Better than trump, I can see that. Well stated points and your skepticism is well founded. I happen to believe we've had CIA sockpuppet presidents since the death of Kennedy, but I am, admittedly, a consiracy theorist when it comes to foreign policy. Only way it makes sense to me Carter can start arming the mujahideen then Reagan takes over without a pause. Our foreign policy barely changes even with different parties leading.

The appeal to the idea that Bernie will vote for her is a strong one. I really really like Bernie. If you are following his example I can't fault you for that. He's a good man.

At this point though, I'm a single issue voter, with almost a million dead in the Middle East since the start of Americas overthrowing of every non-Arab regime. Trump is a biggot, But our foreign policy is actually killing people, with now a very real possibility of war with Russia over their Mediterranean access. Just me, but I won't vote for ANY Hawks any more.
I get your point. Hillary is not a peace-time president. We will see all the shit that I hate being done under Obama -- drones, special ops attacks, dead civilians, CIA operations and maybe more. We will also see strengthened ACA, family planning, leftward movement in terms of protecting rights and a sane mind in charge of the economy and budget. Hillary is a right wing liberal, so I'm not saying her presidency will be all lemon drops and rainbows. However, if the movement Bernie pulled together stays involved I think we have a chance to pull this government towards the left. Hillary can't be a total war hawk if she's confronted with a peace-loving left in Congress. This is a big if, agreed.

When enough Democratic liberal left withheld their votes in 2000 and 2004, the country went decidedly to the right. Even the Democratic party did. Because politician follow the vote. People say otherwise but that's what happened in the first decade of the 2000's. Staying on the sidelines may cause more harm than good.

I'm just saying this to put my thoughts out there. I think that the vote is a personal decision and yours is as valid as mine. Except for people who vote for Trump.
Not a Trump fan, but can't even take this seriously....
Lawsuits accusing Donald Trump of sexually assaulting a child in the 1990s appear to have been orchestrated by an eccentric anti-Trump campaigner with a record of making outlandish claims about celebrities.

Norm Lubow, a former producer on the Jerry Springer TV show, has previously been involved with disputed allegations that OJ Simpson bought illegal drugs on the day Simpson’s wife was murdered, and that Kurt Cobain’s widow had the Nirvana frontman killed.
By the same standard that people hold Clinton guilty of this email scandal, Trump is guilty of raping that child. By that standard, accusation is all that is needed.
Not a Trump fan, but can't even take this seriously....
Lawsuits accusing Donald Trump of sexually assaulting a child in the 1990s appear to have been orchestrated by an eccentric anti-Trump campaigner with a record of making outlandish claims about celebrities.

Norm Lubow, a former producer on the Jerry Springer TV show, has previously been involved with disputed allegations that OJ Simpson bought illegal drugs on the day Simpson’s wife was murdered, and that Kurt Cobain’s widow had the Nirvana frontman killed.

where are you getting your information from?
did you know that Trump raped a child? Not once but four times? In front of people, yuck. A witness has come forward. By your standard, Trump is guilty based upon the accusation alone. Fucking right wing fascists don't care about proof. Just lock them up.

My reply was to a thinking person. Not you.

1-proof of the child rape? Clearly under the circumstances you claim that should be easy.

2-clearly by my standard? What standard is that where I claim someone is guilty simply due to accusations? Hillary has been proven on almost every occasion to lie to suit the occasion, almost comically so.

3-I'm about as far from right wing as you can get. So your accusation that you so elegantly pulled from your ass, you may return it. There has been so much proof against that whore, only the people in control of whether she was prosecuted only cared about keeping their team in the game.

4-your reply just got shredded by a thinking person. Again, don't change the name to suit your story. You should have just said what you meant- not thinking person, but simply someone who buys the main stream medias ploys and agrees with you. In other words a simpleton.
By the same standard that people hold Clinton guilty of this email scandal, Trump is guilty of raping that child. By that standard, accusation is all that is needed.
Hillary was found guilty by the FBI of the very least negligence and ignorance. Because she is not being prosecuted does not mean she did not do wrong because she did, and that has been investigated and proven and the FBI has denounced her actions. Nothing in regards to this bogus rape charge has been proven in any court of law, nor has any investigation come to the conclusion that these charges from 20 years ago are true. Again, to get through your head I do not support Trump and will not vote for him, but I don't buy these bogus accusations either until it is proven.
By the same standard that people hold Clinton guilty of this email scandal, Trump is guilty of raping that child. By that standard, accusation is all that is needed.
She broke the law. Her owning a private unapproved server to conduct state business is illegal.

I have cited the laws for you. Comey and the state department have pointed out her actions and her actions violate the law.

The system is fully corrupt where it counts now.
I think under Florida's laws where a person can kill somebody if they get scared, Zimmerman was innocent.

Do you think that Hillary is guilty based on accusation alone? No need for a messy investigation? Fucking right wingers. No wonder you guys love fascism. Until you get accused of something, that is.
To this very day I still don't know her guilt or innocence. But I did read what the FBI had to say and what did they say?
To sum it up, yes laws were broken, but they didnt mean to so we will look the other way.

I dont care which politician it is, once again you guys are so hung up in the D/R that you lose all common sense.

A politician, someone in power, seems to have broken laws, and is given preferential treatment so that politician was able to walk away. If you were to accidently break the law, you would still be responsible for your actions. If you were grossly negligent, you would still have to face the consequences.
where's the proof in Trumps case

right here:

I tried to say something and it was just, “Shut up, bitch!” It was basically like he was being really, really rough. I started to get scared. And he was, you know, basically like ripping my clothes off. I got freaked out. He just turned into this animal. It was like a completely different person. I couldn’t do anything about it. And he ripped off all my clothes and he started to basically have sex with me and I was screaming. I had never had sex before. It was my first time. He told me to shut the fuck up and basically took my virginity while I was crying and telling him to stop. Basically begging for him to just stop.

Screenshot 2016-07-07 at 1.47.11 PM.png
This is exactly the tyranny we were warned about.

When you have two tiers of justice, when banks fail but houses are ripped from families, and when people are jailed for actions that politicians are given a pass because a lack of "intent" we have lost.
right here:

I tried to say something and it was just, “Shut up, bitch!” It was basically like he was being really, really rough. I started to get scared. And he was, you know, basically like ripping my clothes off. I got freaked out. He just turned into this animal. It was like a completely different person. I couldn’t do anything about it. And he ripped off all my clothes and he started to basically have sex with me and I was screaming. I had never had sex before. It was my first time. He told me to shut the fuck up and basically took my virginity while I was crying and telling him to stop. Basically begging for him to just stop.

View attachment 3726663
This versus actual unapproved server and 100 top secret emails.

Yup. You are certifiably insane.
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This is exactly the tyranny we were warned about.

When you have two tiers of justice, when banks fail but houses are ripped from families, and when people are jailed for actions that politicians are given a pass because a lack of "intent" we have lost.

don't you guys have guns to protect yourselves from tyranny though?
Glad to see the

This versus actual unapproved server and 100 top secret emails.

Yup. You are certifiably insane.

she has a witness too. did you forget all about that? this is the third time trump has been charged with rape, too. he had to settle one of the other times.

i guess you're cool with rape though because you love his racist fascism.
Once again people prove that they are incapable of emotionally stepping away for long enough to conduct a meaningful discussion. Good luck arguing with wet blankets who provide "evidence" for one case and deny "evidence" in another. Blind mofo.