Examples of GOP Leadership

Bandit is good guy … hey have heard what’s up with lord hooha ?
Seems he was posting more … still waiting for him to give me a tour .
Dude. he's been busy.. I can't say what's going on, that's not by business to say, but he's good. He was just out at my farm earlier this month. Great guy.
No worries … liked engaging you guys . He would tell me about that TRX truck he planned to get rid of.
And was following his buildings and dispensary . Good shit.
It's tough here man... in the industry. But he's got a good plan that's all I can say. Im trying to respect his privacy, but he's got his shit together.
Partisan shit happens - choices are individual to everyone. Not everyone will be happy with any politician in power.
As ol pappy used say….. “there are 2 sides to every pancake. “
some of us are...we're trying to make life better for everyone, safer for everyone, ensure that everyone has the right to make their own life choices. we're trying to clean up the environment before it's too late, which isn't nearly as long as big business and republican money will tell you it is, it's knocking on the door...hard.
and then, there are the republicans, the christian nationalists, the white supremacists...the fascists. they want to ensure that only they have the right to make choices for the people. they want to ensure that their minority trumps the much larger majority, and they're very willing to cheat to do it...working against the will of the people, working to ensure they maintain their grasp on power, working to destroy democracy.
will you ever open your eyes and see it? or are you too afraid of that making you "woke" ?
I can understand that. I don't want to send off a missile here, but when you say "Make thier own life Choices". .. Then why did you always discriminate anti vaxxers?.. you know, the ol' "my body, my choice" thing?..... and i didn't even address the rest of your statement, but lets start with that.
I can understand that. I don't want to send off a missile here, but when you say "Make thier own life Choices". .. Then why did you always discriminate anti vaxxers?.. you know, the ol' "my body, my choice" thing?..... and i didn't even address the rest of your statement, but lets start with that.
because that choice could have killed other people, made them seriously ill...that's an irresponsible, childish choice.
it's not the same as allowing people to make decisions that effect only themselves. you're just waiting to hit me with "but that fetus is a person, what about their choice?" ...a fetus isn't a person. a fetus is a potential person, with no thoughts, no life yet, and if it is aborted before 24 weeks (which is a very conservative estimate, in reality it's probably more like 30-32 weeks) it is not murder, it's a woman making a choice about her life that only she and her doctor are qualified to make.
if it only effects your body, it is your choice. if it effects everyone who comes in contact with you, and everyone who comes in contact with them, it stops being personal choice and becomes public health hazard.
because that choice could have killed other people, made them seriously ill...that's an irresponsible, childish choice.
it's not the same as allowing people to make decisions that effect only themselves. you're just waiting to hit me with "but that fetus is a person, what about their choice?" ...a fetus isn't a person. a fetus is a potential person, with no thoughts, no life yet, and if it is aborted before 24 weeks (which is a very conservative estimate, in reality it's probably more like 30-32 weeks) it is not murder, it's a woman making a choice about her life that only she and her doctor are qualified to make.
if it only effects your body, it is your choice. if it effects everyone who comes in contact with you, and everyone who comes in contact with them, it stops being personal choice and becomes public health hazard.
Surprised to hear you say that. When me and Paige met, we agreed that if that ever came up,..we'd abort. But, I got my nuts cut, then she had a full hysterectomy .. so now, its a non issue. The vax... man, IDK . NONE of our family member got the vax.. We all got it, and we all survived. You could make an even better case for drunk driving. It's killed more people (over the years) that Covid has in the past 2.. IDK.. tough issue.
....after she got the hysterectomy, I was like "You put me through all that pain and suffering for nothing!!!"..... J/K.. it was painless. Although she did not find that comment very humorous...... the hormones that go through a woman's body after that is... umm... a long and frustrating experience. Still dealing with it 3 years later. Her Dr. had put her on testosterone , and it was stable for a while, but the pharmacy compounds this per person, and someone fucked up the compound. It was supposed to be 4mg tabs, and they made it 40mg tabs... her testosterone hit 3650 at one point..like 3 times the level of a world class body builder.... but, she's level now.... I think... but she could bench press 350lbs.
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Surprised to hear you say that. When me and Paige met, we agreed that if that ever came up,..we'd abort. But, I got my nuts cut, then she had a full hysterectomy .. so now, its a non issue. The vax... man, IDK . NONE of our family member got the vax.. We all got it, and we all survived. You could make an even better case for drunk driving. It's killed more people (over the years) that Covid has in the past 2.. IDK.. tough issue.
antivax sentiment based on anecdotal evidence. Do you have a nonpolitical reason to dislike the vaccine?

What is your opinion on masking when in public?
antivax sentiment based on anecdotal evidence. Do you have a nonpolitical reason to dislike the vaccine?

