FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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I was just looking at random meme's, and this one made NO sense to me. Maybe one of you trolls can help shine some light for me. Who is "Brandon Chesson"?
No luck on this still?
Google shows only 1 person with that name in AZ, you could always ask him.

I found out who the guy in the meme is. It's if you look up "Shane Chesson" he comes up in like 6 top ranking pictures. But I still can't find out who Brandon Chesson is. Maybe it's really his son, but I don't see what that has to do with anything. Except Career day I guess.
You can top those plants soon if you want 2-4 colas, I top mine as soon as possible to help the branches grow strong without stretching. 3rd or 4th node usually.

I don't know who your jamaican friend is but some gardeners spray the leaves (foliar feed) with milk to prevent fungus and powdery mildew but I've never heard of a single person watering their plants with milk.
You can top those plants soon if you want 2-4 colas, I top mine as soon as possible to help the branches grow strong without stretching. 3rd or 4th node usually.

I don't know who your jamaican friend is but some gardeners spray the leaves (foliar feed) with milk to prevent fungus and powdery mildew but I've never heard of a single person watering their plants with milk.

Look it up. There's TONS of stuff on Google about watering your Cannabis with milk.
Oh so we have a comedian.

All the joking aside, I'm with finshaggy on stress training. Cannabis will recover from almost anything you throw at it (above the soil), but there is no reason to stress the roots they are very sensitive. Cutting slits in them when transplanting is one thing, but torchering them is another.
Let me rephrase that, I've never heard of a single person over 21 to water their plants with milk.

Then look up vegetable gardens watered with milk. There is TONS of stuff on Google about EVERYTHING I am doing, if you would just stop being ignorant and go educate yourself you could stop trolling me
Most of the ingredients found in milk are not required by plants. Fat, lactose and carbohydrates found in milk are not essential to plants. Proteins in milk are rich in nitrogen but they are not in a form that plants can synthesize. However, milk contains calcium and some minerals that may help plants grow better.

And that's from a 5th graders science project lol
Then look up vegetable gardens watered with milk. There is TONS of stuff on Google about EVERYTHING I am doing, if you would just stop being ignorant and go educate yourself you could stop trolling me
Shitbaggy you love your trolls, were nice enough to you and you keep us mildly entertained. Besides if we stopped following your thread youd have no veiwers to watch your videos and make you money to grow dank dank, and possibly one day when you learn how to grow itll be dank dank dank!!! :):):dunce::):)
Most of the ingredients found in milk are not required by plants.

I don't even have to read your whole quote. This tells me that the water in milk (which milk is 87% water) is useful and that some, but not most, of the other things in milk are also beneficial. So Thanks for that :D
The September 1999 issue of Crop Protection reported about scientist Wagner Bettiol’s study on using diluted milk as a control for powdery mildew on cucurbits. Backed by Embrapa, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, the study reported that a solution of 10% – 20% raw milk in water sprayed weekly was equally effective or better than the most trusted chemical fungicides on the market (around 90% effective, depending on the plant variety’s natural disease resistance). Continued studies at the University of Adelaide in Australia seek to understand why milk works so well against powdery mildew (and also botrytis blight, which you may have seen on your squash flowers or strawberries — it’s that fuzzy mold that appears in wet conditions).
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