DWC Scrog Grow Extrema & El Monstre!


Well-Known Member
Took a couple pics of the scrog. It looks nice in the pics but once Extrema is cut then it will not look as good. I am pretty positive of its chosen sexuality. I cannot convince him otherwise to undergo the sex change so he will be put down this weekend unless he sprouts some pistils very soon. El Mons are both confirmed females as well. I think I should still get a few good sized buds off of the two El Mons.

Extrema Top View.. Such a tragedy! Lol


One of the last family portraits they will have together

El Mon 2

El Mon 2
.. I didn't take a picture of El Mon 1 but it is about the same size as this one.



Well-Known Member
:leaf:Pulled up the Extrema. I can't be upset because I knew from the get go that it was a male. That's the reason I moved it from the back of the screen to the front a couple weeks ago. Just a feeling that I had. I seriously doubt that my screen will fill out but I really don't care. My suspected yield is now cut in half but it's all good. It's alot better than having 1 out of 3. I'm hoping to get 2-4 good sized buds from each plant. The last two pics are of the Extrema. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
You are correct Bonzi. With the added veg time you could fill up a whole screen I'm sure. Not trying to be a downer, but it does suck. Oh well!
I'd like to pull some clones but not equipped at the moment for that. Just have to wait and see what happens I guess.


Well-Known Member
If my roots had looked as nice for the whole grow as they look now, I would prob have some beast cuz I had enough veg I believe. They are stretching a little and looking pretty good. I am undecisive if I should use my "Bud Candy" to enhance the flavor. I have read mixed reviews and understand both sides of the argument. These are El Mons and are supposed to have a great sweet taste without any additives, so I'm not sure adding the Bud Candy will help or hurt. It also adds sugars to the plant from what I understand. Anyone have any experience with using this product?


Active Member
Took a couple pics of the scrog. It looks nice in the pics but once Extrema is cut then it will not look as good. I am pretty positive of its chosen sexuality. I cannot convince him otherwise to undergo the sex change so he will be put down this weekend unless he sprouts some pistils very soon. El Mons are both confirmed females as well. I think I should still get a few good sized buds off of the two El Mons.

Extrema Top View.. Such a tragedy! Lol
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One of the last family portraits they will have together
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El Mon 2
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El Mon 2.. I didn't take a picture of El Mon 1 but it is about the same size as this one.
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Damnit. That was my favorite one too. :(


Well-Known Member
Day 8 of Flowering:
My roots are really exploding finally. Better late than never. The plants are still stretching and looking good. It's looking like I'm gonna have a couple big buds on each plant. But one of the bigger ones is gonna be right in the middle of the screen. Luckily my screen is not that full so it shouldn't affect it that much. I didn't change the rez after first week of flower, but I added about 150mL of Big Bud to the rez Sunday. Yesterday I noticed some suds built up in the corner of the rez so I stirred it around a little to break up the suds. I checked back this morning and noticed the plants seem to have grown more since adding the Big Bud. I'm not saying the Big Bud made them grow but I'm sure it didn't hurt. I will change the rez water this week and hopefully I will have my pH meter by then. It has been about 3 weeks since I have known my pH. They are still alive and not burnt or wilting so I'm not stressing it but it would be nice to know where I'm at with it tho.
1240 PPM


Well-Known Member
Yes I lowered the water level. It is now about 2 inches below the pots. I am gonna let it drop to about 3 inches but they are fine and healthy looking. My roots have been looking good and growing for about the past 3 weeks. I was just saying they were exploding and getting thick. They are long and are close to the bottom of the cooler. Nice & white!
Your screen looks kinda loose. That would aggravate the shit outta me. How's it working out for you? I like mine tight so it will keep the stalk bent over and where I want it to be. Other than that, yours is looking good.


Well-Known Member
Day 11 of 12/12: My pics may look like the plants are skinny and bare. I tuck most of my shade leaves under the screen. This way I don't have to cut all of them so they will continue to give the plant what it needs. I do cut some but I try to avoid cutting too many, especially the ones towards the tops. They have been drinking some water lately. My rez was about 2-3 gallons lower than it usually is. Im gonna leave it at this level. It is about 2 1/2 inches below the pots. The roots are happy so I'm happy :-P

These are El Mon 2 roots in the first picture. The one that had No Roots for half of the grow. They look great now!


Well-Known Member
Shit! if your roots are happy we are happy.they look so healthy!!! good job!. it seems like everything is working out great and you are going to have some good bud.


Well-Known Member
Shit! if your roots are happy we are happy.they look so healthy!!! good job!. it seems like everything is working out great and you are going to have some good bud.
Thanks Mel! I have learned that babying them is not the way to go. Let them do their thing and they will do just fine. I just gotta be there to guide them. Like with having kids. Lol! I hope to double the yield with my next grow tho.


Well-Known Member
beautiful creative setup LOVE IT!
one thing thing tho, 20% humidity????
Thanks! Very observant on the humidity. It is not actually 20% my meter fell in the rez a couple weeks ago and it stopped working for a couple hours til it dried out and now the temp works fine but the humidity has been stuck at 20%. I need to get a new meter and will soon.