First closet grow...NEED help!!!


Well-Known Member
Nutes should be here tomorrow....
I've seen many pics and they are very different .......I'm a first timer and everything is new territory but thanks to you guys it makes it easier for us rookies, I hope some day I can take a rookie or more and guide them...
temp is been at 77º and humid at 46%, should i do anything to bring humid up? the wet towel on the fan? anything else i can do? or dont even bother, taking a trip to walmart this week to get a few CFLs to start to get ready to flower in a week or so, any suggestions on the CFLs? i was just gonna get 6 of the soft whites...and leave 2 daylights



Well-Known Member
Should be fine with those cfls... although it depends on when you plan to flower... Im on my first grow to... so im currently learning right along with you. 46% is a good number, I wouldnt do anything to straining to get it up.


Well-Known Member
UPS showed up with my nutes(big grow and big bloom) yeah......can I mix them up? or should i use them in different waterings.....i know i should use less than half the recommended and go up little by little.....
ok my friends, got to go to work, I'll be feeding them tonight when i get off work
thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
UPS showed up with my nutes(big grow and big bloom) yeah......can I mix them up? or should i use them in different waterings.....i know i should use less than half the recommended and go up little by little.....
ok my friends, got to go to work, I'll be feeding them tonight when i get off work
thanks a lot
Start with half a dose every other watering, then gradually work up to full strength


Well-Known Member
ok guys, my babies had their first taste of big bloom and grow big last night, here are some pics about 12 hours after the feeding, temp and humid are right on the money.....


Well-Known Member
i cant believe I wasnt thinking about making them all the same size when i transplanted, but oh well I was stoned.....2 of them are 15 inches and the other one is 13, this pics were taken about 24 hours after their first nutes, and they seem to love their new homes and food, temp is been at 77º and humid at 52/53%, thick stems and branches growing all over the place, I still wanna top them in a few days and I'm still thinking about SCROG, they are growing fast......
I wanna thank miss Pinksensa for the detail explanation on the nutes



Well-Known Member
Awwww I am so freaking proud of you they look awesome!!!!!! you could still do a scrog it would be fun for you actually or in the very least you need to pop a hole in the top edge of your containers and tie a string to the top of the stem and bend it over and tie it into the hole that you put in the edge...LST low stress training....that will make the insides bush out all giggles they look soo good they could be elizabeths cousins!!!


Well-Known Member
im reading your journal so far sounds good going to bed thoug just gonna tell u theres a link to my journal check it out i use all foxfarms organics it should help u out a lot ill be watching good luck


Well-Known Member
Pink, you are so sweet
Serioulsy are you going to tie those bitches down??? I guess Im such a focused horizontal grower that I see nice bendable plants like that and I just want to bend them and tie them...BEND THEM and THEY WILL will take care of your height issue too


Well-Known Member
1 bend and 2 ties, the 1st tie to keep the first 2 inches of the stem straight, the plant is on a 90º angle, I was gonna do a 3rd tie but I think I'll wait until the top moves toward the light a little and kinda follow the plant pattern...
what do you guys think, is this ok? should I do a 3rd tie to start forming a spiral?
I only did one plant and wait until I see what you guys have to say
thanks a lot