Finish the sentence above you!


Well-Known Member
horny as fuck.....not only did i get some dick but ass and vag....
dont knock it if u aint tried it......
you shoulda heard that tranny squeal....
it sounded like....


Well-Known Member
they had to sergically remove my ass from the couch.....
shit ive been wackin my meet to all the hotties on hottest girl on riu...
if they only knew.......


Well-Known Member
.... looked at mystery 101's avitar and thought....
damn i bet she could suck a watermelon threw a garden hose....
i wonder if she has......


Well-Known Member
all you guys talking crap. Soo0o she took her broken bottle and stabbed the hell out of everyone and killed their plants!!

Everybody was gone except her and the beautiful buds so


Well-Known Member
im a fuckin head fo life.....
one time i was hitting a blunt off cheeb while this chick tossed my salads....
i almost.....