drooping.. kinda weird problem



okay, i had to move my plants to a friends house, there about 6 inch tall, i took them an put wal mart bags over top an transplanted out the house into a trunk 15 mins up the road and to his house an set up there.. the plants were kinda ready to be watered but they were nice an perky at my house.. by the time i got to his an did a quick set up, i noticed they were VERY droopy, i put the light on em an so on, there still droopy i watered them cause they needed it.. right now im home an its night time for them now so i dont know exactly how there doing.. but do you think this fucked up there schedule? kill them? yiiiikkkes ... or what do you think?.. i dont like the idea of them being there but hopefully very soon i can bring them back, and emergency came up, and my mom got paranoid but hopefully i can bring my babies home to a good father for 24/7 care.


Well-Known Member
it will be 100% ok, sounds like they were just a bit too thirsty. the next time you see them they will be back to normal is my guess, unless your buddy fucks them up somehow. lol