DWR's 1st Journal - Going BIG !


Well-Known Member
i've put my Blue Mystic in the other room for now, lets see if its a male.... ^^



Well-Known Member
yeah i think so man...... Its kinda weird because my last blue mystic did excact the same thing, only i didnt put her in flower... maybe it should be like that.... i'll wait 2 day's :D


Well-Known Member
when that plant finishes you're going to have like 6 12 inch colas popping up in the air thats awesome man
i want to grow sativa my next operation


Well-Known Member
DAY 36

Temps : 24.5 ( nice and warm outside.... )

PH : 5.8

You see the stem, its just making new branches the whole time

STOPP !!!!!!

Very nice... ^^

Very nice

Very nice

Very small ^^

hmm its very nice...

Very nice

Very big stem ^^ :P

Very nice

Very white.... ^^

Group pic... Very nice

omg did i take this pic... Beautyfull ;)

New setup for the plants... for maximum Light :D

Very nice

Very nice equipments ^^

ICE - 1 DAY Flowering..

Early Cali

2. Early Cali

Very nice

What more can i say than - A picture speaks a 1000 words for itself ^^ or something like that :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint: :peace::peace::peace:

Post comments....


Well-Known Member
Yes, purely sex you have.

Speaking of sex, could you navigate to my journal under yours and let me know what you think of the possible female i have?

++ :)


Well-Known Member
jesus! marijuana is the best room mate and the only plant that pays rent
amazing journal
Should of named this DWR's Comedy Grow Journal :P


hehehehe.... thnx yo ^^ u want some night pics ?????? reply fast cuz im gona go offline soon....


Well-Known Member
very nice man...very nice....where did you purchace your flower chamber??...i think i asked you before but i forgot what you said:confused: