Hot water at a precise temp can kill root aphids but I know it needs to be slightly below boiling. Cannot recall the precise temp but off hand I would say 131 degrees. That is all I have ever heard hot water used for.
I water the day before harvest and then start right at lights on, next day to harvest.

Extended dark periods do nothing - myth.

I too started in the 70's. I was taught some interesting and some crazy things back then. I don't today even understand where some of the idea's came from....I tried the boiling water thing by RM3 . I'm pretty 6-1 half dozen to the other on it....It works ok but, I like to fresh trim.....So it kinda rubbed me the wrong way.....

That was my choice and I'm a bit biased to how I like to trim.....so, 50/50 on that...
YEP That s right what do you think about drying out soil before harvesting???? Back in the day in the early 70`s I was taught by old school outdoor growers that the best strength was achieved by Drying out the root ball Thus stressing the plant causing it to send everything it had left to protect the heads.. Its not about a quick curing its about concertinaing any go juice. I see people talking about boiling water, does this work on the same concept of starving the plant as half digging the plant out or? Anybody know what is the best?
what if you are growing in Hydro?, flood drain, DWC, SIP's ect
People use extended dark periods so the plant can use the starch stored in their leaves. No light, no photosynthesis, no food. I assume people do this for the same reason some people flush. It does use up starch reserves, whether it makes a difference in the end product will be determined by the consumer and what works for them.
People use extended dark periods so the plant can use the starch stored in their leaves. No light, no photosynthesis, no food. I assume people do this for the same reason some people flush. It does use up starch reserves, whether it makes a difference in the end product will be determined by the consumer and what works for them.

This has no benefit. I believe it is just another myth. Most of these things are.

And flushing only helps if you have added too much nutes and your plants leaves are burning.

But the debates and ideas will continue.....
Wow I cant believe the power of the red hat 2 weeks from seed
buds already lol

Plant on the right is a Hops plant got on ebay for 5.00 bucks and came with a serious PM(pythium infection)

the other died, I bought it to compare with weed
when the plant is done just take it out of the light and stop watering let it dry out over 10 days and wow its so strong smelling 1 small piece will stink up a 2000 square area . used to get that hay smell when i was a rookie . used to chop those tomatoes right off the plants to let them dry never again .
When u say take it out of the light u mean 10 days of uninterrupted darkness or put the light in a shaded area
when the plant is done just take it out of the light and stop watering let it dry out over 10 days and wow its so strong smelling 1 small piece will stink up a 2000 square area . used to get that hay smell when i was a rookie . used to chop those tomatoes right off the plants to let them dry never again .
So you do not cut the stem?