a civil war. Also they're not showing up all at once, and Merkel's party is on the right (center-right). Why should a town of 100 be able to dictate the policy of the entire nation of Germany? Your biggest mistake is thinking that somehow, Germany and the US are alike but the only real similarity is that both are Federal states. What makes you think that Germany won't assist the town, or that it's a temporary thing? Moreover I've been reading through German newspapers on the subject of Sumte and not everyone in the village is against it. A lot of other people are also coming to the village to protest it, and there are a lot of empty buildings in Sumte as well. The German government is also going to be paying rent to the inhabitants and it's going to be a temporary housing location.

What the people in Sumte are afraid of is that this is going to play into the hands of the extreme far right, and the one person who's overwhelmingly happy about the influx of refugees to Sumte is a Neo-Nazi who's said "It's bad for the people but good [for me] politically." So it looks like the other people trying to hype up this scare like you are, are the Neo-Nazis in Germany. GG Not GOP, siding with the Neo-Nazis.
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Also from another German news article, "In the shelter previously 55 jobs have been created, according to information from workers' Samaritan Federation spokeswoman Annegret Droba, more than 100 applications had been received. "Several new colleagues come from Sumte.""

""We are glad that the stress for the refugees is over," says Annegret Droba, spokeswoman for the Workers' Samaritan Federal, which operates the shelter. "After the second town hall meeting, the atmosphere has become much more relaxed in place.""

hat happens next in Sumte which is still open. "When will the next bus to come, is not yet known to us," says Annegret Droba. "Now it is important that the refugees may arrive in peace," says Grit judge, the mayor of the municipality Amt Neuhaus.
Look at the pot calling the kettle black, except I find my sources from Germany and verify them. Not a right-wing crack pot or extreme right wingers. YMMV when listening to them.

And it is true. Look it up yourself, I dare you. You're proving Padawanbater undeniably correct when he said that you'll discard facts and reason to confirm your own bias.
This dude shattered his credibility all on his own (scientific consensus on global cooling, Obama cancelling the 07 Fox debate, now whining about refugees entering Europe)

That's what happens when you make factually incorrect claims and use politically biased sources to back them up

People like him will cry persecution all day long, and remain fearful of anything different

Hang em up, Steve.. No matter how many accounts you make, you will always be identified and you will always be wrong. Stick to the voice acting career
Yemen is in a civil war. Also they're not showing up all at once, and Merkel's party is on the right (center-right). Why should a town of 100 be able to dictate the policy of the entire nation of Germany? Your biggest mistake is thinking that somehow, Germany and the US are alike but the only real similarity is that both are Federal states. What makes you think that Germany won't assist the town, or that it's a temporary thing? Moreover I've been reading through German newspapers on the subject of Sumte and not everyone in the village is against it. A lot of other people are also coming to the village to protest it, and there are a lot of empty buildings in Sumte as well. The German government is also going to be paying rent to the inhabitants and it's going to be a temporary housing location.

What the people in Sumte are afraid of is that this is going to play into the hands of the extreme far right, and the one person who's overwhelmingly happy about the influx of refugees to Sumte is a Neo-Nazi who's said "It's bad for the people but good [for me] politically." So it looks like the other people trying to hype up this scare like you are, are the Neo-Nazis in Germany. GG Not GOP, siding with the Neo-Nazis.

Sumte has no infrastructure.It's a one-street settlement of farm houses in Lower Saxony with no shops, no school ,no police station, and public transportation barely exists. They will see its first group of refugees arrive on Monday - raising the population by more than 700 percent overnight.

Merkel says she doesn't want to close the border with Austria because "it would lead to backlash" and doesn't want "military presence" to be needed there. That is not something a person on the center-right would say. She is getting a lot of heat from her own party for this. I don't see how you can equate a nation with borders, to somebody being a Nazi. Sounds like a stretch, especially when 1 in 3 migrants has a fake ID. You know who got along really well with the Nazis? Muslims. Its strange how the extermination of Jews is can bring people so close together
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