FedEx Shooting

Every new technology has been a problem in the hands of those with negative desires. Rocks were used to killed people, swords, muskets, six shooters, the cartridge, it's endless. I get the concern though, how much damage should one person have the ability to do? Technically speaking, every gun law violates the 2a, but we've decided to sacrifice these technicalities in hopes of limiting what one person can do. Ultimately, you just can't control desire with hardware. Same reason why corporate tax laws will never truly work, because where there's a will, there's a way. Gotta tackle the will at some point.
One of the trolls that the racist propaganda pushes is about cities being unsafe and crime infested.
This is why it is hard to not be suspicious when you see a account that has 50 posts since being resurrected after a single post made a decade ago.

Im no Troll bro. Just entitled to my opinion like everyone else. As for my absence. I was Outlaw growing a decade ago when I joined. Now its legal so Im back to live, learn and hang out with people of similiar interests.
When someone directly says ban semi automatics. That is the definition of coming for guns.
I never said my camp is right or that people need to be in it.
I meant main stream media.
Hunting dying was also brought up.
Its actually one of the fastest growing sports. Particularly with women. I brought up the fact that there are 15 million hunters as well.
My argument is its a numbers issue. So yes you can say Australia does it, Canada does it. Ok we have more hunters than Canadas top 4 cities combined. If everybody in canadas top 4 cities were hunters Canadas laws would not be the way they are.
Hunting has been on a steady decline in America, except for 2020 when covid struck, then there was an uptick.
Decline In Hunters Threatens How U.S. Pays For Conservation : NPR

A new survey by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shows that today, only about 5 percent of Americans, 16 years old and older, actually hunt. That's half of what it was 50 years ago and the decline is expected to accelerate over the next decade.

Nobody is worried about the hunters in the woods though, it's the ones on the streets. Pot was illegal for many decades with a Hell of a lot more users than hunters. 5% ain't many when compared to the number of people who are pro regulation, shit there are more people who want to eliminate guns altogether!

I'm not against hunting, but most hunters are also pro regulation too and fear a public over reaction one day. If the second amendment is so powerful, why do so many gun nuts say the democrats will take their guns away? Perhaps their fears are justified. Smart gun owners will want to get ahead of this issue and even support restrictions on handguns, useless for hunting anyway.
If you consider a threat to use a gun against an otherwise peaceful person, "gun violence" then all countries which passed laws restricting or forbidding the peasants from having guns are guilty of gun violence.

That's self evident when you recognize that all gun laws, are enforced with guns, even against otherwise peaceful people.

Warning: May require logic.

You can load your cabin up with firepower if you want to Bob but if Uncle Sam wants you, you’re getting taken out by a drone you didn’t realize was there.
.........and have been under the care of Psychiatrists and Psychologists that have told them all their problems arent their fault. Did your Momma beat you? Did your Daddy beat you? They search for a trigger behind the behavior problems instead of treating and teaching these clients that regardless of their situation there are consequences for their actions. But then again that was Mommy and Daddy's job and they are too busy working two jobs to keep up with the Jones's next door and are never home. In the meantime, PlayStation and Grand Theft Auto raise these children in their absence. As a nation, we have drifted away from family values and family morals so that we can chase material wealth. In the meantime, these children are growing up without the proper guidance. We didnt have these kinds of shootings in the 50's, 60s and even 70s. Dad worked all day and Mom was home when the kids got home from school. Everyone ate at the dinner table together at 6:00 and the evening was spent watching decent TV and doing homework instead of watching shows like Jersey Shore, American Horror Story or glued to Tik Tok on their phone.
You just described most of the US's population. I mean, almost everybody fits your description of a mass murderer. Almost none them committed mass murder. You post is one long logical fallacy call the sweeping generalization.

Games have never been connected with that kind of crime in any objective way. I've looked for it and never found anything that could be said to connect the two from what can be called a good study and analysis. If you have a source on the subject, I'll read it if you post it. But really, most of your post seemed like a trip down nostalgia lane that had little to do with gun violence.

Jersey Shore? Maybe it's linked to suicide. I know I'd be thinking about it if I had to watch it. But mass murder? lol

An objective fact that I find interesting: Gun ownership in the US has declined from around half of all households to around a third of all households. It's not as simple as taking guns away, because families are already shedding their guns. More likely the problem lies in who owns and who buys them. Maybe we need to figure out how to do a better job of screening out the mass murderer types. Maybe we have too low of a standard for who can purchase all those guns. I don't own a gun so I don't really care who has them. I just want them locked up in a safe according to the NRA's safety guidelines that most gun owners don't follow.

Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons.

Many factors must be considered when deciding where and how to store guns. A person's particular situation will be a major part of the consideration. Dozens of gun storage devices, as well as locking devices that attach directly to the gun, are available. However, mechanical locking devices, like the mechanical safeties built into guns, can fail and should not be used as a substitute for safe gun handling and the observance of all gun-safety rules.
Is call it like it is. Going leftist
Left and right are economic ideologies, except for the right which is now associated with racism and treason. Far right is a media term, I prefer patriots for the democrats and traitors to the constitution for the republicans.
You just described most of the US's population. I mean, almost everybody fits your description of a mass murderer. Almost none them committed mass murder. You post is one long logical fallacy call the sweeping generalization.

Games have never been connected with that kind of crime in any objective way. I've looked for it and never found anything that could be said to connect the two from what can be called a good study and analysis. If you have a source on the subject, I'll read it if you post it. But really, most of your post seemed like a trip down nostalgia lane that had little to do with gun violence.

Jersey Shore? Maybe it's linked to suicide. I know I'd be thinking about it if I had to watch it. But mass murder? lol

An objective fact that I find interesting: Gun ownership in the US has declined from around half of all households to around a third of all households. It's not as simple as taking guns away, because families are already shedding their guns. More likely the problem lies in who owns and who buys them. Maybe we need to figure out how to do a better job of screening out the mass murderer types. Maybe we have too low of a standard for who can purchase all those guns. I don't own a gun so I don't really care who has them. I just want them locked up in a safe according to the NRA's safety guidelines that most gun owners don't follow.

Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons.

Many factors must be considered when deciding where and how to store guns. A person's particular situation will be a major part of the consideration. Dozens of gun storage devices, as well as locking devices that attach directly to the gun, are available. However, mechanical locking devices, like the mechanical safeties built into guns, can fail and should not be used as a substitute for safe gun handling and the observance of all gun-safety rules.

Guns don’t kill people. Video games do.
You can load your cabin up with firepower if you want to Bob but if Uncle Sam wants you, you’re getting taken out by a drone you didn’t realize was there.
A helicopter dropped small 200lb bomb makes quick work of bunker dwellers, don't bother with a fire fight, health and safety.
You just described most of the US's population. I mean, almost everybody fits your description of a mass murderer. Almost none them committed mass murder. You post is one long logical fallacy call the sweeping generalization.

Games have never been connected with that kind of crime in any objective way. I've looked for it and never found anything that could be said to connect the two from what can be called a good study and analysis. If you have a source on the subject, I'll read it if you post it. But really, most of your post seemed like a trip down nostalgia lane that had little to do with gun violence.

Jersey Shore? Maybe it's linked to suicide. I know I'd be thinking about it if I had to watch it. But mass murder? lol

An objective fact that I find interesting: Gun ownership in the US has declined from around half of all households to around a third of all households. It's not as simple as taking guns away, because families are already shedding their guns. More likely the problem lies in who owns and who buys them. Maybe we need to figure out how to do a better job of screening out the mass murderer types. Maybe we have too low of a standard for who can purchase all those guns. I don't own a gun so I don't really care who has them. I just want them locked up in a safe according to the NRA's safety guidelines that most gun owners don't follow.

Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons.

Many factors must be considered when deciding where and how to store guns. A person's particular situation will be a major part of the consideration. Dozens of gun storage devices, as well as locking devices that attach directly to the gun, are available. However, mechanical locking devices, like the mechanical safeties built into guns, can fail and should not be used as a substitute for safe gun handling and the observance of all gun-safety rules.
We've made safe storage a matter of law here
America has more people living in relative poverty than the entire country of Canada has in total population. Its pretty obvious Canada wouldnt have the amount of gun violence America does.

Im worried about psychological tests. If the people taling the guns are giving the tests. The results are no guns.

Murder is already illegal. Would a gun law stop this individual?

Im want gun violence to go down, i don't have the answers, but i think addressing mental health in a major countrywide initiative would be huge.

reduce gun violence by ignoring gun violence and focusing on other thinggs!

The number of mass murders in the past 30 days speaks louder than words can ever do and it doesn't include the everyday multiple shootings. Regulation or face something worse, no matter how difficult or impossible it might seem now, piss enough people off for long enough and take your chances.
In the US you cannot own a gun as a felon. You cannot own a gun if you have a domestic violence charge on your record.
If someone is willing to kill somebody, I guess i feel like that person has a mental health issue. Again, the law of murder didnt stop them, how will the gun law stop them?
Obviously, we disagree on a level neither of us will overcome. Im happy everyone comes from different views. Ill quit blowing the chat up. Ill get high and then ill think to myself

"Humans are the only animals that have beat nature. Death and disease do not help with population control, keeping a healtly ecosystem. Nature must have found a way to affect humans to kill themselves and others, in a way to try keep population on a level the earth can handle."
youre not just retarded but youre a psycho

biden should take your gun away and shove it up your ass