Finish the sentence above you!

really allieviate my constant nagging ballsac itch.....
and go get me a forty busterrrr!..........
How much am i paying you too....
nibble all the random hairs of your choad.....
for twelve monkeys.....
man theres 20 dollars outside in my back yard swingin off.....
i should write dick after that.....
before kali smoke did......
but that would be too cleshe'......
it was reallly a 40 foot tall unicorn's cock......
i dont get if it had too do with the monkey's......
feet that i hung in that tree that attracted the unicorn and his 40 ft. cock.

but im staying indoors cause a dick that big could...
wack you in your nuccass son!......
i seen it happen to tylerdam.....
i havnt seen him here lately.....hes probly bangin.......