heres yours. Its the button on the circle on the bottom. Do you see it? the one with the flower on it. Just press on the MF with the flower on it. Dont press the func.set button.My wife's camera a Canon Powershot A540 - thats the one I use for bud pics an stuff. Theres a landscape button and that doesn't work. The auto doesn't work either, crazy automatic cameras. I got a Nikon D70 which takes AWESOME pics but my card readers broken, and I've been a bit short on the funds lately.
The songs that good huh? might have to get stoned first. Not a big rap fan at all
That song waz sick,i wonder what type of lights that guy was using there were pretty far away in the vid.Also! Did you guys listen to that song!!! (page 207)What do you think........ DWC ANTHEM??!?!?
Thanks..LOl my car looked exactly like hydros a few weeks ago when i thre my rod.. Nice av hydro.Alright im going to go listen to the song now net lmao
yea me2.......ah, its ok i guess
this is more my styleSix feet under - 420