Examples of GOP Leadership

Man... it's a shit show. We need some fresh meat. Im not a supporter anymore of anyone. They all suck. Biden can't even put a complete sentence together. Who's your next choice Roger?

Man... it's a shit show. We need some fresh meat. Im not a supporter anymore of anyone. They all suck. Biden can't even put a complete sentence together. Who's your next choice Roger?
Ole Joe is sharp as a tack and doesn't need a teleprompter to speak in complete sentences and even paragraphs, something Cheeto Jesus couldn't do, he is literally a moron and emotionally retarded, as in developmentally truncated. He's an asshole and lunatic magnet, how did you break free? :lol:
I did read that... and it is true that we are divided, and I think since Trump has lost support... Including myself, we need a clean slate.. Can anyone truly say that we are headed the right direction at this point?
Ole Joe is sharp as a tack and doesn't need a teleprompter to speak in complete sentences and even paragraphs, something Cheeto Jesus couldn't do, he is literally a moron and emotionally retarded, as in developmentally truncated. He's an asshole and lunatic magnet, how did you break free? :lol:
Dude.. Joe is not sharp. Neither is Trump... we need to clean house. Show me one thing that Joe has said that's made sense... I watched him on 60 min.. they had to do so much editing (im a film editor) that im sure it took them all damn day just to put that 12 minutes together.
I did read that... and it is true that we are divided, and I think since Trump has lost support... Including myself, we need a clean slate.. Can anyone truly say that we are headed the right direction at this point?
You are suggesting that the party that went rogue en bloc is no worse than the party still dedicated to government by, for and of all the people. That is bigly dishonest.

But then, you tolerate totalibertarians and spaceflight deniers. Keep your nonsense to your nonsense threads please.
You are suggesting that the party that went rogue en bloc is no worse than the party still dedicated to government by, for and of all the people. That is bigly dishonest.

But then, you tolerate totalibertarians and spaceflight deniers. Keep your nonsense to your nonsense threads please.
I never supported spaceflight deniers.. go back and look. I never responded, but instead moved on to other subjects..... So, I can't have a conversation here?
I did read that... and it is true that we are divided, and I think since Trump has lost support... Including myself, we need a clean slate.. Can anyone truly say that we are headed the right direction at this point?
If the republicans win the house, McCarthy will be making pilgrimages to the big house for instructions from Donald and to hear him whine on visiting days, GET ME OUTTA HERE! Donald will run the house and shut down the government until Biden commutes his sentence. Thinks it's off the wall. Where were you these past 5 years!
Man... it's a shit show. We need some fresh meat. Im not a supporter anymore of anyone. They all suck. Biden can't even put a complete sentence together. Who's your next choice Roger?
Oooh, what an *edgy* little edgelord you are, “Bandit”! Did you think all that up by yourself - you, your big brain, and the rest of the “I’m SO smart!” club? I’ll bet you’re a BIG hit on YouTube - subscribers in the high single-digits & beloved by several for sure! All your ex-girlfriends are SO SAD you moved on without them, but I guess the restraining orders keep things from working out, huh?

Keep hunting for that “fresh meat” - you’re sure to stumble across it some day!
I never supported spaceflight deniers.. go back and look. I never responded, but instead moved on to other subjects..... So, I can't have a conversation here?
Of course you can. But say harmful nonsense and expect to be relentlessly called on it. When you were called on it previously, you displayed a persistent lack of humility.

btw that last is an example of a loaded question.
Oooh, what an *edgy* little edgelord you are, “Bandit”! Did you think all that up by yourself - you, your big brain, and the rest of the “I’m SO smart!” club? I’ll bet you’re a BIG hit on YouTube - subscribers in the high single-digits & beloved by several for sure! All your ex-girlfriends are SO SAD you moved on without them, but I guess the restraining orders keep things from working out, huh?

Keep hunting for that “fresh meat” - you’re sure to stumble across it some day!
Thank you.
I did read that... and it is true that we are divided, and I think since Trump has lost support... Including myself, we need a clean slate.. Can anyone truly say that we are headed the right direction at this point?
some of us are...we're trying to make life better for everyone, safer for everyone, ensure that everyone has the right to make their own life choices. we're trying to clean up the environment before it's too late, which isn't nearly as long as big business and republican money will tell you it is, it's knocking on the door...hard.
and then, there are the republicans, the christian nationalists, the white supremacists...the fascists. they want to ensure that only they have the right to make choices for the people. they want to ensure that their minority trumps the much larger majority, and they're very willing to cheat to do it...working against the will of the people, working to ensure they maintain their grasp on power, working to destroy democracy.
will you ever open your eyes and see it? or are you too afraid of that making you "woke" ?