Drying woes


Harvested and drying and bottling. I'm waiting til the branch cracks rather than bends, as Ive been advised over and over. Well day 4 of drying and branches still bending, but buds are very dry. Smell nice when I start trimming into them, but crumbling also. Alot. Bummer. So can I get moistue back in in some way? Or will a good cure take care of that?


Well-Known Member
Harvested and drying and bottling. I'm waiting til the branch cracks rather than bends, as Ive been advised over and over. Well day 4 of drying and branches still bending, but buds are very dry. Smell nice when I start trimming into them, but crumbling also. Alot. Bummer. So can I get moistue back in in some way? Or will a good cure take care of that?
When I just jarred my harvest, the buds were where I wanted them, but the stems still soft, so what I did, (after 4 days of drying) is jarred them, and about every 6 hours, would pull them out of the jar, and rotate so the top ones ended up on the bottom, then close up the jar again.
I had to do this for 3 days every few hours until I got dry stems and nice texture buds.
Now, I've had the stuff, popcorn AND bud in jars for 2 days now, without major opening, only opening when I get an itch to smell.
BTW, I noticed MY stuff doesn't get to smelling good until at least a week after, but finally starts smelling GOOD after 2 weeks, but I'm growing bagseed.
IF, and ONLY IF you do end up getting drier than you want, I have heard a leaf of lettuce, slice of bread, or a couple moist Q tips can add some moisture back into your jar, but when re-introducing moisture into the environment, you need to be diligent so you don't get any mold.