Draining The Swamp..

TBH I can't wait to see the smug wipe off his face when Mr. I'm the only one who can fix this..finds out he's not really in charge and makes very few decisions on his own.

By the time this is over Pence will be president figurehead..Trumps along for the ride and to look important while preening for Putin.
This is not temporary according to what he's stated.

It's going into blind trust to be run by his kids who will then report back to him..his children are named in transition team after Tubby Bridgegate got the hoof.
OK I'll explain it again.

A blind trust is by definition someone whom you don't know.

They run the company purely on the basis of fiduciary responsibility.

If he transferred it to Fucko Head 1 and Fucko Head 2, they could at any time just transfer control back and Trump would still be in control.

The idea is that it's kept entirely separate to ensure the President isn't acting in the interests of his business.
My opinion is that he should have done due diligence prior to his commit as president.

It's now called 'tough shit'..oh! and don't forget to vote November 28th!:wink::clap:

That isnt an answer as to what you want, that is a slogan.

Again, what exactly do you want trump to do to distance himself from his business? Is he not allowed to talk to his kids for the next 8 years?
needs to start with you Mr. Trump.

Plans are being made for transfer of Trump holdings to a blind trust- run by HIS kids..

The transition team are HIS kids..

How is this draining the swamp? Does anyone understand what collusion means here? He's proposing to co-mingle his presidency with his holdings.

And we are supposed to ALLOW because he says..trust me?:lol:

@Illinois Enema Bandit @nitro harley

More BS, a blind trust is not having your kids run things.

Swamp is going to get deeper, less than a week from the election and how many promises is he back peddling on?
What are the odds on him even finishing his first term without his resignation or impeachment?

Well let's see how we are doing with the swamp drain:

Chief of Staff - Reince Priebus
Chief of Strategy - Steve Bannon

Check and double check!
Yes. This is what is know as PUBLIC SERVANT.

Didn't think about what would happen if you really did win?:wall:

His KIDS are not public servants. I am not sure what you are trying to say. He could give it all to them right now I guess but it wouldnt change one thing.