feeling faded - a journal


*cant resist....must post...fdd's thread* :bigjoint: ...... seriously though,

what is a "swamp cooler"???? I live in the swamp, I've never heard of that...???

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
:finger:... maybe i wanted to bullshit "on topic" with a friend?? :-|
in the foot hills of the seirra's the humidity is very low we used swamp coolers that would add humidity to the air and circulate it into the house using a huge squirrel cage fan ....rob

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
what are friends for , i could have just given an e address, i still never found out if sac. got any snow fall in the last few days , i had snow flurry's and accumulation against my fence three days ago


Well-Known Member
A big swamp cooler in the desert will drop indoor temps 30 degrees below outside temps for less than 50 bucks a month...beats the crap out of A/C, but do not work unless the air is fairly dry...they push A LOT of air...I miss my swamp cooler:cry:



Well-Known Member
what are friends for , i could have just given an e address, i still never found out if sac. got any snow fall in the last few days , i had snow flurry's and accumulation against my fence three days ago
Sac did get a light dusting. even Danville in the bay got some! I got about a ft at my house in the foothills tho. we'll see what this next storm's packin soon...


Active Member
Nice job I have those type of lights 600whps my plants grew right up touching the glass and they did not burn. air cooled lights are certainly best. Happy growing


Well-Known Member
i truly get the fail award for my indoor grows. this is almost three weeks of vegging. i'm embarrassed to post pics.

i put the swamp cooler on a timer. it comes on for 15 mins every 2 hours when the lights are on. and once during the dark cycle. i may change that as i figure this all out. my room temp is 80 degrees. under the lights it is getting up into the high 80's. even with the air cooled hoods.

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hey, at least they're still alive and looking healthy.... I'm sure they'll come around and hit a growth spurt here shortly:blsmoke:.... hang in there and keep dialing it in.... we're ALL constantly learning