First closet grow...NEED help!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm transplanting and FINning, wich should I do first and how long shoud I wait in between
since i want small plants do I still need to transplant them in at least 5 gallon containers? or can i do smaller
thanks a lot people
Think of it as basically a ft. per gallon. whats your height restrictions? I would transplant first... wait a couple days at least for them to get over the shock (possibly wait till you notice new growth) then top and FIN if you want.


Well-Known Member
no height restrictions but i dont want huge plants, i'll be transplanting this weekend and nutes should be here next week, they are 7 weeks and 8.5, 9 and 9.5 inches tall and my questions are:
how many more weeks to flower?
can I manipulate that if I want small plants?
I'm getting fox farm grow big and big bloom, how much nutes so i dont risk burning them?


Well-Known Member
Got any updates on pics... so is that 7 weeks from sprout? If you want shorter plants I would suggest putting into flower earlier than later, cause you can count on your plants doubling in size through a good flower period. I would suggest 3 Gallon pots depending on what size their in now. If this is your first time introducing them to nutes... I would start out with 1/4 str. Probably a tsp per gallon.


Well-Known Member
yes, 7 weeks from sprout, and the containers are 7x7x5, I will be transplanting this weekend to 3 gallon ones and wait a bit to top them and i guess they'll be ready to flower right after that or is it late to top since i have to flower early?



Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
yes, 7 weeks from sprout, and the containers are 7x7x5, I will be transplanting this weekend to 3 gallon ones and wait a bit to top them and i guess they'll be ready to flower right after that or is it late to top since i have to flower early?
impressive for cfls man :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yes, 7 weeks from sprout, and the containers are 7x7x5, I will be transplanting this weekend to 3 gallon ones and wait a bit to top them and i guess they'll be ready to flower right after that or is it late to top since i have to flower early?
Looking for new growth after topping is imperative. So I wouldnt suggest putting them into flower until you do or it will create an immense amount of stress. Transplant = stress. Topping = stress. Introducing nutes = stress. and Putting into flowering = stress. and unfortunately stress = Hermies... So the most you can space out those tasks the better. They look amazing homie, and their going to flower great. Should take on a liking to those nutes right away and love their new 3 gallon home. You planning on getting more light for flower?


Well-Known Member
should i skip toppin and go from transplant to nutes to flower? i have 2 more seedlings that are 3 weeks old wich I will be transplanting to 3 gallons this weekend and put on nukes at 4 weeks, i will be topping them when they are about 7 weeks old.....what do you think?


Well-Known Member
hey guys, my sister in law works in the biggest nursury in town and they dont carry black gold soil but she told me a mix of soil and other stuff would do it, how can i ask her for what i need without her getting suspicius of my operations, i will be going there tomorrow...she mentioned soil that is rich in nutrients but i was told to stay away from soil with nutes in it.....


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
hey guys, my sister in law works in the biggest nursury in town and they dont carry black gold soil but she told me a mix of soil and other stuff would do it, how can i ask her for what i need without her getting suspicius of my operations, i will be going there tomorrow...she mentioned soil that is rich in nutrients but i was told to stay away from soil with nutes in it.....
just ask her for a decent soil less mix


Well-Known Member
just ask her for a decent soil less mix
You're growing tomatos or a house plant or something, and you read online that that is the best thing to go with and so you want to try...or you could shop somewhere else. Is there a Lowes or Home Depot near by?


Well-Known Member
home depot and lowes are both a mile away but since she works for the nursery I can get a 30% discount, free pots and other goodies and i actually have lots of veggies already growing in my basement and i want good soil for them too so she is gonna help me mix a good soil for my babies......
I'll just ask her for a good soiless mix.......
fox farm products should be here next week hopefully....
here are some new pics...... this old dresser will be my veg chamber unless i can manage to keep them small....



Well-Known Member
home depot and lowes are both a mile away but since she works for the nursery I can get a 30% discount, free pots and other goodies and i actually have lots of veggies already growing in my basement and i want good soil for them too so she is gonna help me mix a good soil for my babies......
I'll just ask her for a good soiless mix.......
fox farm products should be here next week hopefully....
here are some new pics...... this old dresser will be my veg chamber unless i can manage to keep them small....
What are the specs on the bulbs you're using? Watts and Color temp specifically


Active Member
does anyone know why my plants would start showing sex at 7 weeks veg under 18 hours light (flourescent 40w)?


Well-Known Member
I'm transplanting today, my sister in law from the garden center will be here soon with all the stuff I'll need and we'll transplant some peppers and tomatos today and when she leaves I'll work on my other babies, i have one question:
transplant before or after they go to bed?
does it matter? i was thinking before.......
here are some pics taken today



Well-Known Member
Transplant before. haha My buddy has that fan, isnt it battery operated, if so wouldnt those thing die extremely fast? :D Would have to get a plug in for it. Plants are looking top notch, temp looks a little high, get that down a couple degrees if possible. Also what are we looking at for humidity? Good luck on the transplant, remember low stress training ;)