Dr Greenthumbs G13

Look I didn't call anyone any names and I didn't drag this thread back up, OGMan did. Also, Fletchman, woody, and Scarhole are the ones trolling me. OGMan quoted me and I responded only to get reply's from people with no input but yet they felt the need to reply and bash me.

Yes I know but I just figured to talk about the seed thing with you I was talking to everyone about the name calling and such.
Im not bashin you dude, I wish you the best,

The way I look at growin is, if you have to look at the price of beans, maybe you cant afford to grow? Just have fun with it man.

It's not the price it's the misrepresentation while trying to justify the misinformation with the price and vice versa.


Money is not the issue.
I chopped them a little early around 58 days. I over shot the veg time by at least a week. However I am quite happy with the G13 considering. I am going to run them a few more times and really dial it in. Even though the g13 yield quality suffered badly from the overveg, I still got some great yields.

The 4 light plant 2.4 LBS
The 3 light plant 1.7 LBS
The 2 light plant .7 LBS runt plant looks like best quality cuz it was the smallest and made best use of the light









I am pretty confident I can break the 3lb mark next run I flipped them at 24" and I have some bushmaster or Pload standing by just in case.




The smell is pretty strong, I dont have a very good sense of smell but its pretty dank, more earthy. Ill have a better smoke/smell report after I hear back from my "Patients" lol

I got almost 5 pounds of 3 plants, Very dank, sold them instantly. Call them G13 or whatever you want by the time these p's get to the street Im sure they will get renamed 100 times. I will absolutely be running this strain for a while. 4 pound indoor plants are defiantly possible with this strain.

I dont know DR greenthumb from adam
I seen @ Mr Nice home page he's got a sales promo looking "Original g13" pic up.....

I never trolled or called StonedMetalhead any bad names.....
I was pm'd by a friend @ MrNice after mentioning I thought docs was a cross.
He has known Neville an Dogless for 20+ years.
He assured me that Neville did trade dogless pure G13.
Not a cross.

I now believe Dr GreenThumb has that pure G13.
Doc and Dogless are friends and based on past experience with Doc I never doubted what he said. Neville also said that the photos of Doc's G13 were exactly the same as the plant he gave Dogless and Double D. Now there are plenty of grow journals that support Doc's claims as well and that's all good for the community
Doc and Dogless are friends and based on past experience with Doc I never doubted what he said. Neville also said that the photos of Doc's G13 were exactly the same as the plant he gave Dogless and Double D. Now there are plenty of grow journals that support Doc's claims as well and that's all good for the community

Your delusional, Nevil hasn't posted anything in months and way before this mess started. If anything the grow journal's confirm it's a hybrid just from the structure and terpine profile. It's the complete opposite of the original.
youve grown the original?

It's one of the most famous strains on earth and there has been plenty of information about her posted by the people responsible for it being worked with as in Sandy Weinstien and Nevil. How do you explain the original being described as a low yielding extreme hash plant and the current offering being a super high yielding plant with average resin production.
It's one of the most famous strains on earth and there has been plenty of information about her posted by the people responsible for it being worked with as in Sandy Weinstien and Nevil. How do you explain the original being described as a low yielding extreme hash plant and the current offering being a super high yielding plant with average resin production.

Do you ever answer a question?
I guess the answer is "no" you have not grown the original and you are taking things written years ago as absolute fact. You actually have Zero experience with this strain and you go on as if you know with absolute certainty what the strain was like. You have faith in Nevils description but no faith in Nevils word today because he has made it pretty clear that Dogless story is true.
I do alot of journals and i find from time to time that when i revisit a strain that i havent smoked in awhile I find a subtle flavor that i missed the frst time around.
Peoples desrciptions and can be mis-leading and often wrong....did they even flush plants back then....or cure them? Taste can be tricky to nail down for me, i would asume everyone has that problem.
If i was you i would sit back and wait for Nevil to come out and clear it up because i have a strong feeling you are going to have to eat your words...and you have had alot of words on this so its going to be a big meal...enjoy!
Do you ever answer a question?
I guess the answer is "no" you have not grown the original and you are taking things written years ago as absolute fact. You actually have Zero experience with this strain and you go on as if you know with absolute certainty what the strain was like. You have faith in Nevils description but no faith in Nevils word today because he has made it pretty clear that Dogless story is true.
I do alot of journals and i find from time to time that when i revisit a strain that i havent smoked in awhile I find a subtle flavor that i missed the frst time around.
Peoples desrciptions and can be mis-leading and often wrong....did they even flush plants back then....or cure them? Taste can be tricky to nail down for me, i would asume everyone has that problem.
If i was you i would sit back and wait for Nevil to come out and clear it up because i have a strong feeling you are going to have to eat your words...and you have had alot of words on this so its going to be a big meal...enjoy!
Keep trying to convince yourself. I'm not at all worried in the least, the obvious motive for trying to get one over on people is profit. If it were just a difference in terpine profile I could see maybe one persons description being different from another simply due people having people's pallets but the yield is something that's not going to change. In 20 years a low yielding plant turned into the "biggest commercial yielder " out there. Plants just all of a sudden start yielding more especially after 20 years.
Keep trying to convince yourself. I'm not at all worried in the least, the obvious motive for trying to get one over on people is profit. If it were just a difference in terpine profile I could see maybe one persons description being different from another simply due people having people's pallets but the yield is something that's not going to change. In 20 years a low yielding plant turned into the "biggest commercial yielder " out there. Plants just all of a sudden start yielding more especially after 20 years.

