Draining The Swamp..

conflict of interest... but you are pretty dumb so have someone explain it to you.
so you can see this conflict, but did you see the one with the former Secretary and her very very largess "philanthropic" foundation?
What nations would subject women to some of the lowest of standards as could be seen if compared to where we chant "equal rights" for women, and then donates excessive amounts to a "woman's" philanthropic ambitions unless she has mad influence, like say is Secretary of State of one of the greatest powers in the world..
so you can see this conflict, but did you see the one with the former Secretary and her very very largess "philanthropic" foundation?
What nations would subject women to some of the lowest of standards as could be seen if compared to where we chant "equal rights" for women, and then donates excessive amounts to a "woman's" philanthropic ambitions unless she has mad influence, like say is Secretary of State of one of the greatest powers in the world..
no i didn't.
show me
so a man, his personal belonging managed by his kids, is in conflict with the same man having same kids perform other tasks relative to his profession?

Yet a foundation with ties to a country's top tier cabinet member, rakes in money from overseas, from countries we're involved with regarding finances, conflict, etc etc, Arab spring... do I keep going?? How many Tomahawks flew into Libya before we lost our embassy there?

No conflict yet? That foundation can keep on taking that money?
so you can see this conflict, but did you see the one with the former Secretary and her very very largess "philanthropic" foundation?
What nations would subject women to some of the lowest of standards as could be seen if compared to where we chant "equal rights" for women, and then donates excessive amounts to a "woman's" philanthropic ambitions unless she has mad influence, like say is Secretary of State of one of the greatest powers in the world..

you idiots will be using Hillary as a scapegoat for years to come, let's stick to the present. Try to stay focused, Donald is the topic, not hill dog, lol:-)
Homophobic!? Now you're just retarded, I was trying to bless you with a giant cock to chew on? That's homophobic? Fine eat a fat juicy vagina.

Love how your thin skin is quick to dish some letters of insult, then run and boastfully snitch and rat and tell and whine....

Just in time, Just in case I need to run and snitch on someone after my feelings are hurt as a result of insulting anyone that engages with me in discussion...

Reported for being a homophobic hormonal teenager:-)
Bye bye, thx for playing , loser:-)
Trump better tread lightly he may have gotten into office by a vote of the people/EC, but he now serves at the behest of the congress. He's on thin ice. The democrats in congress are only 2-3 pissed off republicans from have an impeachable majority....and the republicans like VP Pence a lot more, he's an old school republican insider. The republicans may have just used trump to get pence elected president.....now Bye bye trump
I want payback time as far as the Democrats left in Congress should block/filibuster the shit out of the new Trump agenda. The Republicans have done it for the last 8 years with Obama, now it's their turn. Let's get nothing done, because nothing is better than anything Trump has proposed so far.
Homophobic!? Now you're just retarded, I was trying to bless you with a giant cock to chew on? That's homophobic? Fine eat a fat juicy vagina.

Love how your thin skin is quick to dish some letters of insult, then run and boastfully snitch and rat and tell and whine....

Just in time, Just in case I need to run and snitch on someone after my feelings are hurt as a result of insulting anyone that engages with me in discussion...

Reported for being a virgin, lol:-)
I want payback time as far as the Democrats left in Congress should block/filibuster the shit out of the new Trump agenda. The Republicans have done it for the last 8 years with Obama, now it's their turn. Let's get nothing done, because nothing is better than anything Trump has proposed so far.
you forgot about the 111th Congress... so you need to deduce at least 2 years from your asserted claim of 8
needs to start with you Mr. Trump.

Plans are being made for transfer of Trump holdings to a blind trust- run by HIS kids..

The transition team are HIS kids..

How is this draining the swamp? Does anyone understand what collusion means here? He's proposing to co-mingle his presidency with his holdings.

And we are supposed to ALLOW because he says..trust me?:lol:

@Illinois Enema Bandit @nitro harley
It's hardly a blind trust if it's run by his kids.

He's giving his kids control (temporarily), a blind trust would have to be someone completely separate.

Stop trying to use complicated words, despite me agreeing with the point you were trying to make.
If you want to talk about "collusion" let's get fucking real for a second.

Two of Trumps advisors and close confidantes bought massive stakes in pharmaceutical, mining and fossil fuel interests and made more than $1bill dollars as a result of his proposed policy.

Google Carl Icahn and enter the rabbit hole.

A couple of foreign newspapers reported on it but difficult to find on our sites?

I still check European news for their viewpoint on here as outsiders that I was exposed to and quite enjoyed when I lived there.
What happened at the Chicago board of trade some years back?

If you think collusion is single side band..... you might need to change the filter