First attempt at edibles doesn't seem to be working?

There is another active thread about not having success with edibles and a guy chatting a lot about his use of lecithin. Might be worth looking at.
Those who edibles do nothing to | Rollitup

Just popped over there are read the entire thread.
That guy didn't even know what lecithin was, or was using it. Now they're discussing lecithin.
I'm passed that. Edibles still don't work for me. Thanks for the thread link though.
Turns out I can't delete this, so will just edit this in:
I get it, abv is terrible and I'm a clown for trying to replicate something thousands of other people seem to be doing successfully (but no one here, obviously).
Please don't bother responding, I'm done here.

My last (and first) post here was about getting my canna-coconut-oil strained, which I eventually did. Ended up with a whole litre of oil! My next step was to make some edibles to test it out.

I made a simple vegan fudge to a recipe I found online, to give you an idea of scale (converted to metric) it was: 525g chocolate, 370ml tin of condensed milk, and 28g canna coconut oil. If it matters, once it chilled in the fridge, there was a small amount of fat bloom on the top of the fudge (the rest was homogenous).
I have no way (I know of) of testing the potency of the oil as, being in the UK, the weed is from ~a guy~, rather than from a dispensary that has such information! If it helps, it is all one strain (Stardog) and was all vaped at no higher than 185 degrees C.

At first I just took a small bite of fudge and waited, but nothing happened. The next day I ate the rest of the piece I took the bite from and waited, again nothing, the next day a whole piece at once, nothing, and today two pieces at once and nothing again (I was doing this each morning, before my first vape of the day, to try and minimize overlap. After 1-2hr of no effect I continued to vape as usual). I think I have pretty high tolerance (medicate several times a day and have done for well over a decade, am not able to take a break as some pain comes back within less than a day without), but little experience with edibles (and a strong aversion to feeling sick, which is what I read happens if you eat too much), so I was erring on the side of caution, perhaps a little too much?

Do I just keep eating more until I feel something? If so, and it ends up taking a whole load of fudge to have any impact, that seems like an inefficient way to consume, so how do I make a stronger edible next time (I assume just upping the oil might ruin the recipe?)? Is there a better way to test the oil itself without having to eat it neat but also without having to make whole more batches of food to test?

Have I missed something else?


Eat some Neat to test. It really is the only way. 1/2 teaspoon / Whole teaspoon / 2 teaspoons / Tablespoon..... Wait 2 full hours between additional doses.
Im one of the few that cant get high on edbles. No matter how strong they are. All they do to me is give me a stomach ache, and diarreha for a day or 2.

Last time I made edibles I used a 1/4lb of the very best buds, and only 1lb of butter. 4 sticks. So thats an oz for each 1/4lb of butter. Nobody can say thats not strong. And it was really really potent weed. It was pre2000 AK47. My buddy has a cutting from a pack of seeds he got in 1997, and then kept them on tap until 2002, germinated them, and kept the very best female as a mother plant, of which he still has, and I will put this stuff up against most anything. It is really really good weed.

People eat 1 of my cookies, and cant drive. Some cant hardly walk, and for sure cant drive. One guy had to call his wife to come and get him, because he was so dizzy he couldnt drive. And could barely walk. To say she was pissed is an understatement. She doesnt get high. She doesnt care if he gets a buzz, but doesnt like it when he is all but crawling on the ground.
I ate 5 cookies, and it gave me the shits from hell, and stomach cramps for 2 days. For me its a waste for me to make, and consume edibles. I dont think I have the receptor for edibles. But they sure do give me gastrointestinal distress for a couple of days.

I used 1 stick of infused butter, and 1 stick of noninfused butter for each batch of chocolate, chocolate chip cookies.

No such animal. We all process eaten cannabis the same way. Delta-9 is converted first to the metabolite 11-hydroxy and then to the urine detectable tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid (THC-COOH).
A stronger edible done with Coconut oil and Lecithin will get the job done. I've yet to find anybody I can't stone the shit out of with BadKats Hash oil Capsules. They always kick major ass and then I get accused of spiking them with LSD.

The recipe makes unstrained Hash Paste we fill capsules with. The Lecithin is the real driving force behind why this works like it does.
"Liposomal Encapsulation"
Any Lecithin works. Soy or sunflower, powder or liquid. Granules take forever to dissolve.
Done with bud dust you'll need about 4x more and the stone isn't quite as clean but stoned you damn well will be.
Decarb bud or hash 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered.
5 grams Hash or Bud dust
1 tablespoon Coconut Oil (Butter)
1/2 teaspoon Lecithin
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes.

