Down the Rabbit Hole with ColdArmySoldier


Well-Known Member
So at the BBQ I spoke with EC and he gave my an additional warning about how the Qushs may be hermie prone. That warning reminded me that I hadn't thoroughly checked the girls in a while for problems. Sure enough, Qush 4 had started shooting out a few rogue stamen. Bummed because Qush 4 was the frostiest of them all. I decided to finish her outside (far away from the other outdoor girls) since she only has a few weeks to go. Hopefully she won't get all the girls outside pregnant, but I doubt it since there is only a few stamen and I have been chopping them at first sight. All the other Qush 4 will be chopped as I don't want a hermie prone plant in my garden. I am pretty sure it was caused by heat stress due to these damn 90+ days. Oh well, makes the pheno selection easier and clears up some veg room :)

Shots of her at day 42 in flower.


Active Member
Almost all of the Pre-98 Bubba hybrids I've run have hermed under minimal stress. The original cutting seems to be ok, but the genetics apparently are not stable unless the right male is selected. GreenPeak did F2's of a Hazeman bubba cross (Pre 98 x Big Bud) looking to lock down some bubba traits and almost every female in the F2's we tested hermed out. Scratched that project a while back...

Fabulous work on all the pics CAS...really nice.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip EC/CAS. I need to check over my Qush plants that are outside now. We've DEFINITELY had our share of 90+ degree days this summer.


Well-Known Member
Well that would explain a lot, thanks for the tip. Luckily by other Qush in flower isn't showing any signs of hermaphrodism, but I will be checking it routinely to make sure. For some reason I think the 90+ days outside don't stress out the plants nearly as much as 83-86F indoors. It's like the plants know they are inside and not under optimal temperatures and get mad. Outside they just take care of themselves and adapt and love the sunshine. Mrs. Sinatra hasn't been phased at all by the heat it seems like. Hopefully you don't find any herms in your garden Medshed.


Well-Known Member
Bummer on the nanners, CAS. Awesome photos as usual. Those are some of the best photo examples of hermaphodism I've ever seen.


Active Member
I think the 90+ days outside don't stress out the plants nearly as much as 83-86F indoors. It's like the plants know they are inside and not under optimal temperatures and get mad. Outside they just take care of themselves and adapt and love the sunshine. Mrs. Sinatra hasn't been phased at all by the heat it seems like.
A solid hybrid genetic shouldn't herm between 85-90 temps in my opinion. Indoor, outdoor or greenhouse. We did some stress tests in late June early July where we took a group of plants to temps over 100 with equally high amounts of relative humidity for several hours over the course of several weeks indoors and didn't see herms in the majority of what we were testing. 83-86 is pretty good...a touch warm, but pretty darn good for indoor during the summer.



Well-Known Member
That's one of the many reasons 303 Seeds is top shelf in my book BP. Rather than using "testers" as a form of marketing, like some other breeders do, you guys do true testing to ensure you release a quality product.:clap:


Well-Known Member
I agree, that pheno won't cut it in my garden. While it may have been fine in a room with a nice air conditioner and dehumidfier, it doesn't work in my setup. Luckily my other Qush in flower is looking great and fattening up nicely. The highest my temps ever get during the summer (during the times when it is high-90s for days on end and doesn't cool down at night until after midnight) is about 87. My lights turn on at 6PM, so that is when it is at it's hottest since I can't open the window yet since it usually isn't cool enough outside. As the evening/night progresses, the temps get cooler and cooler. I keep an evaporative cooler going all the time which helps keep it cooler also. Fortunately the weather should be getting cooler and I will be back in my optimal growing time. Once I have my Qush and DQ phenos selected, I will be starting some Ski Patrol. Can't wait! Maybe I will find a colorful pheno :)


Full on hermie action! nice pic CAS. Fuck this heat needs to end. The dank sinatra took to the coco well she is looking nice I'll get some pics up soon.


Well-Known Member
I must have chosen a good male for the Bubba Danko cross (my pre98 bubba girl x corleone kush <cali connect pre98 Bubba x SFV OGKush>) as none of us have run into issues that I know of. I'm finishing a BD now that had temps @98+ during the Aug wave and I'll get almost 4oz off her under the LED, the biggest harvest yet under it.


Well-Known Member
Boo for spammers...

Updates from the indoor garden.
Dairy Queen 4 day 50 of flower. REEKS of cherries, very reminiscent of the Pandora's Box cut I grew from bshdctr.
DairyQueen_DQ4_Day50_topdown.jpgDairyQueen_DQ4_Day50_closeup.jpg DairyQueen_DQ4_Day50_sideflower.jpg

Dairy Queen 1 day 50 in flower. Burned from incorrect SS amount.

Qush 3 day 50 in flower.
View attachment 2334536View attachment 2334537Qush_Q3_Day50_twins.jpg

Romulan day 10 in flower. Looking awesome and showing her lady parts...


Well-Known Member
you are going to love that Rom bro! mine is starting to fade colors and comes down in a week or so ..... soooooo tasty :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the love everyone! I can't wait for the Romulan! I harvested the Qush 4 that was a hermie (I let it finish outside) and she was awesome. Rock hard buds. Too bad she sprouted nanners. The Dank Sinatra looks like it is about a week or less away from harvest and I would give the DQ another 2-3 weeks left. They both smell unreal! I'll get some pictures up when I get the chance.


Well-Known Member
Update! First off, Firehouse Seeds Cognac Kush! So far it seems two are male, and the other two haven't shown sex (in my experience that means they are probably girls). Hope this makes you smile Chef :)

Cognac Kush 1 (male)
Check out the balls on this dude!

Cognac Kush 2 (no pre-flower)

Cognac Kush 3 (male)
I threw him in flower just to make sure.

Cognac Kush 4 (no pre-flower)

Outdoor time! The Dank Sinatra is starting to color up real nice.
Both the girls are looking happy.

Dank Sinatra. There are still some clear trichs and not many amber trichs yet. Possibly a week left. It is supposed to rain this week, should I be worried about late-season mold?

Dairy Queen. The trichs are pretty much all cloudy right now. Maybe a week to go.

Pretty colors around the garden...

Sweet potato
Pretty flowers