DWR's 1st Journal - Going BIG !


Well-Known Member
shit man my girlfriend just pulled the plug on the whole System, Computer.. Stereo.... all !

WHAT A BITCH !!! I've had it ! Im moving to my dad... ^^

and sorry i was gona say... you'r american and it wont work...... sorry.... only send to europe


Well-Known Member
its called darkroom ....

and you can purchase this litte thing to it aswell for 20 dollars



Well-Known Member
stupid princess lady .... ! F*ck ! If i could kill someone at the moment i wouldnt hesitate '^^'


Well-Known Member
never get yourself a good looking girl that acts like a princess even though it looks great... there shit ^^


Well-Known Member
Down a little so co and get blowed yo . . pour some vodka and roll up rock bud. . um. . Grab the 151 with some sativa in your lungs . . ha ha


Well-Known Member
DAY 37

Temps: 24.4

PH: 5.8

My plant is just shooting and shooting more and more bud spots... anoying ^^

I did a little experiment and chop'd of the new growth of a bud.... maybe it will do something.... and i tested on the smallest plant and smallest bud... ^^




Well-Known Member
Just brought myself some TOPMAX ^^.... supposed to make 20-40% more than it would anyway.... and it sweetens the taste...

And i got myself a Red Spectrum HPS..... This one aint doing it....


Well-Known Member
lol...... dude i will be using this for my Genuis idea !

hahah i was day dreaming in to my plants.... goes like this :

" I start growing with CFL's to veg for 2 weeks.. put them in the HPS Cab for another 2 weeks veggin under the SON-T AGRO 1/3 White 1/3 Blue 1/3 Red, then i will switch to 12/12 for 2 weeks with the same HPS.

After 2 weeks start adding nutes... ;) and swap the Lamps to the other lamp - the RED Spectrum 2/3 Red 1/3 Blue... And she will be like wtf is this ? Pure steroid growing style :P:P "


hehe there gonna arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday .....