FedEx Shooting

i agree with all that but it still boils down to if somebody wants a gun and has money, they're getting a gun.
Yes that’s true but buying a handgun (in Canada) is not just a matter of going to a gun show or looking in the classifieds. It takes time, thought and lots of cash. The chances of a mass shooting is diminished due to the complexities I would think. I do think training, licensing and background checks would be a good place to at least start. As I’ve said many times, I would not have any issues with a total ban on handguns like we are contemplating here but that’s a non starter in the States.
And in its place you can insert any other type of “violence”. When will people start blaming people instead of the gun. Pencils don’t fail tests, the student does. Guns don’t kill people, people do. In what world do criminals follow laws? Look at Chicago.. strictest gun laws in the nation yet have the worst gun crime.
Without a pencil you can’t write the test.... just sayin lol
Yes that’s true but buying a handgun (in Canada) is not just a matter of going to a gun show or looking in the classifieds. It takes time, thought and lots of cash. The chances of a mass shooting is diminished due to the complexities I would think. I do think training, licensing and background checks would be a good place to at least start. As I’ve said many times, I would not have any issues with a total ban on handguns like we are contemplating here but that’s a non starter in the States.

Would you use automatic weapons in the hands of "your protector servants" to ensure that no handguns exist though?

Circular reasoning much?
Guns and the internet are both excellent tools for people to truly express how ugly they are.

Apparently, we're pretty ugly. Who knew.

Aside from the rest of the world, of course.
Same stupid failed argument
Guns in Chicago are directly due to lax Indiana gun laws

But the ignorant won't admit it
So now Chicago’s failures are due to another states laws. It’s almost like the Criminals are breaking the gun laws or something.. so let’s add more of said laws lol. Complete ban on guns, I’m sure none of said criminals would break that law
So now Chicago’s failures are due to another states laws. It’s almost like the Criminals are breaking the gun laws or something.. so let’s add more of said laws lol. Complete ban on guns, I’m sure none of said criminals would break that law
Trying to claim Chicagoans don't run to Indiana to buy weapons is fake news
Trying to claim Chicagoans don't run to Indiana to buy weapons is fake news
I never claimed that they weren’t doing that. It’s still not Indiana’s fault. People aren’t legally purchasing and registering firearms then turning around and killing people with them.. that would be idiotic on their behalf. They are illegally obtaining the guns and using them. There isn’t a law in the world that is going to stop criminals from illegally possessing firearms. Just like no amount of prohibition prevented alcohol usage in the 1920’s or currently with marijuana.
I never claimed that they weren’t doing that. It’s still not Indiana’s fault. People aren’t legally purchasing and registering firearms then turning around and killing people with them.. that would be idiotic on their behalf. They are illegally obtaining the guns and using them. There isn’t a law in the world that is going to stop criminals from illegally possessing firearms. Just like no amount of prohibition prevented alcohol usage in the 1920’s or currently with marijuana.
Well fvck it then
Lets do nothing like the Republicans in Washington
I guess we need more ammo?
Not sure Australia is a good reference for pro-gun advocacy. Their gun deaths went down and stayed down.

But their "gun threats" went waaaaay up, since all gun restriction legislation is essentially a legal threat by government to use gun violence against otherwise peaceful people. I'm anxious to hear your rebuttal of my assertion if you dissent.
In order for people to agree with the premise, that people are peaceful, one would have to think that there were no gun crime/deaths and the gov't just arbitrarily wanted to take them.
In order for people to agree with the premise, that people are peaceful, one would have to think that there were no gun crime/deaths and the gov't just arbitrarily wanted to take them.

Individual people, to be more precise can own guns and be peaceful.

Individual people that own guns who are peaceful (do not initiate aggression) are victimized by government gun laws, which are an initiation of aggression via a collective perspective.

When the kids across the street steal stuff, are you willing to punish your kids too?

The government always seeks more power, guns get in their way. Free people can own guns, slaves cannot.
It's not possible to have laws for individuals. The best we can do is create blanket laws that we think helps the most people and harms the fewest.

Many of your arguments don't seem to function within the realms of reality and you seem to argue them more on an idealistic angle. I often have difficulty arguing idealistic points of view, or at the minimum, need the discern realism from idealism from the beginning. For example, I don't default to having much interest in discussing gun bans because I think they fight reality too much, but I could have that discussion if someone established some parameters first, it just doesn't come naturally.
It's not possible to have laws for individuals. The best we can do is create blanket laws that we think helps the most people and harms the fewest.

Many of your arguments don't seem to function within the realms of reality and you seem to argue them more on an idealistic angle. I often have difficulty arguing idealistic points of view, or at the minimum, need the discern realism from idealism from the beginning. For example, I don't default to having much interest in discussing gun bans because I think they fight reality too much, but I could have that discussion if someone established some parameters first, it just doesn't come naturally.

Government, the source of your laws, is made up of individuals, yet those individuals are often exempt from actions they do which would be wrong if you or I did them. It's not possible for the nature of an action to magically be bad if one class of people do it, but good if another class of people do it.

The best we can do is discover the truth.