If you need a touch more oil to make the bud dust fully wet and workable then add what you need but keep it paste like. Elmer's Glue.
Hash is 3mg to the drop
Bud dust is 1mg to 1 drop. A rice grain is 10mg. A pencil eraser worth is about 25mg.... Assume nothing when finding your zone on this stuff as it is all to easy to take to much and fly off the planet.

Z Oil, dishes and caps.jpg

160 micron dry ice Kief

Z caps and dish.jpg

These won't just wind your clock they knock of off the mantel and smash it on the floor.
I'm very hard to stone and enough of this IS like an acid trip.
Your distress and bathroom issues are likely the high amount of oil as your work is weak in my play book.

This also doesn't build tolerance and stacks in your system instead. Taken daily most of us start to back down the dose or start skipping days as the stone accumulates and your eventually 3 feet off the ground full time.
Order it online. DO it NOW !!! right this instant. It's a whopping $4.00

Take 25mg
Wait 2 hours
Take 50mg
Wait 2 hours
Take 100mg
Wait 2 hours
Keep doubling and waiting between until you've taken way to much and find it really is working.
If you down the whole tablespoon of paste it will have been 750mg of THC and you should be talking to GOD.
Had you used Kief-Hash it would be 2500mg of THC.
Spins and hours of the dry heaves are very possible with this stuff. There is a fine line between Bitchen and Bummer.
No such animal. We all process eaten cannabis the same way.
i go from not high to sleepy as soon as the effects hit me...IF they hit me at all.
Different people process things more or less efficiently.
Apparently I, and many others like me, process the cannabinoids that promote physical relaxations much more easily than we do the ones that make you feel "high".
By the time i feel edibles at all, it just makes me want to go to sleep, i have NEVER felt anything close to the same feeling i get from smoking or vaping, just a dull, stupid feeling that i do not find enjoyable.
I get nothing but gastrointestinal distress from eating it.

Everyone else that eats my stuff gets fried, and some cant hardly walk, and had to have their wife come and pick them up.

Same with Marinol. Ive eaten 5-10 of the 20mg doses, and get nothing. Not even gastro distress. Not everyone process it the same way, and some may not have the receptors for eating it.
Ive eaten multiple doses ( 500mg ) from dispensaries, and nothing but a stomach ache.

And Ive never had any weed do me the same way as LSD. Not even in the same ballpark. I remember doing Owsley Acid in the early 70s. Read Deal California Orange, and Yellow Sunshine. Windowpane. LSD crystals. Liquid LSD. I also used to shoot LSD. Probably done that more than 200-300 times from 1970-1976. I quit everything but weed in mid 76 when I OD'd shooting 95 units of 1:1000 Epinephrine/Adrenaline.

Ive also been making Mariwafers by the book. It uses Pure Grain, Oil, and flour. People get fried on them. I get a stomach ache.

Pure Grain 190 proof
Mason Jars, NO Rubber Seals.
1:1 Ratio of Whole Wheat x White flour
Flour amounts will vary depending on size of batch. Usually 1 cup flour, to 1 cup contents.

Most any cooking oil will do. Avoid Butter.
Powder the weed/Blender

For each 200 grams you will need 1 x 1 quart jar. Leave at least 2 inches from top of jar for stirring. Do not use lids with Rubber Seals.

Rapid, or slow extraction.
Slow....Cover weed with pure grain by 1 inch.

Store in a warm place for 3-7 days Shake/Stir daily. Keep as warm as possible.90 degrees if possible. But in bag, in direct sun everyday.
Rapid extraction.....


Place weed in jar, and cover by 1 inch of pure grain. Place jar in canvas bag, in a roasting pan.
Preheat Over to 350f..... Turn off oven ...leave door closed. Wait 1 minute, and put pan/jar into the oven.

Leave jar in oven 45 minutes.

Take jar out of oven, ( HOT, use gloves ect ) shake 10 minutes
Repeat from reheating oven as you are shaking the jar to 350f, wait 1 minute ect. REPEAT 3 TIMES.

Use a cloth bag, and pour contents of jar into bag, over a large bowl. Squeeze all of the contents out into the bowl.

Evaporate alcohol.

Have good ventilation, a large fan blowing directly on the bowl for at least 4 hours, and 90 degrees heat in the room. Hotter, the better.
When alcohol level has dropped by 25% stir at least 1 HOUR never stopping. Contents will drop another 15%.

