Dropa Dope My First Grow Journal 400 Watt RDWC 02/17/2010


Well-Known Member
Wow I've had a busy week. I installed the the fan I got from dear old dad and It worked out great for about a day and a half. Then all the sudden it started making a terrible squeaking noise. I should have known that fan wouldn't have worked that long because it's so old. I had to give it a shot though. So last night when the lights came back on I had to put the trusty hydrofarm fans back in. I spaced them a little further apart this time and I think they are doing a better job then they were before but not as good as the other old fan worked.

I got lots of pics this week. In some shots you'll see the burnt up crispy leaves that was due to having the flora shield in my res for a week. I know it wasn't caused from the heat because I would have had that problem a long time ago if it were, plus just the fan leaves were affected. All the bud sites are perfectly fine no hairs were ever burnt. If anyone has an opinion on the subject I would love to hear it.

The first pic is a problem I solved with my pH and PPM probes. I never had a way to stick them in my res without having to tape them in place. So I ordered these rubber stoppers. You can order them with the holes already in the center but I got the solid ones because my cables are all different sizes and I didn't want them to big because that would have defeated their purpose. I drilled each one out myself and then cut a slit up the side to shove my cable into place and it's working perfect. From left to right, the biggest one is so I can empty my res with my siphon pump. The next one is for top offs and the last three are for the probes.

I've been running pH at 5.8 and currently at 1320 ppm.

The chiller has been doing a great job and it's one of the best investments I've made so far. It's been holding a steady 68 to 69 degrees.

Okay now it's time for my burnt up baby. In some shots you'll see fans that are perfectly fine but in others they are burnt to a crisp. I've been debating on weather I should cut them off but I figure she'll drop them herself when she's done with them. Any thoughts on this subject.


Any thoughts or comments? Be brutal if you have to I can take it.

Here are my clones at 20 days.

There you go and I hope you enjoyed the show.



Well-Known Member
What up Man?

Sure got baked last night...Hahahaha!

Whats on your list today?
Good morning CG. I'm not sure what's on the list as of yet. I could probably mow the yard again and I still got to clean up the garage. I do know one thing for sure, I'm ready to get baked my self in just a few minutes. Ahhhhhhhhh but after I get baked the jobs I just mentioned might get put off till tomorrow. I don't know we'll see. It's still been kinda cold around here, around 60 during the day. I'm glad I held off on putting some clones outside the other day because we got some frost last night. Hopefully within another week or so I'll be putting two of em in the ground. I want to make sure I get a good harvest this fall.

What you got planned bro?

Check ya later.


Well-Known Member
Id remove the bad ones only if they are all crinkled up and brown.

Other than that, let em hang for a minute...

Its starting to fill in now, and looking like its gonna be a serious Bud producer. :weed:

Them clones look fabulous! :hump:

Love the brilliant green color.. Nice Job! ;-)

Hang in there, and never again put that floraliscious(sp?) garbage back in the rez...

What a shitty product.

I've learned something from your experience.

I just put my clones and my Tomato plants under my 430 watt hps this morning, They have all rooted. Never had a fatality with the bucket cloner.

My tomato plants are kicking ass!..heehee!! .. Im gonna have a big tomato grow!(Hydro) LOL!

Keep up the good gardening my friend.

Peace bro :)



Well-Known Member
Good morning CG. I'm not sure what's on the list as of yet. I could probably mow the yard again and I still got to clean up the garage. I do know one thing for sure, I'm ready to get baked my self in just a few minutes. Ahhhhhhhhh but after I get baked the jobs I just mentioned might get put off till tomorrow. I don't know we'll see. It's still been kinda cold around here, around 60 during the day. I'm glad I held off on putting some clones outside the other day because we got some frost last night. Hopefully within another week or so I'll be putting two of em in the ground. I want to make sure I get a good harvest this fall.

What you got planned bro?

Check ya later.
Let see,.. I gotta go out and pay some bills, and pick up a special soil mixture so that I can plant 4 of the clones in their 7 gallon containers.

Then Ill start setting up the vegging bubblers, and put the rest of the clones in there place :)

Afterwards, if the weather permits, Ill mow the lawn.


Well-Known Member
Id remove the bad ones only if they are all crinkled up and brown.

Other than that, let em hang for a minute...

Its starting to fill in now, and looking like its gonna be a serious Bud producer. :weed:

Them clones look fabulous! :hump:

Love the brilliant green color.. Nice Job! ;-)

Hang in there, and never again put that floraliscious(sp?) stuff back in the rez...

What a shitty product.

I've learned something from your experience.

I just put my clones under my 430 watt hps this morning, They have all rooted. Never had a fatality with the bucket cloner.

Keep up the good gardening my friend.

Peace bro :)
I agree on the comment about the flora shield, never again. If I want to clean up my roots and kill the off the badies I'll give the bleach a try before I ever put that stuff back in my res.

I'll also consider pulling just a few of them crispy fans off. Just the ones that are toast. Some are so bad they would crumble into dust if I were to give them a gentle squeeze but they are still firmly attached to the main stem pretty good, so she is still probably getting some use out of em. They just make the plant look ugly but she's not in a beauty contest either.

Peace brother.


Well-Known Member
Let see,.. I gotta go out and pay some bills, and pick up a special soil mixture so that I can plant 4 of the clones in their 7 gallon containers.

Then Ill start setting up the vegging bubblers, and put the rest of the clones in there place :)

Afterwards, if the weather permits, Ill mow the lawn.
Sounds like you got a busy day ahead of you my friend.

Now it's off to see the wizard for me.bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

Peace bro.


