EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


It is so ironic coming from a berniebot since he is not even running for president and she is. So when you say she is unelectable, what you really mean is you can't stand that she's not a democrat. I don't even care who you vote for, by all means write someone in who isn't even running, or vote for Trump like you said you would, I'll just keep reminding you that Barnie is not even running for president.

And I'll just keep reminding you Stein is unelectable.

Let's agree to disagree and vote for the non establishment candidate?
Why don't you continue to repost who you are going to vote for? Please keep doing it, I mean a couple hundred times is not enough! Who are you going to vote for again?



Yes, I know it's a protest vote. I'm voting for the person I think is in my best interest to run our country. I'm encouraging others to do the same.

Whomever gets nominated by a corrupt primary election system is not necessarily the best qualified and if she needs a corrupt system to get her nominated, I think it's a safe bet that she won't be the best person for the job.
lol. I'm not acting like I didn't have you on ignore for the past year. I did. Because for the longest time you had a ridiculously childish sig that took up half the fucking screen space. I didn't feel like scrolling to read just one fucking comment. Then I forgot you even existed, and since I don't have anyone on ignore (except you at the time) I didn't think to check. But randomly I noticed there was an "ignored comment" link, and clicking it I found that you had taken down your ridiculously childish gigantic signatures, so I took you off ignore.

Is it all making sense now? Now show me your old saggy titties!

they're not saggy.
lisa murkowski would disagree.

so would joe miller's sad, racist little tears.
Would disagree about what, that Bernie Sanders is not running for president? Or that Jill Stein is calling his bluff? Besides, I'm not exactly the type of person to care about a couple of Alaskan republicans, UncleBuck.
Would disagree about what, that Bernie Sanders is not running for president? Or that Jill Stein is calling his bluff? Besides, I'm not exactly the type of person to care about a couple of Alaskan republicans, UncleBuck.

Oooooooooooooh..you invoked him by typing his name.

Men! Prepare your penises! Sword fight!
Oooooooooooooh..you invoked him by typing his name.

Men! Prepare your penises! Sword fight!
I think you're just sick of defending Barnie due to the constant berating you have been receiving due to the fact that you insist on voting for someone who is not running for president.
I know this is part of negotiating with a normal person..but sociopath rules are different.

Bernie Sold Us Out..:cry:

I told you that a couple days ago, payaso. We all saw it coming except you and Ttystik apparently. The writing on the wall is clear, Clinton is way ahead and will win even swing states for the most part. I take it you understand that writing in a candidate is counted in some states, but writing in a noncandidate never counts, anywhere...