I get nothing but gastrointestinal distress from eating it.
Everyone else that eats my stuff gets fried, and some cant hardly walk, and had to have their wife come and pick them up.
Same with Marinol. Ive eaten 5-10 of the 20mg doses, and get nothing. Not even gastro distress. Not everyone process it the same way, and some may not have the receptors for eating it.
Ive eaten multiple doses ( 500mg ) from dispensaries, and nothing but a stomach ache.
And Ive never had any weed do me the same way as LSD. Not even in the same ballpark. I remember doing Owsley Acid in the early 70s. Read Deal California Orange, and Yellow Sunshine. Windowpane. LSD crystals. Liquid LSD. I also used to shoot LSD. Probably done that more than 200-300 times from 1970-1976. I quit everything but weed in mid 76 when I OD'd shooting 95 units of 1:1000 Epinephrine/Adrenaline.
Ive also been making Mariwafers by the book. It uses Pure Grain, Oil, and flour. People get fried on them. I get a stomach ache.
Pure Grain 190 proof
Mason Jars, NO Rubber Seals.
1:1 Ratio of Whole Wheat x White flour
Flour amounts will vary depending on size of batch. Usually 1 cup flour, to 1 cup contents.
Most any cooking oil will do. Avoid Butter.
Powder the weed/Blender
For each 200 grams you will need 1 x 1 quart jar. Leave at least 2 inches from top of jar for stirring. Do not use lids with Rubber Seals.
Rapid, or slow extraction.
Slow....Cover weed with pure grain by 1 inch.
Store in a warm place for 3-7 days Shake/Stir daily. Keep as warm as possible.90 degrees if possible. But in bag, in direct sun everyday.
Rapid extraction.....
Place weed in jar, and cover by 1 inch of pure grain. Place jar in canvas bag, in a roasting pan.
Preheat Over to 350f..... Turn off oven ...leave door closed. Wait 1 minute, and put pan/jar into the oven.
Leave jar in oven 45 minutes.
Take jar out of oven, ( HOT, use gloves ect ) shake 10 minutes
Repeat from reheating oven as you are shaking the jar to 350f, wait 1 minute ect. REPEAT 3 TIMES.
Use a cloth bag, and pour contents of jar into bag, over a large bowl. Squeeze all of the contents out into the bowl.
Evaporate alcohol.
Have good ventilation, a large fan blowing directly on the bowl for at least 4 hours, and 90 degrees heat in the room. Hotter, the better.
When alcohol level has dropped by 25% stir at least 1 HOUR never stopping. Contents will drop another 15%.
Add 1 heaping tblsp flour alternating whole wheat, and white, until mix is like runny pancake batter. You may also add Lecitin.
Use 7 x 11 baking pan for each cup of batter.
Add 1 TBLSP of oil for each 200 grams of starting material.
Grease baking sheet.
Pour in batter.
Preheat oven 250-275f Keep door slightly ajar, and have a fan blowing across, not towards the slightly ajar oven door.
Cook 30 minutes. Don't let mix bubble. May need to cook at 250f.
Remove after 1/2 hour.
Use a cookie rack with 1/2 inch squares to score the wafers. Oil the rack, press into wafers.
Put back into oven at 225f, and cook about 3 more hours, with over door ajar, and fan blowing.
Should be done.