hey sorry it's been a while since i last posted had a lot going on is all. My worst dreams have become a realityas I got spidermites from the clones I purchased. All seemed to be going well until one day I go to water the clone and she was totally infested, I'm talking webs and all. In a matter of days it went from green to spotted yellow I knew it as soon as I looked @ her and closer inspection was disgusting to say the least. They really just stayed dormant until just the right time and with the summer heat I have a big problem. I immediately got rid of her and luckily it looks like the other plants are going to be okay. I have decided to take everything down maybe next week or maybe sooner depending on if it spreads because im going out of town for 4th of july anyways. I gave some of the plants showers just to try to thwart their breeding, luckily the humidity is low enough her i wasnt too worried about mold and they seem to be okay. I was in such a mad dash I didnt think about staking them before i got them wet and the big bagseed just toppled over and one of the stems snapped I thought it might be okay after staking her up but it was evident the next day the branch was dieing so I just dried that branch. I was almost out of smoke neways.
So anyways thats why I havent really been updating and I started playing a game that takes a lot of my time online. My best dope is now been flowering for 7 weeks and she looks just about ready and the other is about a week behind that so might be a little premature. I have 2 others that I put in even later that just arent doing as well at all. I put them in the MGOC soil instead of the FFOF since I ran out. I had been bashing this soil for a while and I wanted to make sure I wasn't mistaken but the difference is night and day. The plants in the MG are just yellow and pale green and they have been ever since I transplanted where the FFOF plants greened up after I transplanted. All my clones are in the MG too and they just dont grow anywhere near the vigor of the OF plants. They have a lot of strange difiencies or toxicities that I never saw before using this soil. After purchasing some perlite the OF is basically cheaper anyways so w/e.
About the dopes: they are vigorous growers. that I have seen since the beginning. They have beautiful leaves and clone very easy. The buds are thick dense super crystally and have a great aroma. It's very exotic something different than I have ever smelled on a MJ plant but I guess the closest thing so far would be a pineapple smell, I love it. The branching on this plant is phenomanal, much like the mikado it grows branches instead of forming buds along the main stem except the small leaves allow light to penetrate all the bud sites. The plant I have was put in after one the 2 colas (from topping) was burned by my light so the size of her is only 1/2 what she could be and I would say the yeild is going to be pretty good all things considered- she topples over a little from the weight of the buds
I don't really have anything bad to say about this strain. I wish I had a better setup but I think for me that it pretty much outperformed everything else in the garden because it grows vigourously, it flowers fast (7 weeks looks done) it's the frostiest plant in the garden, the buds are massive compared to the leaves-the mikado and the cannalope are actually very leafy, it has a great smell and if I could only choose one strain to grow out of these 3 it would be the easiest choice I have ever made. I will get a smoke report and some pics soon here before I chop just need to go get batteries I've been kinda slackin since I got the news.