Here's the edited version (it was too late for me to edit the original post.) Most of these are pictures I had "laying around."
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I work with a lot of 'easy-to-clone' strains but I thought I would share my method, my cuttings root in anywhere from 3 to 9 days- (depending on the strain.)
This method is nothing too original or impressive but it costs just a tiny bit of work, TINY bit of $$$ and a tiny bit of patience.
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*Good Mother Plant
*Scissors- free (laying around the house)
*Tall bowl or cup- free (out of the kitchen cabinet)
*Exacto knife (or razorblade)- $1 or 2
*Schultz's Rooting powder (the cheapest stuff made I think, less than $5-available at Kmart/Walmart/Lowe's)
*Rockwool Cubes or Jiffy Pellets- Cheap enough
*1 Small-Medium transparent tote w/lid- possibly free, possibly 3 dollars..
*Spray Bottle- $1, everywhere.
*Nutrients/Superthrive (optional)- You most likely already ahve some of these.
*Small fluorescent/C.F.L. light (ALSO optonal!! This method requires minimum light.)
*Alcohol/Peroxide- $1
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1. Use the alcohol/peroxide to sanitize the scissors, exacto knife and the bowl (or cup) and the inside of the clear plastic tote. Then, take cuttings using the scissors (preferrably 2-6mm in diameter), 2-5 nodes down on each branch (they say cuttings taken form the bottom of the plant will root faster but I have not noticed a difference, my cuttings root at about the same time.) Then place the cuttings directly into the bowl/cup of ROOM TEMPERATURE water.
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2. Take as many cuttings as desired, then trim the bottom node(s) off (trimming as usual) and cut the bigger leaves in half (optional, but I've found this helps my cuttings much as larger fan leaves cause over-transpiration.) Make a 2nd cut (using razor/VERY sharp scissors) just below the node you wish to root.
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3. Dip the end of each cutting into some rooting powder, THEN dip into back into the water (this removes excess powder and gets those cuttings to root even faster.) Finally, stick your cutting down (about 1") into the medium like a rockwool cube, jiffy pellet, etc. (the smaller, the better - thick pellets/cubes force roots to grow longer before you can transplant.)) Press the medium FIRMLY up against the stem.
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4. Spray cuttings with a fine mist (small amt. of nutrients optional), covering the foliage then spray a squirt at the base of the plant. Flip your tote upside-down and then place each cutting onto the lid, place the bottom of the tote over the cuttings as a humidity-dome (you will need a tiny bit of ventilation in the tote, I usually just loosely place it onto the lid to allow a little air-flow.
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5. Remove lid 2-3 times a day to get some fresh air and spray them with a fine mist again, do not allow the medium to dry out! Temperature is (form my experience) best at around 77 degrees F and humidity at around 45-60% (in the room, misting the inside of the tote keeps cuttings at about 70% humidity.) Cuttings will root very quickly and do not require their own light (regular room light or the side of your grow room will do.)
In a few days, they are transplanted and starting to veg.
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These are the 1st clones I ever cut, 100% success.
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This method is very simple but this is the way I've come to take all of my cuttings because most of my cuts root in 3-4 days, I do not feel obligated to spend more money or get rooting gel since I do not believe cuttings could possibly root any faster (from cut-to-transplant.) Once you have your materials, you only need a growing medium to take 1000's of cuttings... for pennies each!!
*Water mother plants (or for hydro, leach nitrogen by foliar feeding with plain water) 20 minutes before taking cuttings for a even stronger result/quicker roots.
1 of my DNA Lemon Skunk cuttings outside:
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1 of my early Dinafem Critical+ cuttings in flower.
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1 of my harvested tops.
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Smoke it!!
As soon as I am finished flowering this round I will add the requested "time-stamped photos" to prove I get roots in 3 days... until then believe what you want.