Flaming Pie
Well-Known Member
Wtf does that have to do with getting a nuteburn plant for your first plant?yes I have a passport and Arjan is a good friend of mine
Wtf does that have to do with getting a nuteburn plant for your first plant?yes I have a passport and Arjan is a good friend of mine
He copy/ pastes half intelligent stuff not relevant to the current conversation, and does not care what people think of him.Oh god he is way worse. Bmeat at least says intelligent things half the time and cares about what people think of him
and?.........View attachment 2521466yes i have a passport and arjan is a good friend of mine
That's just wrong.........Have you even ever tested your water... I think you said you didn't and now that I think of it you also said they put fluoride and chlorine in the water but you also say you have a well... You have no clue. You talk a lot of shit for no reason but hey let's have some fun. I'll tell you about the time I was soooo constipated I had to dig that shit out with my fingers.. Then it felt so good I kept digging... And then I thought hey I bet it would be a good place to keep my money I rolled it all up and shove it in the terds place, I got up to about 500 dollars in there and then had to start cashing 20's in for hundreds. Crazy times maybe next we can talk about the time I gave a moose a rim job
I don't see u tools talking shit now
I used to live in Grand rapids That the first town that introduced fluoride into water. Now I live in the country. And fyi ever since I started using snow instead of the quote " Pure Michigan," well water my plants have tremendously bounced back. I have decided to do 32 gallon buckets in outdoor hydroponics. First of all its cheaper for the pumps and aerators and it rains and snows a lot in my part of Michigan so no worries acquiring the water. yes Michigan water sucks that is 100% of Michigans problem with growing good weed. the only people that grow good weed in Michigan are ones that either use a 5 part reverse osmosis machine in the cities or Michiganers that use rainwater such as farmers. If my water isn't good for my plants I aint drinking it either. Peopl in Michigan also use promix mostly for their soil and wonder whats going wrong. Well dumbfuck you get what you pay for I suggest Fox Farms light warrior and ocean forrest mix. At 2 to 1 bag ratio. And if your really smart youll notice there is 5 more cubic foot of dirt in the ocean forrest mix. So in order to make the 2 to ratio correctly per pot u have to remove 3.7 gallons of cubic foot of dirt or .5 cubic foot of dirt out of fox farms ocean forrest bag. See the problem with Michigan growers is they don't think about all this shit. They think they can just put sweet ol maryjane in any ol soil and water and she will grow. And yes the metric system sucks. You idiots ever left the USA, because in Europe they do grams. I got a G.E.D. and I am smarter than most of you. I also plan on using the Dutch BioBizz nutrients. I have to convert the math on the bottle to the metric system because we are in USA and not Netherlands. Showa how ill-equipped mentally you people are for growing good weed. You think the weed that grows naturally outdoors uses your fucked up Michigan tap or well water? Think about it and get a 5 part reverse osmosis system if you live in the city parts. Peace out Bitches grow some brain cells while your TRYING TO GROW WEED.
Sucker born every day. lmao. Have fun wasting your money and still getting shit results.
best thing you could do for seedlings is get on all fours over them then load some snow onto your back then as it melts you let it run down through your ass crack but be shure to hold youre penis up though you want it to run down the crack over the taint and drip off the balls you get if it touches the penis your plant may end up producing seed unless it's a male plant then you might induce a transgendered situation
THIS IS ONLY GFOR MICHIGAN RESIDENTS. you fucking morons ever wonder why the government of Michigan puts crap in your water? Because they don't want you growing good weed you fucking idiots. Stop using their GOD DAMN WATER! And buy Fox Farms their soil is made in Arcata California for fucks sake. Spend a little more on good soil and stop using that promix crap.