My 2 drachmas…

I put chop ready girls on dark on day of so i can pull anytime i want to next day or so. Even do a large fan strip before they go dark. No real rules on this.

For my convenience over function - no early rise and shine to pull them before lights come on. Im not milking morning cows - so fuck it they stay there as long pot drying as i want. Even blasted them with UV in “ dark “ tent for giggles.

No rules.
Well 1# flushing running water through your medium to try removing wtv build up of nutrients to make a better clean smoke and 2# the cold water stresses the plant to enhance thc anything at the end with reson to stress the plant as a defense mechanism the plant will produce more thc

How does leaching the medium actually “ clean “ the plant ?
What The plant uptakes is “ in the plant “ not the dirt.

Cold water does absolutely nothing - bullshit hippie hype
You want to push thc ? Throw UV at it.

Mr. Canuck must be stopped ! LOL
Cold water can stress plants, but it's not gonna create more thc really. It will make the plants not be able to absorb P as easily and they'll start getting purple stems due to lack of P. My plants don't like hot or cold water. They want water that's just right like Goldilocks. 68 degrees F.
I've had plants that ended up drying out in pots until they were dry enough to smoke. I will say that the end product was very tasty. These were just small plants in small pots that dried in a reasonable amount of time.

Drying on the vine - when i did fabric bags
It works pretty well , i wet trim and let them dry at their own rate as plant dies.
Slow drying in the pots is legit if you can manage it! But how do you manage?

My scrog net helped for a couple days but then I had to hang them upside down to avoid the flopping around.