Add 1 heaping tblsp flour alternating whole wheat, and white, until mix is like runny pancake batter. You may also add Lecitin.

Use 7 x 11 baking pan for each cup of batter.
Add 1 TBLSP of oil for each 200 grams of starting material.

Grease baking sheet.
Pour in batter.
Preheat oven 250-275f Keep door slightly ajar, and have a fan blowing across, not towards the slightly ajar oven door.
Cook 30 minutes. Don't let mix bubble. May need to cook at 250f.

Remove after 1/2 hour.

Use a cookie rack with 1/2 inch squares to score the wafers. Oil the rack, press into wafers.

Put back into oven at 225f, and cook about 3 more hours, with over door ajar, and fan blowing.

Should be done.

No such animal. We all process eaten cannabis the same way. Delta-9 is converted first to the metabolite 11-hydroxy and then to the urine detectable tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid (THC-COOH).
A stronger edible done with Coconut oil and Lecithin will get the job done. I've yet to find anybody I can't stone the shit out of with BadKats Hash oil Capsules. They always kick major ass and then I get accused of spiking them with LSD.

The recipe makes unstrained Hash Paste we fill capsules with. The Lecithin is the real driving force behind why this works like it does.
"Liposomal Encapsulation"
Any Lecithin works. Soy or sunflower, powder or liquid. Granules take forever to dissolve.
Done with bud dust you'll need about 4x more and the stone isn't quite as clean but stoned you damn well will be.
Decarb bud or hash 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered.
5 grams Hash or Bud dust
1 tablespoon Coconut Oil (Butter)
1/2 teaspoon Lecithin
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes.

If you need a touch more oil to make the bud dust fully wet and workable then add what you need but keep it paste like. Elmer's Glue.
Hash is 3mg to the drop
Bud dust is 1mg to 1 drop. A rice grain is 10mg. A pencil eraser worth is about 25mg.... Assume nothing when finding your zone on this stuff as it is all to easy to take to much and fly off the planet.

View attachment 5259138

160 micron dry ice Kief

View attachment 5259139

These won't just wind your clock they knock of off the mantel and smash it on the floor.
I'm very hard to stone and enough of this IS like an acid trip.
Your distress and bathroom issues are likely the high amount of oil as your work is weak in my play book.

This also doesn't build tolerance and stacks in your system instead. Taken daily most of us start to back down the dose or start skipping days as the stone accumulates and your eventually 3 feet off the ground full time.
View attachment 5259141
Order it online. DO it NOW !!! right this instant. It's a whopping $4.00

Take 25mg
Wait 2 hours
Take 50mg
Wait 2 hours
Take 100mg
Wait 2 hours
Keep doubling and waiting between until you've taken way to much and find it really is working.
If you down the whole tablespoon of paste it will have been 750mg of THC and you should be talking to GOD.
Had you used Kief-Hash it would be 2500mg of THC.
Spins and hours of the dry heaves are very possible with this stuff. There is a fine line between Bitchen and Bummer.
It's like the same damn clowns that always say they don't dream -_- because even though they don't remember, all of us do. People A) get shit quality edibles and B) Smoking/Dabbing seems to be the conventional/(normal)/standard way so most are used to a fast high for 30-45 minutes than a hour or 2 of relaxation. People DO get high on edibles, they just expect it to be the same and don't realize they even got high because it comes on slowly and peaks and stays there for 4/6/8 hours. No boom or bust like smoking, just slow and steady makes it feel "normal".
It's like the same damn clowns that always say they don't dream -_- because even though they don't remember, all of us do. People A) get shit quality edibles and B) Smoking/Dabbing seems to be the conventional/(normal)/standard way so most are used to a fast high for 30-45 minutes than a hour or 2 of relaxation. People DO get high on edibles, they just expect it to be the same and don't realize they even got high because it comes on slowly and peaks and stays there for 4/6/8 hours. No boom or bust like smoking, just slow and steady makes it feel "normal".
Excellent points about the onset. I, myself have never gotten the right kind of high from edibles. It only took me a few times to realize that I'd eaten too much and the feeling of being too high is uncomfortable and lasts too long. Some people love that feeling. Me? I'd rather do a dab or a snap bowl of some good flower because that's the familiar feeling of getting high for me.
Excellent points about the onset. I, myself have never gotten the right kind of high from edibles. It only took me a few times to realize that I'd eaten too much and the feeling of being too high is uncomfortable and lasts too long. Some people love that feeling. Me? I'd rather do a dab or a snap bowl of some good flower because that's the familiar feeling of getting high for me.
Ahhh that pesky bioavailability thing. Some people have a very aggressive first pass system through their liver CYP 3A4 system. First the edibles have to have been made properly, ie, decarbed and distributed in the solution with Lecithin because they don't mix with water. Next you need a catalyst to help you, try eating your edible with a nice fat, or alcohol, bolus. If they don't work then it's your liver which is protecting you.
Ahhh that pesky bioavailability thing. Some people have a very aggressive first pass system through their liver CYP 3A4 system. First the edibles have to have been made properly, ie, decarbed and distributed in the solution with Lecithin because they don't mix with water. Next you need a catalyst to help you, try eating your edible with a nice fat, or alcohol, bolus. If they don't work then it's your liver which is protecting you.
Some people are convinced their bodies work different than everyone else's. Lecithin and decarb both are super important to good edibles, homemade or gov bought.
There is another active thread about not having success with edibles and a guy chatting a lot about his use of lecithin. Might be worth looking at.
Those who edibles do nothing to | Rollitup
basicly eating mangos

