There is no "love" for him. It's evolution that gave the study credibility (In my eyes), if you believe we all evolved equally you may be more ignorant than I first thought to be.

did you even bother to read up on all the massive and gaping flaws in his "study"? the flaws were more gaping than your mother's bunghole on bukkake thursdays.
did you even bother to read up on all the massive and gaping flaws in his "study"? the flaws were more gaping than your mother's bunghole on bukkake thursdays.
Regardless, if his study was flawed, I still believe the potential capacity for intelligence is passed down through genetics.
Regardless, if his study was flawed, I still believe potential capacity for intelligence is passed down through genetics.

malnutrition has a higher effect on IQ than heritability. unrelated kids raised together have a stronger correlation between IQs then biological siblings who are raised apart.

you are simply trying to justify and support your belief in white supremacy, but literally all of the science is against you and you are not a smart person.

also, your penis is tiny.
malnutrition has a higher effect on IQ than heritability. unrelated kids raised together have a stronger correlation between IQs then biological siblings who are raised apart.

you are simply trying to justify and support your belief in white supremacy, but literally all of the science is against you and you are not a smart person.

also, your penis is tiny.

I don't believe it is solely nature it is also nurture. I would say its a 50-50 between the two genetics makes the person more predisposed to prosper but if they aren't in the right environment they are more likely not to prosper.
Are you a lawyer? I'm not. I only know what I read.

By your standards, Trump raped a child. Tell me, do you think that Trump raped that child with the intent to rape her? Four times? With people watching, yuck. A witness came forward. He's guilty.

He did, how awful. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They found the "now classified" documents amongst the emails that were turned over. The Clinton camp isn't even denying it, they're stating they weren't classified at the time of their transmission. Which is an irrelevant strawman. Ain't justice grand?
He did, how awful. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They found the "now classified" documents amongst the emails that were turned over. The Clinton camp isn't even denying it, they're stating they weren't classified at the time of their transmission. Which is an irrelevant strawman. Ain't justice grand?
So you say that the complaints against Hillary are disingenuous and not based on fact?
since you've demonstrated you are familiar with the "quote" function, i'm curious why you didn't directly quote where i said what you are claiming i said.
since you've demonstrated you are familiar with the "quote" function, i'm curious why you didn't directly quote where i said what you are claiming i said.
Does it matter? Are you saying that the complaints against Hillary are disingenuous and not based on fact? How can it be different for Trump?
Seems like there are the same 3-4 people who are so blinded by the D that they truly think politicians that use the letter D should be able to break laws and not be held accountable. Gotcha. I guess this is what you should expect from stoners.
He did, how awful. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They found the "now classified" documents amongst the emails that were turned over. The Clinton camp isn't even denying it, they're stating they weren't classified at the time of their transmission. Which is an irrelevant strawman. Ain't justice grand?
FBI said no intent and not criminal. That's what they said. This is not a strawman argument. But you just confirmed you don't need a law, just your gut to tell you if people are guilty. Trump is guilty of rape because somebody said so and Hillary is guilty (of what exactly?) because somebody said so. At least you are honest. Nuts, but honest. I can respect that. Of course I disagree but that's another matter.
Seems like there are the same 3-4 people who are so blinded by the D that they truly think politicians that use the letter D should be able to break laws and not be held accountable. Gotcha. I guess this is what you should expect from stoners.
Yes, I'm liberal and dumbfounded by the extreme bias shown by the right. They don't need a real law to be broken, just 25 years of conspiracy theory and made up shit without a single charge leveled by the justice system. So the say Hillary is a criminal and should go to jail. It says everything one needs to know about how the right will govern when in power. But not this election cycle.
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Yes, I'm liberal and dumbfounded by the extreme bias shown but the right.

seems like Hillary was just following protocol of a superior.

First, a quick refresher about what happened in the Bush administration. In March 2007, eyes were on then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after the administration unexpectedly fired eight U.S. attorneys. Congress (recently taken over by Democrats) investigated the firings, alleging that the administration had dropped the prosecutors for political reasons.

Over the course of the investigation, it came out that some White House officials had conducted White House business over private email accounts set up on a server through the Republican National Committee. The White House later admitted that some internal White House emails conducted on the RNC server might have been lost.
The private Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch, her "recusing" herself as a result, and the FBI announcement of no charges (i.e. the FBI endorsement of "Hillary for President!"), all in the span of a few days...

As Ayesha Curry said of the NBA Finals - "this is rigged".