Ever gotin your pet high

This looks like a touchy subject for some, but I'm game to relate some stories.
With respect to PuGGz post:
You've given me the incentive to do some serious research on this PuGGz. I've never considered the implications of cannabinoids on animal health and wellbeing.

On to the anecdotal tales.
The first stoner dog I ever saw was a small fox Terrier. His owner had his bedroom under his house and that was his smoking room. He would always close the door "because my fucking dog keeps hassling me for shotguns". It was true! I was in his room one arvo and he mulled up. As soon as the first cone was pulled there was whining and whimpering and scratching at the door. I got him to open the door and this dog raced in and leapt at the couch. He sat between me and my mate and for four cones got up real close to our faces and lapped at the exhaled smoke.
Then he settled for a bit, then started chasing imaginary cats (I figure) around the room, then lay down and went to sleep. The weed had never been forced on him. Apparently when he was a pup he used to be in the same room when this guy smoked and took a liking to it. The real proof of this dogs liking for a bit of hooter was the scratch marks on the bottom of the door.

I saw a dog turn from a partway intelligent dog to a brainless mutt (permanently) after eating a bowl of Gold Tops that someone had left on the floor of a room one day. We found him lying on the floor (a big White Bully/Dane X) and it took ages to get some sort of attention from him. After that day the dog slowed right down. Lost all his 'spirit' and just wandered about his owners place in a half daze. Not nice, but not something that his owner forced on him. It was an unfortunate accident. I heard that years later he started going schizoid at cats and had to be put down after killing four or five around his neighbourhood (the dog, not the owner).

My dog will sometimes come up to us and make a 'choof' sound when we're smoking. That's when we know he wants a shottie. He will usually hang around for one or two and then wander off and chill for a while. Sometimes he doesn't bother. I wish I could say no sometimes when there was weed around. That'd be different!\

I'll definitely be checking this out further, because I don't like the idea of giving my dog a lung problem like bronchitis or whatever...or some psychological disorder. Does being a really, really good puppy count as a disorder in dogs?:mrgreen: (That was a rhetorical question).

thanku gryphonn im glad someone has taken what i said into consideration for the well being of there own animals, if only everyone had the insight to stop feeding there animals drugs :peace:
and why do you think your cat is so fucked up and a drug she doesnt understand, because idiots like you were the first to introduce it to them!! fuck its not like the cat would of found some dope got itself a bong and started charing up!!! take some fucking responsibility

You sir, are a pretentious moron.
catnip is a drugs MADE FOR CATS!!!! it has been studied and is ok for cats, they have not made pot for cats nor alcohol for cats, so dont give it to them.................. how hard is it really, would you give your children drugs when they have no idea what it is....??

"made for cats"? are you serious? no argument here. :peace:

ok, ..................... what about all the people on this forum how have to lock their cats OUT of their grow rooms? you know why? 'cause the cats like to eat the leaves.

please explain.

not one person here has yet stated they "force" pot smoke onto their pets. yet we continue to get bashed for "locking them in boxes". wtf? whose the idiot? oh yeah, me.
We were having a great time in the bed until that turkey came running out ...
:lol: You not only made me laugh out loud, you made me snork Coke Zero out of my nose. Do you realize how much a fresh Coke Zero hurts when snorked out of one's nose? :lol: :cry: :lol:
You sir, are a pretentious moron.
Hmm.. that's the second time you've used that word incorrectly today. Did you just discover it? :-P Try on that non sequitur for size. :lol:

I, for one, sort of see where Puggz is coming from, I can understand on one level. However, I don't think that they completely lack understanding (animals), they just don't understand the same way humans do. Remember, this is coming from the woman who does not advocate forcing drugs on animals (psychoactive drugs, I will force antibiotics or other necessary drugs down their throats or into their rumps if necessary). I see him as feeling very protective of animals, and I can appreciate that. The delivery may be lacking, somewhat. ;)
personally as a vet student I can see times when it would be wise to force a drug onto an animal, but when it isn't needed it is wrong.. but as stated loads of times even by me.. animals get wasted on their own...

