Interesting thread. I take it that is does not matter when the plant is cut. If that's true why are there pictures of big time producers getting up before daylight to cut plants before the sun comes up. By the way I turn off the light the night before I cut. That way I can cut in the dark but can sleep in
Interesting thread. I take it that is does not matter when the plant is cut. If that's true why are there pictures of big time producers getting up before daylight to cut plants before the sun comes up. By the way I turn off the light the night before I cut. That way I can cut in the dark but can sleep in
Because a lot of people still believe in BroScience. Are you watching YouTube videos?
Interesting thread. I take it that is does not matter when the plant is cut. If that's true why are there pictures of big time producers getting up before daylight to cut plants before the sun comes up. By the way I turn off the light the night before I cut. That way I can cut in the dark but can sleep in
For many crops, its beneficial to cut after a dark period. It doesnt increase potency, but it will shave a day or two off the cure due to the starch/sugar conversion.
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Me neither but Google it. There are quite a few that may surprise you. I'm too tired to rewrite a few pages of references. In the end everyone believes what they want based on what they have read that corresponds to what they believe
Me neither but Google it. There are quite a few that may surprise you. I'm too tired to rewrite a few pages of references. In the end everyone believes what they want based on what they have read that corresponds to what they believe
I dont need to Google it. Part of our family business is in AG.
I think the problem lies with folks leaving their plants in the dark for days and then claiming it increases potency. It doesnt. But you are correct, cannabinoids and terpenes are at their peak during the dark hours.
But harvesting before lights on (or high noon) is a common method for many crops...cannabis included, due to the starch to sugar conversion.
We do it during very early morning hours with our other crops because this is the time when the berries are fully hydrated and at peak sweetness.
No Google best time of day to cut cannibus. High Times among others say harvest before sunrise because terms are at their highest. There is also a reference from Rolliup from some time ago
So I tried this on clone plants side by side. I smelled both of them more at night time that much I will give you.

But thats where it ends. I chopped one at night. One in the morning.

Both smelled and tasted the exact same. Zero discernible difference after cutting and after dry and cure.
@Rayi @Tangerine_ Thanks for chiming in with your ag backgrounds guys. Harvest in the morning might help with: the flavor, sugar to starch, terpenes and curing. This has enough benefits to mean it could be worthwhile.

Meanwhile, I'm curious to know: when do you two guys stop your watering altogether?

For my recent grow, I stopped 2 days before I cut, and I think it helped with making sure the dry-out process was super slow and retaining of dank terpenes. From what I understand, those first few days of the drying, are crucial for terpene retention.