What is your opinion on masking when in public?
I have never masked in public unless I was in an airport or on a commercial flight (mandated). Non political...... it's not political, it's just that I don't trust that we can come up with a vax in 6 months and not know what happens after 5-10 or 20 years down the road. We fucked up a bunch of kids trying to figure out the right formula for polio, that took 15 years to figure out. I understand that science has come a long ways, but to me and the family, we took the risk. We all got it, and it was mild for some, 2 weeks for others, but we now have antibodies that will last for the rest of our lives. As far as putting others at risk... we all own businesses, so we just stayed isolated after infected, and informed others that we were in contact with prior. Thats all you can do. People who have been vaxxed still get infected. Even ol' Joe... but it not as scary as they claim it to be. Most people that died had underlying health problems... but yeah, I can understand that if you're not healthy, do whatever.
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I have never masked in public unless I was in an airport or on a commercial flight. Non political...... it's not political, it's just that I don't trust that we can come up with a vax in 6 months and not know what happens after 5-10 or 20 years down the road. We fucked up a bunch of kids trying to figure out the right formula for polio, that took 15 years to figure out. I understand that science has come a long ways, but to me and the family, we took the risk. We all got it, and it was mild for some, 2 weeks for others, but we now have antibodies that will last for the rest of our lives. As far as putting others at risk... we all own businesses, so we just stayed isolated after infected, and informed others that we were in contact with prior. Thats all you can do. People who have been vaxxed still get infected. Even ol' Joe... but it not as scary as they claim it to be.
I mask diligently. This thing is still (again, if you track new virulent strains) killing people, and it is leaving many more with long-term injuries.

The thing that compels me is the possibility that I could be asymptomatic and infectious, especially with one of the newer variants that are good at sidestepping disease- or vaccine-conferred immune boost.

The one thing I really do not want to happen is that I personally infect someone, and then somewhere down the transmission tree someone dies because of me.

The inconvenience of masking is a tiny price to pay for reducing the chance that I was causal in a needless death about which I would be probably unaware
by ninety per cent. In that light, my not wearing a mask in public every time is criminally immoral.

The pandemic is not near over. A thousand a day (at least) are dying of it in USA. When I expose others to me, my obligation is quite clear-cut.
I mask diligently. This thing is still (again, if you track new virulent strains) killing people, and it is leaving many more with long-term injuries.

The thing that compels me is the possibility that I could be asymptomatic and infectious, especially with one of the newer variants that are good at sidestepping disease- or vaccine-conferred immune boost.

The one thing I really do not want to happen is that I personally infect someone, and then somewhere down the transmission tree someone dies because of me.

The inconvenience of masking is a tiny price to pay for reducing the chance that I was causal in a needless death about which I would be probably unaware
by ninety per cent. In that light, my not wearing a mask in public every time is criminally immoral.

The pandemic is not near over. A thousand a day (at least) are dying of it in USA. When I expose others to me, my obligation is quite clear-cut.
Understandable. But we live in such a remote place, that we will go days without seeing anyone. Only our close friends every other weekend. We order non perishables via Amazon, CVS, etc. and only venture out once a week or so for fresh veggies or canned goods. Our situation is different than someone living in SoCal, or NY, or whatever. We are just not that exposed... which is why we chose not to vax.
We all got it anyways... but were vigilant to advise friends or family if were around them. Oddly enough non of those events were related. The infections were months apart from friends or family. It's not like we all got it at the same time, or in a row like falling dominoes.
You ever run a grow op?.... it's not easy.
I used water cooled DIY LED arrays; I gave up growing last year when my gardener passed away and now you can get pot from the native reservations here for $40-60 an ounce, 26% government dope is $130 an ounce. So, running a grow is not worth it anymore unless you are connected to an online pharmacy, but there are easier ways to make money, competition is fierce.
Last night Trump was on Hannity when he made the remarkable claim that the President can declassify something by merely, wordlessly, thinking about it.

It's just gotten so funny... not funny.
Im not a parent, but is this what its like to have a toddler?
"Did you brush your teeth?" "Yes I did! In my mind!"
"Did you clean your room?" "Yes I did in my mind!"
I used water cooled DIY LED arrays; I gave up growing last year when my gardener passed away and now you can get pot from the native reservations here for $40-60 an ounce, 26% government dope is $130 an ounce. So, running a grow is not worth it anymore unless you are connected to an online pharmacy, but there are easier ways to make money, competition is fierce.
Yes… you can get mids here for $70 for 3 oz. So for that reason, I’m out. We just sold our business a couple of weeks ago. I was losing money every run. We produce more weed than any other State at this point. Since METRC came along, growers are dropping like flies. Sorry to hear about your Gardener.
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