DWR's 1st Journal - Going BIG !


Well-Known Member
well as long as the girls are getting thier micro nutes they should be full potential...so be patient and woosaahh....the big buds are coming...and your growing a sativa so they may need a little longer in flowering anyway


Well-Known Member
DWR don't be so down man, don't worry these thing will definitely fatten up, give it time.



Well-Known Member
DAY 34

Temps : 23.4

PH : 5.9

MALE ?????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
unbelievable... I post loads of pics for this forum and no reply's.....

Rollitup you better start posting in my threads or i wont be updating as much..... peace


Well-Known Member
i cant really tell from the pic:-?....but give it another few dayys......maybe it doesent seem like they're growing because you give us frequent updates.....not that im complaining...just saying


Well-Known Member
Hey i've put in all my plants im going away in 3 months.... :)

so all has to be done by then....


Well-Known Member
Looks like the begining of a male to me, but a little soon to be 100%. Try and get closer for us.



Well-Known Member
yea!!!....there really gettin bigger on a day to day basis

thnx man

I Hope that some tops will start to cover themsefl's with trichomes.... its allway's growing giving even more bud sites....

Hope she stops soon she is making her GOD mad ^^