
no, russia would have indiscriminately murdered hundreds, perhaps thousands more Ukrainians, and stolen their entire country from them...i hope it goes on till the russian empire collapses and every fucking russian who supported putin's campaign of murder starves the fuck to death...i would NEVER lift a single sanction on them, they hate the west? then fuck them, let em try to thrive doing business with the few third world countries that will still touch them...China is backing away from them....
and don't blame America for this shit, we didn't start the war, putin did, and the Ukrainians didn't have to accept aid from anyone. we offered, they accepted...that doesn't make this a proxy war, we didn't start this shit, we tried to stop it.
Lovely rant but that still doesn't make what i said untrue.
"If America had of not gotten involved with east Slav affairs for its proxy war then the war wouldn't be going on for as long as it has. "
The experts say that the usual 90 day surplus of global food is down to around 6 weeks and countries are still living off of last years harvest. The real shit will hit the fan in probably October after harvest. Because of the war and the fertilizer shortage and high prices along with high fuel costs the crop yields are going to be way below normal, maybe by half in many parts of the world. Add in crop losses from heat waves that hit India and the surrounding region and other areas of the planet. That should start the famine and bring even higher food prices, the world has never seen death on the scale of what's headed our way.
Let's not forget China had an really bad grain harvest as well. Australia's had fires and floods so production is way down, plus a shortage of farm workers.
Lovely rant but that still doesn't make what i said untrue.
"If America had of not gotten involved with east Slav affairs for its proxy war then the war wouldn't be going on for as long as it has. "
i dont care if what you said is true. it is also true that if America hadn't gotten involved, the Ukrainians would have been raped by the russians even more than they already have been. the war needs to go on for as long as it takes for russia to be eliminated as a threat to world security. the Ukrainians can seek peace with putin any time they want to...just doesn't seem like they want to just yet, so as long as they want to fight, then we ought to be giving them the tools to do us that heroic service
i dont care if what you said is true. it is also true that if America hadn't gotten involved, the Ukrainians would have been raped by the russians even more than they already have been. the war needs to go on for as long as it takes for russia to be eliminated as a threat to world security. the Ukrainians can seek peace with putin any time they want to...just doesn't seem like they want to just yet, so as long as they want to fight, then we ought to be giving them the tools to do us that heroic service
It sounds like you do. Americans do love a good war. Out of Afghanistan 5 mins and back into another one. On the plus side this one is just money and weapons not much in the way of solder's on the ground. Kind of like lots of other proxy wars eh... Lovely rant and all, but again it still doesn't make my comment any less true.
The longer the war the more and more pain felt by Europeans (where Russia is and a part of ) and the more refugees and people killed. On refugees, is America taking them and how many? Not putting any children in cages i hope.

Wouldn't it been grand if people like yourself got upset and rant when America invades other countries and commits war crimes. Instead they gang up on people like Julian Assange. Little bit hypocritical.
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We cannot just give away our ability to feed ourselves to corporations. If you haven't tried even a small planter box in your backyard now may be a good time to start learning.
For decades gardening wasn't worth it, but with food inflation, it's become more viable for more people, supply and demand sets the price. Food co-ops and grass roots organizations can help, maybe the government should revive the victory garden concept again for the Ukrainian war. Grow potatoes, they can be exported if you don't want them and keep well. Preparing meals from the ground up is difficult for most working families, time and convenience are often issues.
Lovely rant but that still doesn't make what i said untrue.
"If America had of not gotten involved with east Slav affairs for its proxy war then the war wouldn't be going on for as long as it has. "

...because they would have just gotten stomped? The fuck kind of reasoning is that.

Show em your belly so they stop hitting you, it's your fault you are getting hit. Just give up and stop defending yourself, you war monger.

Edit: your statement is true in the same way as the people that keep talking about how the democrats started the kkk. It's a true statement in isolation, but man it sure misses every single piece of context and interpretation around said true statement.
...because they would have just gotten stomped? The fuck kind of reasoning is that.

Show em your belly so they stop hitting you, it's your fault you are getting hit. Just give up and stop defending yourself, you war monger.

Edit: your statement is true in the same way as the people that keep talking about how the democrats started the kkk. It's a true statement in isolation, but man it sure misses every single piece of context and interpretation around said true statement.
Im sure the ukraine and its borders,like all of Slav will change many, many, many more times in the future like it has in the past. That's the trouble with made up lines on a map, they get scrubbed out and redrawn. War causes food shortages and refugees along with death and damage and debt.
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Food and fuel prices have gone through the roof here in Canada, package sizes are reduced or prices raised significantly. People on fixed incomes and pensions will suffer here. I can only imagine what will happen in poorer countries, we have vast food supplies that we export. People going back to work after covid are getting hit hard with lunch and gas increases and if interest rates go up much, many will be forced out of their homes too.

