First Grow - 11 Days of 12/12 (PICS)


Active Member
Thanks man, I appreciate it. Been trying my best to keep them alive and hoping I get a half decent yield!


Well-Known Member
Those buds look pretty developed for only two weeks of 12/12 (at least from the pictures) good job!:leaf: Are they getting frosty yet at all? I have a bagseed that started getting frosty at about 3 weeks and wondering if that was normal.


Active Member
Yeah they're starting to look a bit frosty, I have no idea whether or not that's normal though. I guess there are a lot of variables involved. Good luck with your grow!!


Well-Known Member
Lol okay cool i was just trying to determine how my bagseed was keeping up with some real strains. :)

Edit: And thank you, good luck with yours also!


Well-Known Member
they look fine, i see a couple spots, and some twisted looking leaves. you need to check your pH, make sure youre feeding them enough now that theyre in bloom. and keep growin them buds:) youre goin great


Active Member
I don't see any twisted leaves, but Blue Mystic is Blueberry genetics. And twisty looking leaves is common in Blueberry.


Well-Known Member
You are gettin very good bud formation for 11 days into 12/12. They last 4 or so weeks are where most of your weight/bud density/size will come from. If youve come this big in the first 11 days, imagine what the last 30 will be like!
What nutes are you using and when if so did you switch to bloom nutes?


Active Member
Thanks for getting me pumped.... i see u'll be able to tell how much bud will fill in the gaps most likely! im on day 4 of 12/12 switch!