Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page


Well-Known Member
How do you do this?

lol the man himself is on riu :-) ummmm but it takes some know how,,, and genetics.

edit: heres that grow at the end~[video]http://www.youtube.com/user/scrogking#p/u/20/4SEMdTgz9Zw[/video]

but were you asking about the diy cooltube? I thought you were talking about the grow lol


Well-Known Member
How do you do this?

In this garden, vertical space was used to maximize the potential for surface space by utilizing the vertical space available as apposed to horizontal and thus created a superior design for the objective.

Thumbs up to creative diversity! If the surface space were equal to what would be used if done horizontally I would say that a flat screen is more beneficial however that is not the case and it is very obvious. Good Job.


Well-Known Member
Putting up my screen tomorrow sometime, I'm so excited! But then when I actually thought about doing it, I have no idea how big I need to make the screen, nor do I know how high above the plants the screen should be placed? I guess it depends on situation to situation, so to give you some info: my plants are outdoor and both are mostly sativa, and both harvest around the same time (around end of sept). Feedback on how high to put the screen, what direction I should LST each plant in relation to the screen, and how big of a screen I could possibly fill out would be awesome! I don't mean to seem like a total idiot, I can kind of guess what to do on each of these, but what I would be doing is guessing, and I would rather get feedback of pros! Thanks guys. bongsmilie

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Well-Known Member
showing up late to the party, not sure if I qualify as one of my plants has a kind of make shift scrog going on. this plant was meant to be an autoflower but didn't flower and has quickly outgrown the space, I'm trying to veg the little ones a little while longer while keeping the other two down. any advice would be welcomed as im struggling for solutions.



RIU Bulldog
I like to lst my plants before I put the screen over them, the I take off the ties before I put the screen over. That way the lower branches are already pretty long from the start. But I like a low screen, like 6 to 8 inches above the soil line.
Also, I don't bend branches back down under the screen. I found I would accidentally tear off leaves and break stems. Yeah if you catch it early it shouldn't be a problem, but scrog is already a bit of a PITA, why make it harder than it already is?
I let branches grow through, and then tie them down on top of the screen. Here's my plants yesterday.
To solve your problem and save you from your tie down derby, use larger screen....Imagine a commercial scale garden, your the cultivationist and the garden owner says scrog my 60 plants....I bet I beat you to the finish line! ;)
I value your opinion woodsman, but besides the extra labor there's no diff really (This is my first time doing it on top of the screen and your right, it's a lot faster to pull them back down through). And if I was working someone else's garden I totally wouldn't be going through all this effort ;)
Ftr, I will probably use a 1"x2" rabbit fence instead of chicken wire next time. And thanks for the compliment about my plants, I try.


Well-Known Member
"I value your opinion woodsman, but besides the extra labor there's no diff really" Question or statement?

The statement is untrue. I would be happy to explain if its a question...

It should also be noted that not only are your plants healthy and looking very good, but that some strains DO have problems with simply being pulled back through. Some are more likely to snap. Some strains are less malleable and in those cases, scrog still works and you prove it! Nice! I Like it!

And if I was working someone else's garden I totally wouldn't be going through all this effort

Don't apply for a job at my place! ;)


Well-Known Member
Putting up my screen tomorrow sometime, I'm so excited! But then when I actually thought about doing it, I have no idea how big I need to make the screen, nor do I know how high above the plants the screen should be placed? I guess it depends on situation to situation, so to give you some info: my plants are outdoor and both are mostly sativa, and both harvest around the same time (around end of sept). Feedback on how high to put the screen, what direction I should LST each plant in relation to the screen, and how big of a screen I could possibly fill out would be awesome! I don't mean to seem like a total idiot, I can kind of guess what to do on each of these, but what I would be doing is guessing, and I would rather get feedback of pros! Thanks guys. bongsmilie

Guessing a bit is a big part of the learning curve and is not in the least bit a sign of ignorance so worry not! I would suggest understanding that this years run IS trial. It will educate you, it may frustrate you, but most importantly YOU will grow from it. I would say that in light of the plants sativa dominance, you will likely have large plants. Using a screen that has large mesh size is most likely the best suited choice of screen, and due to it being outdoor, maybe something with a non rusting surface. (chicken fence does corrode; galvanization can create problems for your cannabis and consumption). Creating more surface area than your plants can possibly cover is also a good idea when your guessing how much it can cover. When scrogging outdoor, you are more likely to fill all your screen than under fill, and its better to under fill when using natural light that is not concentrated on one area/foot print. Height from ground depends on how low you want to keep your canopy and how much room you want to work it. Keep in mind that you will be working from above and below, mostly below.


Well-Known Member
I just switched over to flowering 5 days ago.. do I just need to bend and train the tops and side shutes until the stretch is over?
I don't train stretching plants, my training occurs during veg growth, if the colas are going to be tall enough that they lean and bend once filled, I place a larger screen in to support the weight.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the great info woodsman! I wish I could +rep you more haha. Would rabbit fencing be big enough holes? If not I can cut the fencing I have to make bigger holes. I use it in my yard and it doesn't seem to be corroding after a few years use so I think I'm good. How much surface area would be more than they could cover about?
What do you mean by working from below? Like lacing the branches through and stuff? Sorry if I'm asking a lot of annoying questions. I REALLY appreciate it though. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Brandon, I repped Woodsman for ya. This is one of the best threads going on this site, and he deserves every kudo.


Well-Known Member
Thanks fellas, you make it hard for a guy to stay low key... ;)

Brandon; what is your global position? (need a reference to understand your season) Working from below "literally being below the screen doing work". A foot or two off the ground means your on your back, how fun are transmission changes on a low rider? I don't know ether but I would bet it would be easier if you put it up on blocks...feel me?


Well-Known Member
When in doubt, spray paint your mesh green or white using an outdoor paint, allow adequate time to dry!

Tip: In cooler climates, laying black felt cloth under your canopy at ground level, will help keep your garden warm as well as keep unwanted undergrowth at bay.


Well-Known Member
I'm right in the Sacramento area. I can't put the screen too high, because I'm using it to keep the plants hidden. I'm fine with working on my back.