End Game - New World Order

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Theres been a lot of good discussion on the forums about politics and the North American Union...

I encourage everyone to watch this 2 hour Documentary for free.
End Game. - by Alex Jones.

Its not paranoid mumbo-jumbo. Theres lots of facts and evidence supporting its message.

You should be pissed off that this stuff is going on while we struggle to provide for our families and are distracted by mass media entertainment. :twisted:

Watch this Docu! :neutral::joint: You will be enthralled and interested!
Copy/Paste it, and view it when you can. Pass it along to friends and family.

ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
I figured people should decide for themselves if they really think a Global Conspiracy is happening. This is just one 2 hour video on the subject, but its pretty good. Or I wouldn't have posted it.

I believe there is a Conspiracy. 15-20 years ago, you'd be labeled "paranoid".

What the Docu entails:

*Bilderberg group - headed by the Rothschilds and Rockafellers - many of the conspirators are outed
*North American Union - NAFTA, GATT, Security and Prosperity Treaty, Superhighways and the Foreign companies who are to build and collect the tolls on American soil for 50 years
*Eugenics - Its history and implementation. 'Planned Parenthood' and the reduction of human population.
*Global Warming - and the Carbon Tax to be imposed to pay for the New World Order and their machinations under the guise of "saving the planet"
*Martial Law, Police state, and the erosion of our Constitution
+ a lot more...

There are a few lulls, but sit down and watch it. In pieces if you must.
Its supported by alot of facts, history, documents, speeches, and the timeline it has taken to reach the point where we all are now.


Active Member
hopefully more people will be educated on this issue and the cannabis issue. this is like the fifth two hour document i've watched just on NWO. this isn't really a conspiracy that you can pull out of your ass. there is written evidence all over the UN and CFR. CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE FROM ALL!!


Well-Known Member
I figured people should decide for themselves if they really think a Global Conspiracy is happening. This is just one 2 hour video on the subject, but its pretty good. Or I wouldn't have posted it.

I believe there is a Conspiracy. 15-20 years ago, you'd be labeled "paranoid".

What the Docu entails:

*Bilderberg group - headed by the Rothschilds and Rockafellers - many of the conspirators are outed
*North American Union - NAFTA, GATT, Security and Prosperity Treaty, Superhighways and the Foreign companies who are to build and collect the tolls on American soil for 50 years
*Eugenics - Its history and implementation. 'Planned Parenthood' and the reduction of human population.
*Global Warming - and the Carbon Tax to be imposed to pay for the New World Order and their machinations under the guise of "saving the planet"
*Martial Law, Police state, and the erosion of our Constitution
+ a lot more...

There are a few lulls, but sit down and watch it. In pieces if you must.
Its supported by alot of facts, history, documents, speeches, and the timeline it has taken to reach the point where we all are now.

even today "conspiracy theorists" are called crazies or loons
does that mean thoughts or things said about our government or country in a negative way is somthing bad? a crime? now your an outcast the "witch"?
i would love to see that attitude change i think these" conspiracy theorists"
are people standing up saying hey this is fucked up. i dont think they would care to look all this info up if they didnt believe that things were not how they should be. i dont think that its unreasonable at all to think that there is a world elite group, the illuminati, the people that print the money for the world. ive come to realize how unlimitless their options are, this could be discussed all day haha


Well-Known Member
Judging something before looking at it is just pointless and only makes you look ignorant to the information right in front of your face...

This is worth the watch...

And all the people muttering 'this is fucking crazy' to themselves- watch it.. at least your banter will be worth listening to afterwards and we can actually DiScUsS ideas rationally.. otherwise it's like trying to talk about the earths rotation to a flat lander..


Well-Known Member
I'm a Mason... and I have no idea what you people are talking about.:hump: Except that I do get out of a lot of speeding tickets! /G\ :evil:


Well-Known Member


Active Member
yea i must have seen like 20 videos including zeitgeist, i dont like how they throw that atheist bullshit to you in the beginning though, the NWO and shits all true but you cant tell me there isnt a God get outta heaaa


Well-Known Member
yea i must have seen like 20 videos including zeitgeist, i dont like how they throw that atheist bullshit to you in the beginning though, the NWO and shits all true but you cant tell me there isnt a God get outta heaaa
switch it around and then you will be right


Well-Known Member
Prosecute George Bush and Dick Cheney
for War Crimes^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I second the motion, I call for a vote!
Sure, but I wish we could've prosecuted Clinton for CALEA and NAFTA. One of the most grevious pieces of legislation under Bush is HR5122. Now the POTUS can call out the Nat'l Guard without the approval from the Governor. Bye bye States' rights.


Well-Known Member
yea i must have seen like 20 videos including zeitgeist, i dont like how they throw that atheist bullshit to you in the beginning though, the NWO and shits all true but you cant tell me there isnt a God get outta heaaa
yeah, i feel ya...

who created the big bang? if you have ever studied that, than you know that it is truly amazing and impossible for it to just happen out of no where...




Well-Known Member
indeed indeed i do believe that modern religion has gone away from its original intent
was religion a way to control? ill listen to old martin luther on this topic that we have an individual relationship with god and i do not need bullshiting preachers or priests to tell me what god is saying, i grew up into christianity and always remembering thinking do i really have to be scared of god and live a certain way and praise him all day to get into heaven with rewards waiting? too many questions


Well-Known Member
indeed indeed i do believe that modern religion has gone away from its original intent
was religion a way to control? ill listen to old martin luther on this topic that we have an individual relationship with god and i do not need bullshiting preachers or priests to tell me what god is saying, i grew up into christianity and always remembering thinking do i really have to be scared of god and live a certain way and praise him all day to get into heaven with rewards waiting? too many questions
lmao, i hear ya, i was brought up christian also.... i still believe in a God, but just not exactly how its depicted in the bible:-|

thats what i get for being scientific......


Well-Known Member
Otis•Driftwood;1055729 said:
I finally got around to watching Endgame. I am now going to move to the deepest part of the wilderness i can find. :|
Start a clan.. If you have enough hot single women than I would surely join. I would love to live off the land, in the woods.

