What about the scandal where she lied under oath, and the FBI was so kind to point that out to congress. What's she gonna say about that?

**not that it matters when your husband appointed the now head of the DOJ, and likely many of these people who are "to bring charges" are all in cahoots in the giant circle jerk we call gubment.
You keep throwing Trump out there like if you dont like Hillary you must like Trump or something equally as stupid.
Trump is a freaking idiot buffoon and the supporters of Trump arent even worth trying to have a conversation with.
Some of the people who support Hillary arent as hopeless as Trump supporters, in most cases.
The fact that you see people defending Hillary by pointing out other corrupt or messed up politicians on the other side shows how stupid things have gotten...

Yes, she may be a corrupt piece of shit that you should not trust at all BUT THAT OTHER GUY OVER THERE!!!!!

so just say this...

yes, I am for the status quo. I want to continue be beaten down and politicians to continue shitting all over us.

admit it, you like being pissed on by politicians.

or you want real change and real change starts with not VOTING FOR CORRUPT no-good, lying, piece of shit politicians.
From my perspective, Hillary was not the best candidate running this season. The one I supported isn't running any more and says he will vote for Hillary.

The choice then is to not vote or cast my vote to some other party or vote for Hillary. There has been a lifetime's worth of shit written about Hillary. Lots of investigations too. Most of it is total crap. So, which side do I want to be on? A howling band of cannibalistic monkey men that can articulate no solid reason for their hate? Or somebody who has managed to lead a formidable campaign in the face of lies, deceptions and exaggerated claims of treason to win the primary by attracting practically all the non-white vote, women's vote and a minority of white men? Which side do I want to be on?

We agree about Trump.

We don't agree about not voting. In the first decade of this millennium, left wing democrats sat on the sidelines and the right gained power. It was a decade of decline for the US, rampant pillaging of the country's treasury, ballooning debt, fumbled national security leading to 9/11, Enron energy scandal, waterboarding and allowing banks to self regulate leading to the worst economic recession since the great depression. The choice that the left made to sit on the sidelines back then led to more evil than any other choice at the time. Not voting now would accomplish the same thing only worse.

The only answer I see is to remain engaged. I will do what I can to make sure Trump and his fascist GOP don't take power. I will vote for congressmen who are left leaning and I will continue to support Sanders if he still leads the left. The last thing this country needs is another GOP congress with a right wing Democrat to collude with. Actually, the most-last thing the US needs is a Trump prez but he's not going to win.
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Your speeding and breaking the law, the cop decides not to give you a ticket because your friends with his boss who is getting a promotion because of you, still doesn't mean you weren't breaking the law. Pretty simple.
Your speeding and breaking the law, the cop decides not to give you a ticket because your friends with his boss who is getting a promotion because of you, still doesn't mean you weren't breaking the law. Pretty simple.
She has done a lot worse than speeding unfortunately classified documents are not available to the public. But I know she is a war criminal as is everyone in the Bush and Obama regimes.

But Manning is doing 35 years so I doubt anyone else has the balls to expose war crimes.
She has done a lot worse than speeding unfortunately classified documents are not available to the public. But I know she is a war criminal as is everyone in the Bush and Obama regimes.

But Manning is doing 35 years so I doubt anyone else has the balls to expose war crimes.
I agree, she has done way worse, was just simplifying it....lol, speeding would be the least of her crimes if she drove...lol
I agree, she has done way worse, was just simplifying it....lol, speeding would be the least of her crimes if she drove...lol

wah wah wah! cry cry cry! hillary is horrible! OMGZ so bad.

trump is being racist? oh, no big deal. oh, and MLK is my hero. totally not sock puppet either.
Is Hillary really any better than Trump? Johnson is alright but still not really a right choice in this election.
dude you gotta be kidding. The fucking idiot can barely string sentences together.

and baselessly jumping into the middle of a presidential campaign with 11 days to go was even worse.

comey is a blowhard.
I don't know. I'm taking an agnostic view towards this and waiting to see how this plays out. I find it hard to believe that he would do this to his future boss if there weren't anything in these emails.
I don't know. I'm taking an agnostic view towards this and waiting to see how this plays out. I find it hard to believe that he would do this to his future boss if there weren't anything in these emails.

there is nothing in these emails.

The news is moving pretty fast backwards on this. For myself, I haven't seen enough information one way or the other. My question to you what makes you be so sure about that?


you don't stumble through 25 years of fake bullshit and then suddenly discover something real with 10 days to go before the election.

there is nothing here.