Okay, i guess we will just leave it at that...only one more question. If and when Nevil comes out and confirms it is the real deal, will you accept his word?
Okay, i guess we will just leave it at that...only one more question. If and when Nevil comes out and confirms it is the real deal, will you accept his word?

As long as he goes on record on why the strain all of a sudden is the "biggest yielder" out there when one of the goals of breeding it originally was to increase the yield.
Okay, i guess we will just leave it at that...only one more question. If and when Nevil comes out and confirms it is the real deal, will you accept his word?

I tend to think that people will have to wait a rather long time before Nevil comments on legitimacy, or lack there of, of Dogless' G-13 and Dr. Greenthumb's G-13. Some months back Nevil sent me a PM and it did not lead me to believe he has any plans of stepping into the middle of a never-ending argument. Some of what he said was not directly applicable to the G-13 discussion, some was about people who need not be mentioned here, but this is how he ended his PM.
It appears to me that people on the MN forum prefer slander and bickering to discussion and debate about cannabis. The lack of civil behavior is what stops me from posting anymore. I'm sure that some people got what they want with my departure. The rest will have to accept the result.
I don't know who you are, but I like your style of writing.
Kind regards

He is fed up with the fighting, the arguing, the name calling and the people who claim to know it all, but don't know dick. I would not be surprised if he never returned to Mr. Nice forums, or any grow site.

I also was sent a PM by Dogless, one I intended to save but unintentionally deleted it. He did not divulge any information and said nothing other than to claim that when Shantibaba and others claimed that G-13 lost vigor and died the real problem was a plant disease that he claimed to diagnose and then cure. He said he would answer any and all questions I had about his, alleged, real G-13.

I asked Dogless what disease did the plants have, what was it called and what treatment was given that cured it. I mentioned that I wanted to ask my family members, ones with degrees in horticulture, about the disease and what, if anything, cures it. Dogless never replied. That was this Spring.

Dogless sent me a PM, I did not first contact him. He made a claim that would, if true, explain how he and he alone managed to keep alive plants that died out on everyone else who had them, or allegedly had them. I asked the questions that could help to verify his claim or shoot down his claim, what the disease allegedly was and what treatment allegedly cured it. Dogless, after saying he would answer any and all questions I had, never replied, never said anything more to me.

That, to me, says that the disease and cure claim was fabricated. Why would Dogless not say what the disease was and what cured it if by doing so he would provide evidence of his claim to having true G-13 would be bolstered by doing so? It would tell how he managed to keep alive plants that died out in the hands of every other breeder/person who had them and lend at least a little credence to his claim of still having the original strain today.

Dogless would almost certainly had to have identified the alleged disease for him to be able to find out how to allegedly cure it. The nature of deadly plant diseases are such that the odds that he did not identify the alleged disease and simply tried this and that, sprayed this and sprinkled that, and was lucky and cured the alleged disease would be astronomical. Even if in his alleged case he did get incredibly lucky and manage to cure some mystery disease he would still know what he did to cure it. He would want to retain that knowledge in case he was ever confronted with the situation again. That being the case, even if he was unable to tell me the name of the alleged disease he should have been capable of telling me what cured the alleged disease.

He told me neither what the name of the alleged disease was or what cured the alleged disease. That was, again, after contacting me and saying that he would answer any and all questions I had about his alleged real G-13.

He knew that I have family members who could tell me if the alleged disease he would have said actually existed and if so what, if anything, would cure it and if what alleged treatment he gave could or would have cured it. I fully believe that is precisely why Dogless never answered my questions, as he out of the blue offered to do. I am positive that he knew he would be caught in a fabrication if he attempted to answer what I asked, so he did not answer the questions I him only asked because he contacted me and made the offer to answer any and all questions I had.