Well-Known Member
my understanding of it(which may be wrong) is the plant wastes its energy trying to save the damaged leafs. better to just get em off...


Well-Known Member
my understanding of it(which may be wrong) is the plant wastes its energy trying to save the damaged leafs. better to just get em off...
Your right D,

Just dont wanna remove a bunch of semi-green leaves.. But, if there shot, pull em!!!
Right on fellas, I got about 6 of em I need to pull right away then. I probably got more than that but I'll pull just a few every day until there gone.

Thanks for the advice my friends.



Well-Known Member
May 1st 7:00 PM

I took the two biggest clones from the bubble cloner and and dropped them into regular old dirt. The week before I chopped the dirt up and added some 30-2-5 lawn food. (That's all I Had around the house) It's been raining off and on for the past week so it got a chance to mix well with the soil.

Outdoor conditions wet rainy and humid. It had been raining off and on all day so when the weather broke in the evening I just went for it. A cpl of hours after I planted them it started raining again off and on for the rest of the night.

May 2nd 11.00 AM

Still wet, rainy and humid and the clones are kicking ass! I was surprised at how well they they took off. I expected a little shock going from the cloner to dirt. The roots had to have been 10 to 12 inches long when I put em in the ground.

Anyway I'm looking good for a nice fall harvest.

Here are some pics



Well-Known Member
Im amazed at how good they look.

Sometimes when you have hydro roots, and plant em in dirt they can go into slight shock, and stall and droop for a minute.

But, in your case, it looks like they adapted quickly.

Looks like luck is on your side my friend.

Good growing! :)


Well-Known Member
Im amazed at how good they look.

Sometimes when you have hydro roots, and plant em in dirt they can go into slight shock, and stall and droop for a minute.

But, in your case, it looks like they adapted quickly.

Looks like luck is on your side my friend.

Good growing! :)
Yeah CG I think putting them out in the wet and rainy conditions really helped them along. I think its better than sticking them out there to get baked right away by the sun. They did look a little droopy at first but when I checked on them this morning the leaves were praying to the sun god. Really they were just praying because it's still overcast with rain off and on through out the day.

When they get a chance to really get dug in I'm gonna top em to keep em short and bushy then I'm gonna super crop em for maximum yield.

This time around I'll be giving them plenty of food all year long. I know what I'm gonna do with my nute changes.

Hehehe I'm stoked.:mrgreen:

Peace brother.


Active Member
Holy smokes dropa, just saw your 29 day pics thats gonna be a lot of weed! Can't wait to see some more pics when that baby fills out.
Peace out!


Well-Known Member
Hey LZ What up my friend? Thanks bro, she's still not in the best of health right now. I got a lot of damaged leaves on her but she is still plumping up though and doing good for her condition. I was gonna do a update today but I've been nursing my fucked up eye. I was mowing the lawn yesterday and I just about finished up when a branch from a bush (that I hate by the way) smacked me dead in the eye. I shook it off and finished what I was doing. Then I came inside and took shower, smoked a fatty and passed out in my chair. When I woke up I could hardly open my eye. I think I must have scratched it up pretty good. My eye is like constantly watering and beet red. It's finally starting to feel a little better now but it's all that I can do to just write this. The longer I stare at this screen the more it hurts.

I'll see if I can't post up some pics tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
If only one of your eyes are red, smoke another doobie..

Gotta have a matched set bro!!!

Hardy Har Har! ... I know, that was stupid huh? :lol:


Well-Known Member
lol. Nah it's cool bro. Believe me I've been doing nothing but smoking doobs for the past two days. Although I think it makes it worse because it drys my eyes out. I'm doing pretty good this morning. I think by tomorrow my eye will be good shape.

On another note I missed my opportunity to catch my boy in action this morning because I slept in and he decided to do his business on my kitchen floor.:shock:

I know we're a bunch of sick fuckers but it's all in good fun.:twisted:

I didn't make it with the update today but I'll gitter done by tomorrow.

Peace homey.


Well-Known Member
I was reading my exhaust manual the other day and I discovered that I missed a key part to how the thing works. Here is a quote from the manual.

"CFM Airflow ratings are based upon non flanged units. If you are using a fan without 4" ducting. CFM can be higher if the flange is removed. This is not recommended however as it will also eliminate the safety grill."

So on Monday I removed flange from both blowers and I'm getting a 5 degree difference in temps. With summer being just around the corner I've been experiencing 90 degree temps with the outside temps on the rise. After I removed the flange my temps have been 85 degrees. But it still not solving my heat problem.

So here is another project that I"ll be working on but I think I'm gonna wait till this grow is over to work on it because I'm gonna have to totally redo my room again and it might take a little longer to make it happen.

It's called a bake a round Pyrex bread tube and I got the idea from a thread that I found while searching for a DIY cool tube. The thread can be found here.


it's the best tutorial I found on how to make one. I got the bake around on eBay for 15.00 bucks and the rest of the parts I need to make one can be found pretty cheap.

Here's the bake around.

Last but not least here is an update on my clones.

The clones are kicking ass man. They are nice and green and putting on new growth. I cut all the dead and yellow fan leaves off and they just started to take off like there was no tomorrow.

I'll be updating my journal tomorrow with pics of my lonely lady.



Well-Known Member
Very Interesting My Dear Watson :)

Yea, I haven't put a whole lotta effort in getting the dog shit picture..LOL!

U Might have to get into Co2 afterall.

You can get away with it by grabbing a cheap 20lb tank, reg and a timer.

Them clones look Super Nice!!! You running Lucas on em right? Wrong??

Aight brother, gotta take care of a few things, Later Homey, CG OUT! :)