Drug Interdiction Officers

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Active Member
I think what needs to be known is that there are police who are trained and who's job it is to find drugs. So don't do stupid stuff to stand out if you have a load on board. Stupid things would include:
1. Driving a 1968 VW bus with a weed sticker on the back window
2. Smoking in the car
3. Speeding, driving like an idiot, break any traffic laws
4. Make sure the car is in good condition, all lights work, plates are current, ect
5. Driving stoned reeking of pot

Just be smart and you will not even get pulled over in the first place.

ok ok, i agree, be smart and dont get pulled over right...totally agree but...no smoking in the car? get outtta here!!!:mrgreen: dont forget, you just posted that on a website by stoners and for stoners.....


Active Member
the up high thing is BS by the way. dogs can still smell it

also cops know these tricks and check trash everywhere, also they will let the dog in your car if they have a hard time searching and the dog will find it really close

best idea, dont roll with your stash, if your going somewhere......bike
word bro. i love mountain biking

and ps- your avatar is fucking sweet, it was my favrite book as a kid- TEAR SHIT UP!


Active Member
sorry guys i got baked and blew up this thread, so this will be the last time i post on it, but, but hopefully those posts will help break up the tension here. so just a lil paper i wrote a while back a subsubject of a subject of a subject....? any here it is
The department of Defense defines terrorism as “the calculated use of unlawful violence to inculcate fear, intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.” This definition is accurate because it addresses terrorism that is associated with religious beliefs. Religious inspired terrorism is a danger that is becoming more and more predominate in today’s society due to various extremist religious beliefs emerging from the Middle East. (CDI)
The terrorism of 9/11 not only incited fear but many feelings of apprehension because not only were Americans scared of the terrorists but they were also worried about their governments ability to protect the nation from future potential attacks. New laws were passed such as the patriot act, which expanded the government’s ability to invade private communication and broadened the United States’ definition of terrorism to comprise of “domestic terrorism” so that government personnel could inspect private documents and increase secret intelligence. (CDI)This act was ratified in hopes to give the political administration more power, thus adding crimes such as stalking to the Department of Homeland Security’s definition of terrorism.
Based on FEMA’s (Federal Emergency Management Agency) broad definition of terrorism, any common criminal that had instigated fear intentionally or accidentally could be considered a terrorist because they had “created fear among the public”. (Fema) I believe this is where the definition of terrorism begins to be skewed because modern terrorism, as it relates to the present, is more related to applying pressure or to daunt the people of a nation or the government of a nation. Terrorism is bigger than shooting a couple of blank rounds at the town hall or grand theft auto, it is a national threat that should be individually taken into consideration due to its significant effects on peaceful everyday life.
FEMA’s definition of terrorism is expressed as a more local type of terrorism. By their definition terrorizing one person can be considered a terrorist. A criminal who terrorizes a family by stalking them can be considered a terrorist by FEMA’s broad definition. (Fema)Personally, I think that it is a form of lower scale terrorism but should have it own definition such as a Hate Crime.
I define terrorism as the act of executing unmoral and destructive acts toward a group with the different beliefs or standpoints to incite overall fear and to create the anticipation of imminent danger to vulnerable areas of a nation. The only act of terrorism that I can relate to was the travesty of 9/11 when various planes were deliberately crashed into different areas of America that symbolized our livelihood. The thing that was most apparent to myself was the perception of future attacks on America that would directly affect my state of mind and the environment around me. The fear that was instilled in me as a result of national terrorism was much more evident and frightening than a gang oriented bombings.
The mafia for example would terrorize the public with murders and bombings in order to create fear among individuals. This is a standard example of terrorism relating to very primal violence that does not intended to “coerce or intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious or ideological.” Instead, these acts are intended to chase individuals into hiding, not psychologically panic them. These minor acts of terrorism on a criminal level occur on a much lower scale than the transcontinental terrorism that we endure today. Their actions were similar to that of the al Qaeda in the sense that they both generated fear in an unconventional manner.
However, there is a line between criminals inciting fear in hopes to gain money or power and religious extremists hoping to gain nothing but the acceptance of their religious beliefs. However, both instances are considered acts of terrorism yet the form of terrorism that we are experiencing now is more associated with religion and politics. It is Religious radicals who most often support their religious ideology by implementing unlawful tactics against the government or religious hierarchy of a nation. (CDI)

-me, bitch!
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