Low interest rates and a hot market have driven house prices very high, high interest rates cool the market, knocking many potential buyers out. Those with mortgages might find their house is worth less than the mortgage renewal and the bank won't renew the mortgage and force them out. If you owe a million and the mortgage is due for renewal in say a year, the house might only be worth 500K then with high interest rates. Lose your house and eat a half million, without ever missing a payment. If interest rates go up by a couple of points, millions won't requalify for their mortgage, or be able to make the increased payments.

High inflation equals high interest rates, one follows the other.
Enough is enough

A genocide is in progress right in front of our eyes perpetrated/created by one fucking man, Putin.

Russia-Ukraine war: 'That grain needs to get out,' former NATO Supreme Allied Commander says (yahoo.com)

If we stand back & do nothing, Hitler's atrocities will seem trivial to Putin's, but this time Putin is/will be responsible for the deaths of MILLIONS around the World,

Why sit back and watch this disaster unfold, because it possibly could lead to a direct conflict between NATO & the US on one side against Russia?

We are already in a direct conflict in my eyes, so what?

Russia will nuke us?

Bull shite/he can't & won't

I say fuck it/bring it on & we will fucking DESTROY Russia

I also say, if needed, sink every fucking Russian ship in the Black sea.

IT HAS TO HAPPEN, or the World will starve.

Simple fact
Lovely rant but that still doesn't make what i said untrue.
"If America had of not gotten involved with east Slav affairs for its proxy war then the war wouldn't be going on for as long as it has. "
If the US/NATO didn't get involved, what would be the consequences?
Russia eliminates Ukraine?
If there ever was a time to defend freedom, it is now.
Sad but true, at least in my opinion.
Lovely rant but that still doesn't make what i said untrue.
"If America had of not gotten involved with east Slav affairs for its proxy war then the war wouldn't be going on for as long as it has. "
my question to you is who gives a fuck how long the war goes on? me? not even a fucking little bit. my only hopes is that it ends soon so more brave Ukrainian soldiers don't have to die. the Ukrainians? they can end it whenever they want, all they have to do is say we're done and the whole thing is over...same for the russians, all they have to do is go home and the war will be over...
seems like none of the people involved are that excited to end it...so exactly who are you talking to? yourself, so you can take another dig at America, the source of all problems in your world, which seems to share at least one border with rob roy's fucked up reality
my question to you is who gives a fuck how long the war goes on? me? not even a fucking little bit. my only hopes is that it ends soon so more brave Ukrainian soldiers don't have to die. the Ukrainians? they can end it whenever they want, all they have to do is say we're done and the whole thing is over...same for the russians, all they have to do is go home and the war will be over...
seems like none of the people involved are that excited to end it...so exactly who are you talking to? yourself, so you can take another dig at America, the source of all problems in your world, which seems to share at least one border with rob roy's fucked up reality
Exactly! You don't care, Americans don't care, I don't care. We won't be affected except by fuel costs and refugees. Artificially extending a war that has no effect on us is what we do. Over and over and over again. Be nice if we actually cared about the population of said countries and all the countries who are and will be more and more affected as the war drones on. Be nice if we minded our own business and not want to fight these proxy wars over and over again.

The only problem i have at the moment is how to afford the boat id like and get the mortgage paid off in the next 3 years. Im sure its a problem lots of people have no matter what country they live in. So do tell me how that's America's problem like you seem to think?

Rob Roy thinks for himself. I don't agree with everything he says of cause but free thinkers are not often found due to the education system not teaching students how to think for themselves. In fact like the military its discouraged. Just because someone has different thoughts and ideas than you doesn't make them wrong.

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If the US/NATO didn't get involved, what would be the consequences?
Russia eliminates Ukraine?
If there ever was a time to defend freedom, it is now.
Sad but true, at least in my opinion.
Ukraine is not a Nato country so Nato should not get involved, no matter how much America pushes it to. And let's be frank if it was two African shitholes then unless its gold , oil or diamonds America wouldn't care. But this is Russia and a proxy war on its border- hell yea lets cue Rocky and get them commies! Might help Bidens poll numbers and get Americans talking about Russia rather than the problems at home- its classic politics.
Ukraine is just another in a long list of countries who have called parts of that same land something else. Land won't be eliminated nor will the people, they are all east Slavs aren't they? Imaginary lines on maps in the African states and the Slav's get rubbed out and redrawn all throughout history. It's very normal and very human sadly.
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