Farm Aid


Well-Known Member
My local boat marina has gas pumps with ethanol free gas.
there are a few ethanol free places around here but the home depot stuff is already premixed and they use some high grade 93 gas too

tiller starts first pull every time, even after sitting all winter.

not having to mix my own is enough to sell me on it but the added performance is just awesome


Well-Known Member
I said earlier in the thread i was for subsidy for FAMILY farms.
How many 'family" banks do you know of?
I'm just trying to put the subsidy into perspective with huge gov't spending we've all had to live through (well, we'll be paying it forever).

The how is levying tariffs against countries that already have tariffs against our products a weak policy?
The US has made deficit "for" (because of?) tax cuts ever since we had a deficit. Anytime you spend more than you "make" (levy) you create deficit and there is a laundry list of excuses for why the US has done that.

Most, if not all, homeless have no food (of their own) since being homeless they have no where to keep it until consumed.
Isn't that pretty evident when you label them homeless?

No one (not even you) is going to give away all their labor, otherwise you will be exactly where the homeless are.
As to eating the grain, who's going to process it for free to be eaten as you have to mill a grain and then cook it in some way to be eaten.
Who is going to process and store all the meat for not only no profit but no recompense of cost?

Prices falling (in this instance) are for farm related products (meat and grain).
Ethanol producing grain is ALREADY subsidized as the amount of energy to create ethanol is less than it provides as a gasoline additive so that's kind of a wash.
Gas price fixing is well known and not always the fault of tariffs, but god forbid they allow that wonderful excuse to slip by. ;)
i'm sorry.:cry:


Well-Known Member
This is completely untrue. While roundup is not exactly great, it's pretty safe.
Safe? That's what they claimed
Monsanto ordered to pay $289 million in world's first Roundup cancer trial

...jurors for the first time had seen internal company documents “proving that Monsanto has known for decades that glyphosate and specifically Roundup could cause cancer.” He called on Monsanto to “put consumer safety first over profits.”
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