There will never be an answer to the question of is the Dogless G-13 real true G-13 or not that cannot be questioned, and questioned rightfully so. Not even Nevil saying that he believes that the Dogless G-13 is real would be proof positive. If someone who knew the real true G-13, who had it, who grew it, and who had the real true G-13 x NL5 could pick phenotypes of G-13 x NL5 that were more G-13-like and keep breeding them to each other, breeding back into the strain more true G-13 traits, and over time have a strain that could fool G-13's own mother into believing that it was the Real McCoy. Dogless, and others, have had more than enough time to do just that.

Because of that there is no way that anyone will ever be able to factually prove that the alleged G-13 that exists today is a pure direct descendent of the original. It might be the Real McCoy. But absolutely nothing other than words and claims, most made by people who have absolutely no way or knowing, supports it being the Real McCoy.

When you add all that up it means that it is well past time to put this argument to bed because there can never be a resolution to it that would not be rightfully questionable and that means a never-ending argument. Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That is precisely what arguing over whether or not the G-13 being sold today is the Real McCoy or not is. Nothing changes, nothing is resolved, there are, and never will be, any different results from arguing about it. It is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results when there are none to be found.

Today's G-13 will forevermore remain nothing more than what each individual wants and needs to believe it to be, and it will never be more than that and that alone.

Thus endeth the sermon.
I tend to think that people will have to wait a rather long time before Nevil comments on legitimacy, or lack there of, of Dogless' G-13 and Dr. Greenthumb's G-13. Some months back Nevil sent me a PM and it did not lead me to believe he has any plans of stepping into the middle of a never-ending argument. Some of what he said was not directly applicable to the G-13 discussion, some was about people who need not be mentioned here, but this is how he ended his PM.

He is fed up with the fighting, the arguing, the name calling and the people who claim to know it all, but don't know dick. I would not be surprised if he never returned to Mr. Nice forums, or any grow site.

I also was sent a PM by Dogless, one I intended to save but unintentionally deleted it. He did not divulge any information and said nothing other than to claim that when Shantibaba and others claimed that G-13 lost vigor and died the real problem was a plant disease that he claimed to diagnose and then cure. He said he would answer any and all questions I had about his, alleged, real G-13.

I asked Dogless what disease did the plants have, what was it called and what treatment was given that cured it. I mentioned that I wanted to ask my family members, ones with degrees in horticulture, about the disease and what, if anything, cures it. Dogless never replied. That was this Spring.

Dogless sent me a PM, I did not first contact him. He made a claim that would, if true, explain how he and he alone managed to keep alive plants that died out on everyone else who had them, or allegedly had them. I asked the questions that could help to verify his claim or shoot down his claim, what the disease allegedly was and what treatment allegedly cured it. Dogless, after saying he would answer any and all questions I had, never replied, never said anything more to me.

That, to me, says that the disease and cure claim was fabricated. Why would Dogless not say what the disease was and what cured it if by doing so he would provide evidence of his claim to having true G-13 would be bolstered by doing so? It would tell how he managed to keep alive plants that died out in the hands of every other breeder/person who had them and lend at least a little credence to his claim of still having the original strain today.

Dogless would almost certainly had to have identified the alleged disease for him to be able to find out how to allegedly cure it. The nature of deadly plant diseases are such that the odds that he did not identify the alleged disease and simply tried this and that, sprayed this and sprinkled that, and was lucky and cured the alleged disease would be astronomical. Even if in his alleged case he did get incredibly lucky and manage to cure some mystery disease he would still know what he did to cure it. He would want to retain that knowledge in case he was ever confronted with the situation again. That being the case, even if he was unable to tell me the name of the alleged disease he should have been capable of telling me what cured the alleged disease.

He told me neither what the name of the alleged disease was or what cured the alleged disease. That was, again, after contacting me and saying that he would answer any and all questions I had about his alleged real G-13.

He knew that I have family members who could tell me if the alleged disease he would have said actually existed and if so what, if anything, would cure it and if what alleged treatment he gave could or would have cured it. I fully believe that is precisely why Dogless never answered my questions, as he out of the blue offered to do. I am positive that he knew he would be caught in a fabrication if he attempted to answer what I asked, so he did not answer the questions I him only asked because he contacted me and made the offer to answer any and all questions I had.

There will never be an answer to the question of is the Dogless G-13 real true G-13 or not that cannot be questioned, and questioned rightfully so. Not even Nevil saying that he believes that the Dogless G-13 is real would be proof positive. If someone who knew the real true G-13, who had it, who grew it, and who had the real true G-13 x NL5 could pick phenotypes of G-13 x NL5 that were more G-13-like and keep breeding them to each other, breeding back into the strain more true G-13 traits, and over time have a strain that could fool G-13's own mother into believing that it was the Real McCoy. Dogless, and others, have had more than enough time to do just that.