And what if I told you I have made all sorts of edibles for years decades? capsules. candies. baked goods?

What if I told you almost everyone that has consumed my product over the years has been floored?

Now what if I told you almost none of those times did any of my own product work on me and no dispensary edible has ever worked for me?

I'm a liar right? All those batches were made wrong? The dispensaries' all did it wrong? didn't use lecithin? Didnt decarb right?

Every single person that has felt the effects are lying about it?

Every. Single. Time. It was made wrong, poor quality or low potency?

Come on man.

If I trusted any of you I'd have you send me edibles and I'd send you mine. But I dont, so I'm not.

Flame on!
kind of strange for a person that doesnt get high from edibles to make edibles for decades... but okej
Ok. We're being moderated in real time and posts being deleted. So this is pointless. Carry on without me.
because theres no reason to act this way on the forum so stop we dont allow name calling
Few things in my opinion. 1st, it's much easier and better to use MCT/Coconut oil(if not allergic) as it has a higher fat content than most butters, absorbing more and it's simply easier to use/measure. 2nd if using butter, glad you have all the extras, but there is a saturation point(who really knows how to determine thus), but 2 sticks of butter can only absorb so much THC. 1 oz to 2 cups oil/butter is the standard ratio and even on weaker strains, I've never needes more than 1.5 oz to 2 cup ratio. To get rid of all that green taste in the butter, 1) don't grind the flowers like that. It just makes filtering hard and leaves shit in the butter and you just dont need it more than finger broken for decarb. 2) if you do 1 oz flowers, 2 cups butter AND 2 cups water, when it settles, the Water pulls out all the chlorophyll and leaves shitry green smelling water to toss and leaves clean YELLOW feint flower tasting butter. Green vs yellow butter are 2 different worlds and your edibkes will show it. Butter was great, but liquid MCT is too easy to make, use and store.
Few things in my opinion. 1st, it's much easier and better to use MCT/Coconut oil(if not allergic) as it has a higher fat content than most butters, absorbing more and it's simply easier to use/measure. 2nd if using butter, glad you have all the extras, but there is a saturation point(who really knows how to determine thus), but 2 sticks of butter can only absorb so much THC. 1 oz to 2 cups oil/butter is the standard ratio and even on weaker strains, I've never needes more than 1.5 oz to 2 cup ratio. To get rid of all that green taste in the butter, 1) don't grind the flowers like that. It just makes filtering hard and leaves shit in the butter and you just dont need it more than finger broken for decarb. 2) if you do 1 oz flowers, 2 cups butter AND 2 cups water, when it settles, the Water pulls out all the chlorophyll and leaves shitry green smelling water to toss and leaves clean YELLOW feint flower tasting butter. Green vs yellow butter are 2 different worlds and your edibkes will show it. Butter was great, but liquid MCT is too easy to make, use and store.
I like both methods. I use mct for gummies
and butter for baked goods. Ime, the baked goods i make with the butter makes me a lot more hungry than the mct oil gummies. A good thing for some.

As far as green /yellow butter, doing what Kushash does will solve that. I do a doublewash as well and cant even taste any green.
Fasho guys. I make the butter. My other guy makes the oil lol. My buds are just little little popcorn and select kiefy trim. So I do use a lot more product. I actually did 2 rounds back to back lol