Examples of GOP Leadership

It is for Individual 1.
edit; ever read a transcript of Loser45's rants? Put a complete sentence together?
Yeah, back in the day, I was a hardcore supporter, but even then, we'd cringe at some things that came out of his mouth. Not defending him just to be clear. Esp that last statement he made.
I listen to Biden's speeches and don't hear what you seem to hear. He occasionally makes a mistakes, everyone occasionally makes a mistake. He has a fairly serious stutter, and has done a hell of a job controlling it, but it still causes him to pause now and then. Don't confuse that for senility...Everything he says is cogent, intelligent, and on point.
I listen to Biden's speeches and don't hear what you seem to hear. He occasionally makes a mistakes, everyone occasionally makes a mistake. He has a fairly serious stutter, and has done a hell of a job controlling it, but it still causes him to pause now and then. Don't confuse that for senility...Everything he says is cogent, intelligent, and on point.
Not gonna challenge you on that, but the constant stream of gaffes has me concerned a bit. He's about to turn 80 after all. If you're otherwise healthy, the brain is the first organ that starts to degrade as we get older. Makes me wonder if trauma affects your mental stamina. The man lost a wife, daughter, and a son... that's gotta be tough.
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Not gonna challenge you on that, but the constant stream of gaffes has me concerned a bit. He's about to turn 80 after all. If you're otherwise healthy, the brain is the first organ that starts to degrade as we get older. Makes me wonder if trauma affects your mental stamina. The man lost a wife, daughter, and a son... that's gotta be tough.
Changes in the structures of the brain due to normal aging are not striking. It is true that with advancing age there is a slight loss of neurons (nerve cells) in the brain. The total number of neurons is extremely large, however, so that any losses probably have only a minor effect on behaviour. Since the physiological basis of memory is still unknown, it cannot be assumed that the loss of memory observed in elderly people is caused by the loss of neurons in the brain.
decline in cognitive ability is not the same for everyone...Biden is quicker, brighter, more intelligent than trump, who is 4 years younger than he is...Biden is also more intelligent than 90% of the people criticizing him, he's had a literal lifetime of experience in politics, has a lifetime of connections, and understands not only the rules of the game, but when and where one can bend those rules, for the greater good.
Changes in the structures of the brain due to normal aging are not striking. It is true that with advancing age there is a slight loss of neurons (nerve cells) in the brain. The total number of neurons is extremely large, however, so that any losses probably have only a minor effect on behaviour. Since the physiological basis of memory is still unknown, it cannot be assumed that the loss of memory observed in elderly people is caused by the loss of neurons in the brain.
decline in cognitive ability is not the same for everyone...Biden is quicker, brighter, more intelligent than trump, who is 4 years younger than he is...Biden is also more intelligent than 90% of the people criticizing him, he's had a literal lifetime of experience in politics, has a lifetime of connections, and understands not only the rules of the game, but when and where one can bend those rules, for the greater good.
Maybe??.... being in the political arena for 50 years, Im sure he's knowledgeable, but seems like he has a hard time conveying what he's trying to say. He does a lot of "Anyways"... but, im not that great with names either.
Changes in the structures of the brain due to normal aging are not striking. It is true that with advancing age there is a slight loss of neurons (nerve cells) in the brain. The total number of neurons is extremely large, however, so that any losses probably have only a minor effect on behaviour. Since the physiological basis of memory is still unknown, it cannot be assumed that the loss of memory observed in elderly people is caused by the loss of neurons in the brain.
decline in cognitive ability is not the same for everyone...Biden is quicker, brighter, more intelligent than trump, who is 4 years younger than he is...Biden is also more intelligent than 90% of the people criticizing him, he's had a literal lifetime of experience in politics, has a lifetime of connections, and understands not only the rules of the game, but when and where one can bend those rules, for the greater good.
At 89, Dianne Feinstein is still punching like a prizefighter.

Compare to Rick Scott, who would require those on Social Security Disability to get a job.
Comparison between both …

Biden can drink water with one hand , bike , drive his vette , sport raybans , and hates ketchup.

Trump resists walking the golf courses ( cart ) , cheats at golf , loves “ cheesberders “ , terminal bone spurs , impulsive , stupid , obese , orange dipped , cheapskate , fake tans , rooster combovers, diet coke fiend , loves golden showers ( pee ) , sucks vlad’s dick , foreign agent , crybaby.

God bless America
Trump-Backed House Candidate Argued Against Women's Right To Vote
John Gibbs, the GOP nominee for a House seat in Michigan, said women should take care of children, and leave governing and voting to men.
Republicans block bill requiring dark money groups to reveal donors
Without dark money the republicans would be screwed. Dark money puts American politicians on the international corruption auction block, for sale to any of the growing numbers of global billionaires. Only the corrupt oppose such measures and only fools vote for such people.

It appears Letitia James in NY is stopping the steal and pulling the plug on Trump's end of the swamp.