Because of that there is no way that anyone will ever be able to factually prove that the alleged G-13 that exists today is a pure direct descendent of the original. It might be the Real McCoy. But absolutely nothing other than words and claims, most made by people who have absolutely no way or knowing, supports it being the Real McCoy.

When you add all that up it means that it is well past time to put this argument to bed because there can never be a resolution to it that would not be rightfully questionable and that means a never-ending argument. Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That is precisely what arguing over whether or not the G-13 being sold today is the Real McCoy or not is. Nothing changes, nothing is resolved, there are, and never will be, any different results from arguing about it. It is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results when there are none to be found.

Today's G-13 will forevermore remain nothing more than what each individual wants and needs to believe it to be, and it will never be more than that and that alone.

Thus endeth the sermon.

Not a bad summation at all Sir.
I liked this line the best...."Because of that there is no way that anyone will ever be able to factually prove that the alleged G-13 that exists today is a pure direct descendent of the original. It might be the Real McCoy......

The rest of the quote in my opinion should have read something like this......" But absolutely nothing other than words and claims, most made by people who have absolutely no way or knowing, proves it to be false".

I think what Doless and Nevil have said so far leans in the direction of it being the real deal and what the people who have no way of knowing say, doesnt carry that kind of weight.
Its odd to me that people would read an old description from Nevil and take it as fact, and then go on to say he will be lying if he says its the real deal without explaining every detail to them. Is he a liar or not? Cant be both can it?

I can think of a few reasons off the top of my head why Dogless didnt answer you. Your idea about may be correct but Dogless could be in the same boat as Nevil, just sick and tired of it. I can only imagine how many PM's he got on this and probably many of them abusive from the people you mentioned that talk big but really dont know shit.

Okay...that all.
I can think of a few reasons off the top of my head why Dogless didnt answer you. Your idea about may be correct but Dogless could be in the same boat as Nevil, just sick and tired of it. I can only imagine how many PM's he got on this and probably many of them abusive from the people you mentioned that talk big but really dont know shit.

What you said would have made complete and total sense, IF not for the case being that Dogless PM'd me and totally out of the blue offered to answer any and all questions that I had about his alleged G-13.

Had I sent him a PM asking questions what you said would could have been likely. But for him to contact me and offer to answer any and all my questions, but then when asked questions that would go a long way to either prove the possibility or disprove the possibility of his G-13 being real he would not reply says a lot, a lot more than some will accept. Had his disease and cure claim been factual his reply would have gone a long way to verify that and be evidence that there is a distinct possibility that his G-13 is what he claims it to be.

The only logical reason for not answering my questions, especially after him contacting me, not me contacting him, and offering to answer any and all my questions, is because Dogless knew that his answers would be damning, that his answers would harm his claims rather than help and support his claims.

I am sure that when Dogless contacted me and offered to answer any and all questions I had about his alleged G-13 he thought I would ask the typical run of the mill questions, the who gave what to who and when, etc., type questions, questions that if replied to could not result in any harm being made to his claims. The thing is I didn't ask that sort of question. And he knew that I would find out if his answers of what alleged disease the plants had and what allegedly cured the alleged disease were possible or not. Dogless could not answer those questions without being trapped in a box that he does not want to be trapped in. That, I am sure, is why he did not answer my questions like he offered to when he contacted me first by sending me a PM.

I am not claiming that to be proof positive that his G-13 is bogus. But think about it a moment. Dogless claimed his alleged real true G-13 plants survived, when everyone else's died off, and that his survived because it was not a loss of plant vigor, like Shantibaba has said caused G-13 plants to die, and instead that it was a plant disease, and that he cured his plants. Wouldn't you think that if that were the case it would greatly help to bolster Dogless' claims if he were to divulge the alleged disease and the alleged treatment that allegedly cured it?

Had Dogless done just that and the disease and cure he claimed was a legitimate disease and cure I would now be saying that regardless of all the things that make his G-13 appear to not be real there is a distinct undeniable chance that it is in fact real. If he told others, as in an open forum, the same thing and they were to research it and find it to be highly possible they would then also say the same thing, that there is a distinct undeniable chance that it is real, and that claim would be based on facts rather than on nothing more than personally chosen belief or hope like all people have now to go on. But Dogless did not do that even though doing so would go a long way to bolster his credibility.

Why do you think that is? Why pick someone out of the blue, contact them, offer to answer any and all of their questions, and when asked questions that if able to be answered honestly would go a long way to support their claims not do so and answer them fully and honestly? Why would someone not answer questions, questions they solicited, if the answer would help them prove a questionable claim they made to be true?

The only logical conclusion that can be drawn is that the answers would almost assuredly prove the questionable claim to be false. If not, the promised offered answers would have been given by Dogless.