Personally if I get my DVM I wana see if I could get into a MM state and use it in place of some of the more heavy narcotics given to pets.
we found little kitty at the end of the street. he was malnourished and had a broken leg. he had been down there a few days. my wife came and told me. we walked down there. as soon as he saw us he walked up and rubbed on my leg. he weighed 4 and 1/2 lbs if i remember correctly. we took him home and immediately made a vet appointment. took him in and got his shots, got him neutered and fixed his broken leg. he's healthy and playful now. he loves our other 2 kitties. he weighs at least 7 lbs now.

when we brought him home from the vet he was in pain. how could he not be? he had a broken leg. they don't give animals pain meds. i think they still feel pain. do you? so while he's limping around suffering i blow a little smoke his way. he climbs up on the couch next to me and wants more. i blow him a little more. never closer than 3 feet away. he lays down and starts purring. he looks at me with a thankfulness in his eye.

now tell me i'm wrong. :peace::peace:

IMG_1220.jpg IMG_5186.jpg IMG_5946.jpg IMG_6143.jpg
we found little kitty at the end of the street. he was malnourished and had a broken leg. he had been down there a few days. my wife came and told me. we walked down there. as soon as he saw us he walked up and rubbed on my leg. he weighed 4 and 1/2 lbs if i remember correctly. we took him home and immediately made a vet appointment. took him in and got his shots, got him neutered and fixed his broken leg. he's healthy and playful now. he loves our other 2 kitties. he weighs at least 7 lbs now.

when we brought him home from the vet he was in pain. how could he not be? he had a broken leg. they don't give animals pain meds. i think they still feel pain. do you? so while he's limping around suffering i blow a little smoke his way. he climbs up on the couch next to me and wants more. i blow him a little more. never closer than 3 feet away. he lays down and starts purring. he looks at me with a thankfulness in his eye.

now tell me i'm wrong. :peace::peace:

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sung to Motley Crue,,,,Your the one he call's Dr Feelgood,,,Your the one who makes him feel alright,,Your the one he calls Dr Feelgood,,He's gonna be your Frankenfeline:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Keep on Growin

a lot of animals get wasted. I saw a doc on animal planet.
Lemurs gently bite centipedes to make them release poison that makes them trip out.
monkeys steal alcohol from tourist
Catnip or cats.
They like to get wasted also. Just don't force it upon ur pet and it should be ok.
Giving drugs to animals is not cool. Forcing anything on anyone (or anything) who cannot refuse it is not friggin cool! You should never use the power of force against someone who does not have the power of refusal. You wouldn't like it done to you!! DUH!!!!
Giving drugs to animals is not cool. Forcing anything on anyone (or anything) who cannot refuse it is not friggin cool! You should never use the power of force against someone who does not have the power of refusal. You wouldn't like it done to you!! DUH!!!!

please, please, please find the post where anything was "forced" on any pet. i know i clearly stated "blown from 3 feet away". :peace:
You've got a big heart, y'know .... *sniffle*

They CAN give animals pain meds, but it doesn't really help. They function better when they're able to walk around for themselves, even if they're in a bit of discomfort.

Sounds like that kitty took one look at you and said, "Hey, where have you BEEN all my life?" ^^

we found little kitty at the end of the street. he was malnourished and had a broken leg. he had been down there a few days. my wife came and told me. we walked down there. as soon as he saw us he walked up and rubbed on my leg. he weighed 4 and 1/2 lbs if i remember correctly. we took him home and immediately made a vet appointment. took him in and got his shots, got him neutered and fixed his broken leg. he's healthy and playful now. he loves our other 2 kitties. he weighs at least 7 lbs now.

when we brought him home from the vet he was in pain. how could he not be? he had a broken leg. they don't give animals pain meds. i think they still feel pain. do you? so while he's limping around suffering i blow a little smoke his way. he climbs up on the couch next to me and wants more. i blow him a little more. never closer than 3 feet away. he lays down and starts purring. he looks at me with a thankfulness in his eye.

now tell me i'm wrong. :peace::peace:

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:lol: You not only made me laugh out loud, you made me snork Coke Zero out of my nose. Do you realize how much a fresh Coke Zero hurts when snorked out of one's nose? :lol: :cry: :lol:

I feel your pain. ^^; That's not fun.

That quote is great, even when it's taken IN context. We were riding in a truck bed, tearing through a forest area ... we were having a great time until a wild turkey came running out of nowhere and the driver nearly crashed the truck.
Giving drugs to animals is not cool. Forcing anything on anyone (or anything) who cannot refuse it is not friggin cool! You should never use the power of force against someone who does not have the power of refusal. You wouldn't like it done to you!! DUH!!!!
If the animal didn't like it they could simply just get up and walk away, simple as that. You're making it sound like we're holding the animal down and pouring smoke down their throat, not the case at all.
I like to take gravitty bongs out of my 50 gallon fish tank:hump: The fish were so happy, i think one even winked at me:hump:
wat kind of pet was it i get my dog high all the time lol my dogs name is blaze
I've had cats who ran into the smoke every time I blew away...I mean got up in my face. But I don't like folks forcing animals to imbibe. If they come hang out, they can stay...on a side note, I have given some to cats to EAT during labor or because of severe pain. It does help them.