Finally Going to Try It.


Well-Known Member
this is not good. i have had the fan on it for 3 days straight, and so far i havnt seen any more thickness in the stem. I have the plant right next ot the light, so it isnt growing any taller. How thick is the stem supposed to be?


Well-Known Member
Don't worry so much about it. The stem will grow with the plant as long as its not stretching from lack of light and has a fan blowing on it. Don't expect immediate results. The fan is used the ENTIRE time you grow, so as long as its blowing, there should be no problems.


Well-Known Member
Try not to get water on the leaves as the light can be magnified by this and burn the leaves. If you are using CFLs (spiral bulbs), keep them 1-2 inches away from the plant. Anymore than 1-2in and the lumens getting to your plants will be low. If you're using an HID, ask someone else as I've never used one.


Well-Known Member
Thanx very much, i have been getting water on the leaves, so i think that may have been the problem. i will be careful about that, and i will post results. thanx again.


Active Member
I have been watching your thread and it is really gunna help me whne i'm ready to start growing my own. Just wanted to say thanks.



Well-Known Member
Hey everything is looking good. Keep your head up & it will all be ok. Like they said try not to get water on the leaves more less when under the light the water will intensify the light and burn right thru. Kinda like a magnifying glass can start a fire. Same principle. I'm no expert, and the fan isn't going to make that big of a difference visually yet. That is more less to make it stronger and build its stem muscle so to speak. Keep it up man and you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
wow, that actually looks like something spilled on the plant and said you spilled water on there? that could be it, are you watering with nutes or peroxide? Ive also seen someone spill SOIL on their plant accidentally and then left it there..came back later that day and the SOIL gave the plant NUTE just be extra careful when doing ANYTHING to your plants...right now Im too paranoid to even touch mine!

edit: oh yeah, have you flushed them yet??


Well-Known Member
Just decided to do a little update. So i made sure i havnt been getting any water on the leaves, and everything looks great. Its about time for a transplant too :D Day before yesterday i had forgot to water it in the morning when the soil was dry and i came home to two wilted plants and almost shit myself. Luckily a little water had them spruced back up. Pics below.




Well-Known Member
So, i finally transplanted it a couple days ago and it is going swimmingly. Its doing great and the stem immediately started getting thicker. Pic below.



Well-Known Member
guess i forgot to water the little one (not the one in the pic above) and it wilted again. luckily i was there with the water. Should be better later today. The one in the pic is still doing great.


Well-Known Member
Well, it has been a little over a month since i started my growing experience:hump: the first one is doing so great, i just looked at the old photos above from the beginning of this month, and the plant was tiny, now it is huge.

note: i have not given the plant any fertilizer/nutrients the entire grow stage. Just water. And it is doing great.

The little one, not so well, i went away and had yet again forgotten to water it, i dont think it will recover this time, but i keep watering it trying to get it back.

Tell me what you think of my champion baby tho.

